PwN presents: Public Harrower, Saturday August 18th 2pm PST

Discussion in 'Player Run Events' started by El Horno, Jul 14, 2018.

  1. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    On Saturday 18th, 2pm PST The Harrower will be summoned into a random dungeon of Sosaria. All players are welcome! The Harrower is a very dangerous opponent so expect that you will die at least three times and not be able to recover your body. I highly recommend that you not bring anything you are not prepared to lose. Join the Public Champ Group Discord to get the details on where the harrower ends up spawning.

    I would like to give a special thanks to all the players who helped obtain the skulls. I didn't keep perfect track of all those who have been helping other then PWN members, but off the top of my head @Ben S. @Fatty Mike @TheNooNoo carollocouto @Plentimon @Vincent Blackshadow Apocalypse @merlin8666

    For more information on champ spawns and the Harrower:

    NEWBIE's guide to getting platinum at a Harrower event:

    Are you worried about not being able to get platinum at the harrower event? Do not worry, nearly any template with offensive capabilities can do it.

    How do you become eligible for platinum?
    Easy, do at least 500 accumulative damage between all 3 phases. Take for example the player "Jord" in the battle log below. He didn't do any damage at ALL during phase 1, or phase 2, but was able to get 666 damage during the tentacle phase. This puts him above the 500 damage minimum, and he received platinum in his backpack when the harrower died. Please note, during the tentacle phase, the AOE life drain actually heals the tentacles so it is possible to get negative damage. To avoid this, do NOT stand in aoe range of the tentacles and keep your pets far away if you have some.
    Archer: Very easy to do 500 damage. I recommend having 2 bows, an orcish bow and a magic bow. For stages 1 and 3, just stand a couple tiles away from the harrower and shoot. Expect to be teleported onto the harrower and attacked, so be at full stamina and paying attention because your life depends on you immediately getting off of the harrower's tile. Why is this? Well it has to do with monster AI and tile distance. While the harrower is teleport any random character in 12 tile range, it will only ATTACK the closest attacker. Take a gander at the screenshot below and lets use our imagination. The green holiday coins are the harrower. If you get teleported onto the Harrower, your distance is 0 which essentially means your about to die since you are likely the closest attacker. For stage 2, switch to the orcish bow since it has increased range, and you can fire away at the tentacles non-stop while being un-teleportable. Great phase to rack up a lot of damage.
    Non-Archer Dexxer: Seems sketchy huh? But again, look at the above screenshot. The gold coins are a distance of 1 from the Harrower, so you are possiblly being attacked if you stand there. The platinum coins are DIAGONAL relative to the Harrower, and come out to a distance of roughly 1.6 tiles from the harrower. This is important because there is inevitably going to be a swarm of dragons around the harrower, filling up all the gold tiles, and taking the brunt of the harrowers damage. If you are using a non-archer dexxer, just make sure to stay on a diagonal tile. Or put more simply, if you want to plat, stand on the plat. You will still be eligible to be teleported onto the Harrower, so pay attention and be ready to move when it happens.

    Tamer: Say all kill and target the harrower for stage 1 or 2, or both. You can call your pets if they are getting low but that would mean you would need to run up, putting yourself in teleport range of the harrower. Just let the UO gods decide the fate of your beloved pets and stay out of teleport range. The only way you don't get platinum on a tamer is if you get teleported in and are dead when the harrower dies.

    Eval mage: Evaluating intelligence is basically required if you want to get platinum on a mage. Just cast energy bolt on the harrower. Always get out of teleport range while you meditate, and repeat. As an eval mage you also play an important role during phase 2 in killing the tentacles. Stand out of the tentacle aoe range and meteor swarm them. You can and often will have to target a few tiles away from the tentacle your aiming at.

    The Harrower (in both forms) will periodically teleport characters onto him, melee them, drain their stamina, and cast spells on them.
    • I have never been teleported while invis or hiding.
      • This gives tamers an advantage as you can attack with pets and then invis.
    • Reactive Armor will mitigate much of the initial attack and gives you an opportunity to survive if teleported.
    • Stamina Pots and Heal Pots will also help you survive.
    • Knowing the above, if you stay buffed w/ Strengthen and full stamina and watch your clients carefully, you should be able to survive a teleport and heal up.
    5. That being said, you will occasionally have characters get teleported and die - happens to all of us.
    • Your damage dealt is not erased when you die.
    • Quickly walk to another character of yours and resurrect yourself. You could still get plat.
    • Do not expect other people to resurrect you. Be prepared and do it yourself.
    6. Thieves will be waiting to steal your plat off your characters.
    • Invis / hide your characters when the Harrower gets to 5% or lower HP.
    • Carry a player made lockable box on each character. Cast Magic Lock on it.
    • Make sure the box has at least 20 lbs worth of stuff in it.
      • Tip: A halberd works well.
    • When the Harrower dies, immediately tab to each client and move the platinum into the locked box.
      • Tip: You can create a macro to have organizer agent do this on a loop.
    7. Leave quickly. Either gate out or recall out to a safe location.
    • Personally I just recall and drop my locked box immediately in the bank.
    • Losing 20-60 plat to pick up a few thousand gold worth of gold, regs, and/or gems makes. no. sense.
    • Your pets are similarly not worth the trouble. Leave them and come back for them.
    (Some of this information was stolen from @Gideon Jura 's post in another thread. Thank you!)

    @Keza recorded one of the last public harrowers if you want an idea of how these tend to go:

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    Last edited: Aug 11, 2018
    gitchu1000, Soear, TheNooNoo and 21 others like this.
  2. NerK

    NerK Well-Known Member
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    Apr 4, 2016
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  3. Ron Jeremy

    Ron Jeremy Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2014
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    This is going to be a good time!!!
    Karrelan likes this.
  4. Lnomer

    Lnomer Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2016
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    We will visit you... Thanx :)
    NerK likes this.
  5. Smash

    Smash Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2017
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    we look forward to seeing you and your crew there @Lnomer !!
    ElleFeyRa likes this.
  6. ElleFeyRa

    ElleFeyRa Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2015
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    I hope all crews pay a visit... make this as fun an event as possible
  7. Cronos

    Cronos Well-Known Member
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    Jan 29, 2018
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    @gitchu1000 That's Midnight my time. I'm in if you're in.
  8. Smash

    Smash Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2017
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    i think you mean.. im gonna be there - so be there or be square @gitchu1000

    hope to see you there michael!
    gitchu1000 and Cronos like this.
  9. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    Me too. These days midnight superlate for me.
    Maybe ill go to bed early and set alarm.
    gitchu1000 and Cronos like this.
  10. Cronos

    Cronos Well-Known Member
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    Jan 29, 2018
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    Yes, Yes I shall be there, as soon as I know where there is.
  11. Smash

    Smash Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2017
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    well none of us know the where at the moment!! make sure you join the discord group. we will also announce in chat and also try send gates to at least one city during the event as well
  12. Cronos

    Cronos Well-Known Member
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    Jan 29, 2018
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    I use mIRC, I’ll have to dL discord tonight.
  13. Evil Dead

    Evil Dead Well-Known Member
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    Jul 17, 2015
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    Will there be punch and pie?
    Crisco-Pjoe and Cronos like this.
  14. Cronos

    Cronos Well-Known Member
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    Jan 29, 2018
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    I brought Booze to Shad's FFA Event. I will bring booze and pie per your request.
    Evil Dead likes this.
  15. Evil Dead

    Evil Dead Well-Known Member
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    Jul 17, 2015
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    Thank thee M'lord.
  16. Cronos

    Cronos Well-Known Member
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    Jan 29, 2018
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    Happy to help Mr. Campbell.

    Evil Dead likes this.
  17. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    upload_2018-7-20_11-35-34.png + upload_2018-7-20_11-37-0.png
    gitchu1000 and Evil Dead like this.
  18. Smash

    Smash Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2017
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  19. jumpman

    jumpman Well-Known Member
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    Aug 1, 2016
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    30 minute warning!
  20. Labeler

    Labeler Well-Known Member
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    Jul 18, 2016
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