Bidding Rules: Time: 24 hrs SB: 15000 BI: 1000 BO: 20000 40 instruments!!! Okay .. it's not much of a grab bag, since I'm listing most of its contents: drum of flame dousing tambourine of exorcism 3 drum of silver 3 tambourine of silver tambourine of water dissipation tambouring air elemental slayer lap harp of silver standing harp of dragon slaying standing harp of repond slayer tambourine troll slaughter lap harp flame dousing tambourine exorcism drum of elemental health lap harp of elemental health tambourine arachnid doom standing harp air elemental slayer lap harp earth shatter lap harp summer wind lap harp gargoyle’s foe 2 tambourine arachnid doom drum of spider’s death standing harp of blood drinking lute of orc slaying lute of daemon dismissal tambourine earth shatter tambourine scorpion’s bane drum blood drinking drum snake’s bane drum terathan slayer standing harp ogre thrashing drum elemental health + a few extras