@Dr Satan I did not know where the prize room was. Thank you for the info I will have to go check them out. I'm still pretty new to the server. I've got less than a year in and this will be my first Anni event. I'm still working my way to a blessed rune book. Would love to bless that blue one.
Find a comprehensive rune library and get familiar with the layout of all the books and their respective locations. Most of the libraries will be busy so bring a keg of refresh potions to help power through obstructing bodies and improve your efficiency. A few seconds can make the difference between being first (3 points) and being fourth (0 points). If you have the time and resources, I recommend running the entire map a few days in advance of the event and marking your own runes and creating your own books. It helps to better commit unique locations to memory, allows you to tailor the organization of each location to your liking, and removes the element of others impeding your progress. It is relatively easy to get a point and a subsequent pick in the prize room, however sandals and mask dyes will tend to go first, followed by the spell/runebooks. If you're looking to land a blessed RB, you will need to put in work. Best of luck. See you on the field.
@jumpman Thank you, I use PS Rune library at the moment while I'm building on for myself. I will make it a point to copy their Scavenger hunt section and add it to mine. I'd love to have one of the blessed books. I'd also love to drive a Ferrari but I'm realistic and realize somethings are very difficult to obtain.
Ocllo's Finest Rune Library will have all runebooks fully charged prior to the first scavenger hunt this year for those interested. It is located behind Ocllo's stables:
I gave maximum effort last year to the scav hunt and ended up with nothing. I did it based on Chris' statement that medium effort would result in an item from the room. That did not play out for me so I doubt that I will participate in that piece. I guess I just don't have it.
Hey @Chris was looking at the the prize room and the chests all say 5th anny not 6th like they should. Simple fix but figured you should know
@Treasureman is a good person. I opened a ticket recently and he was beyond helpful. Looking forward to this year's event. I missed it by about a week last year. =[
All you have to do is attend one of the mazes to get a single point. It's a freebie and would let you get a pick in the prize room. On top of that, even blind luck can place you in one or two rounds. The only thing that can beat you is lack of preparation or a bad attitude.
I assume that characters that are online will get the bag automatically? Or will it require them to log out and back in to receive the bag? Also, is that 1 bag per account, or 1 per character?
@Puck - This is just untrue-I attended and completed the maze event and did not receive 1 point and hence no gift.
everyone who completes the maze event who did not otherwise score in the event gets a free point... so idk what went wrong. look at the post http://uorforum.com/threads/happy-5th-anniversary-renaissance.25623/ you can see on the scoreboard the "bonus picks" are people that didn't score but completed the maze
Chris launches the maze from an event gate after the final round of the scavenger hunt on Labor Day. Just try to follow Gideon Jura's path to complete the maze he is the greatest labyrinth runner in all Britainia.
Bump! Ocllo's Finest Rune Library is fully charged. Also, Bank N Buy at Ocllo Bank is fully charged as well! Happy 6th UOR!