Yes, THAT Yew Gate Villa. It can be whatever you want it to be, amazing vendor house to fence your IDOC or crafting goods; a brothel for the lowlifes like myself to hang out in. WHATEVER. YOU. WANT. Plat Accepted at 5k, HC at 4k (Up to half the purchase price may be in Plat/HC; the rest must be gold). Trades? PM me; no houses. B/O 12 Mil
Sweet spot my friend! WYNB shall always be in our hearts when we look back at this property. I made mils on that stoop. Great times!
YW, when I relocated to Vesper, I downsized my holdings, This house went back to the "owners" I bought it from a couple years back, for exactly the price I paid. Deal I made back then cause I got the place at a steal. A lot of vendors got their start there most have moved on to open their own houses or try other endeavors. This place is one of the few locations that will pay for itself in no time with the right vendors
i have personally made over 5 million gold off of 2 Vendors at this location in the last 6 months. The place is a gold mine! My vendors still occupy the steps but will be taken down upon new ownership. Great place and a Great price!
My first months here as a newbie, I regularly came here to buy my armor and weapons. Great location. Good luck selling
Thought about it.. but it would mean selling off a ton of my stuff n dont really want to do all that right now.. but na bruh my cash flow is below 10 mil atm
lol word... ok, so, I'm in Disney until Saturday night. I will try to log on tomorrow to make this trade. If I can't, I will have to please ask for your patience until this weekend. I am very good for any trade. Your understanding is very appreciated.