I have been ignored since i won this item. I want to voice my GREATEST disappointment in this seller. Many Many attempts to pick up this item but i have been dodged and ignored. I WILL NOT be bidding on anymore items from this seller
Have you considered that he may have had to evacuate his home due to that crazy storm is going on? Hydrox is serious about his trades I don't see him trying to flake on you man
I can't believe it either man. i known him a long time, ever since i started. Thing that irritates me the most is, he has been on IRC nonstop bumping threads and advertising things to sell but every time i mention meeting up for the book, silence. He has even wrote me on IRC but like i said everytime i mention meeting up for the book, silence. I'm not sure if there is something he is not telling me or what but just the fact of procrastinating and not giving me ANY details is what i have a problem with. Its highly unprofessional. I am a business owner and if i ever left a customer hanging like that they would call somebody else and i would lose that client
you can look in IRC for yourself, at 4:26pm central time zone TODAY he was on IRC bumping anniversary clothing sale. Now if im not mistaken, he would have to be online to say that and so im confused how come for the past few days he can try to sell more items, but not meet me to make a trade or AT LEAST say something to me on IRC about when i can pick it up
The bumps are all 2 hours and 13 minutes apart. I have dealt with Hydrox for years and have confidence that he is not avoiding you.