Crunk’s Circle of Giving GIVEAWAY!

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Crunk Juice, Dec 1, 2018.

  1. AOٌ

    AOٌ Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    I am a adventurous fellow whom has played for a good bit of time on and off since the release, being young and moving I never was able to stay long, now that I am a full grown man with his big boy pants on I plan to be here until it is no more.
    Been supporting 2 other players since my start here this year, one my brother whom has played since release on and off as he could just like me, and my girlfriend whom is going on her third month here and loving it when I'm not just forcing her to learn haha.
    So far 95% of my wealth is split between 3 players because one is new, and one runs his own business and cannot devote such time as I can, I have done rather well considering the expenses of 3×15 accounts being progresses with my coin.

    So that is my reason to be here now telling a story of my ladies first death to a PK.

    We were adventuring Ice Lands, hurting the Attic Ogre Lord population nicely, girly learning how to provoke + hit with a sword and heal, when a Murderer shows! Thaksis (maybe slightly off) the villain attacks her first off! Makes sense considering there were 2 tamers with dragons guarding next to her!

    She wiggled around for a short few seconds and was dead, screaming omg how or what just happened, I make pursuit of the murderer and my brother goes the opposite way to cut him off, he grabs AoLs (artic ogre lords) to distract and kill pets, being only a few weeks familiar with my tamer and never having PvP with pets I left them behind and chased.

    Thaksis and myself left many blood stains upon the ice in the minutes following, until he made a mistake, poisoned him and inturrpted heals with harm, chased and Ebolt, Chase and explo... 10% health for both of us as he tosses explo potions behind, one last ebolt and his head is mine!

    As I loot and cut the head he comes with a blue, me being low mana there is no choice but to run for my tames. He killed me but before he could loot my brother chased him off.

    Morale of the story is I Love UOR, and all aspects even when I am broken in the dirt from gankings, or other such fallbacks.

    Any support towards my cause has always been appreciated, good fights and good friends, the best enemies, and Long Live UOR !
    BlackEye, Willy and PaddyOBrien like this.
  2. Rad

    Rad Well-Known Member
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    Jul 24, 2017
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    Last edited: Jan 14, 2019
    One, BlackEye and Hoominaga like this.
  3. Daggoth

    Daggoth Active Member

    Mar 13, 2018
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    I have spent most of my time here robbing folks. I've funded the vast majority of time here through stealing and met some great people along the way. The most notable single item was probably a Leprechaunator I slipped from Pill. My dedication to the art has made many increase their security standards with some tough learning, and I see that as improvement for all!
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2018
    Zyler, The Crooked Warden and AOٌ like this.
  4. Willy

    Willy Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2017
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    I never dry loot when I PK. Usually just gold and restock regs.
    Always res and help them get there stuff.

    Left some real good silver weapons on corpses during Halloween. And various other great weapons everywhere. (Starting to regret that) but I think it’s good for the shard to do these things as it makes ppl more willing to leave there houses and the banks.
    Gwenno, Jesus Is King and AOٌ like this.
  5. Krampus

    Krampus Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2018
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    Yo Juice!!
  6. Bliggity

    Bliggity Member

    Oct 3, 2018
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    I brought 3 friends to the server after becoming disillusioned with another free shard (T2A shard) having never played Ren live or otherwise. I've also helped any new tamers I've come across in IRC as I myself encountered some helpful individuals and gotta pay that forward!
  7. Mr. Sandman

    Mr. Sandman New Member

    Oct 18, 2018
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    Well, it feels quite odd to toot ones horn about good deeds done. But I will perhaps use this to introduce myself to much of the shard.

    I'm a taxman. I take from the rich and redistribute that wealth to the less fortunate.

    So needless to say, this particular day I was running around our great land and decided to have a bit more fun than my usual. I decided I'd close my eyes and take from the bags of the rich folks. I found it funny this particular day to chase those who didn't like me getting too close to them. I confess I was laughing and giggling the entire time taking what I could. Some scores, but usually not so much. Well, anyway there was one particular person whose name was something akin to Smashing Heads In. He decided he'd turn the tide and began to chase me around. He dared try to KILL ME. Well, I continued to toy with him for some time. And truth be told --battling isn't quite my cup of tea. I'm a civilized man. But anyways, I got a bit distracted and regretfully say he did get me. It was my own negligence truth be told. But in good fun I laughed it off. Got back to my body which was just on the border of the guard zone. I'm now IN the guard zone taking my meezly belongings. I was just about to tell this fellow thanks for the fun and good day when he decided to Ebolt me. Enough to take me out again… and send the guard to end him. I quickly got my res while being blue he was waiting to not be a criminal. I dry looted all his belongings. It would have been an okay score. He had some leather and some 30 – 40 of each regs. Nothing really special there. Nothing that would pay for the health bills of some of the less fortunate folks in Occlo. Upon asking him why the heck he did that on his return. He said it was an auto target que mistake… not sure I believed him but I continued to chat and realized he was just a newb and needed some practice with PVP. He might as well have been some of those dear folks I was trying to help.

    I'm a pretty simple man. I take from the rich and give to those less fortunate…. But I'm no pettifogger. So in the season of giving I gave him all his possessions. He too was also in need.
    BlackEye, PaddyOBrien and AOٌ like this.
  8. Blacklow

    Blacklow Well-Known Member
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    Aug 19, 2017
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    I have been helpful to those i run into that are obviously more noobish than myself. (very few are that noobish, but i try) A small thing to us like buying a loaded spell book means the world to someone who doesn't have two gp to rub together and is wandering Ocllo trying to remember how to get started. (I know that was my favorite newbie gift from a vet)

    Other than that, i have been pretty good at feeding PKs counts as well as whatever loot i may have acquired on my farming expeditions.

    I will miss SoF striking fear into my heart every other day and teaching me the usefulness of having a good recall macro!

    Good Luck in your next adventure and i hope to see you back in the lands soon.
    AOٌ likes this.
  9. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 16, 2013
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    I just hope you guys come back sooner rather than later.
    Fatty Mike and Eskeleto like this.
  10. Valrick

    Valrick Well-Known Member
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    May 9, 2014
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    I wrote an amib guide once. It made me hate AMIBS for a good 2 years :)

    Did a naturalist guild that took way too much of my time. TBH it was the only time I mained with European players! We had a lot of fun and I appreciated the different perspectives they shared!
    BlackEye and AOٌ like this.
  11. DaBucs

    DaBucs Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2018
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    I had to delete my special SOF killed me macro :(

    Seriously though, i have tried to give back to the community a bit at a time. Ive given a couple houses to newer players when i either outgrew or didn't find i would use the place

    I have donated band aids to the last couple of resist events in payback for the awesome service that they provide :)
    and look forward to continuing to giveback to the community in the future
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2018
    Phillip likes this.
  12. Maniac

    Maniac Active Member

    Oct 15, 2018
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    I have been on this server for about a month or so now. And have been farming with my tamer every day. I now have carpal tunnel, issues with work, a higher electricity bill from macros, and 5 million gold. But happy as a lamb
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2018
    Gwenno and Salick like this.
  13. Eskeleto

    Eskeleto Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jun 11, 2017
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    My dude...I've always stood behind you and EvilDead no matter what was said about SoF or all the bs. Since day one you 2 have been nothing but kind to me and "most" of the players on this shard. We have traded with each other over the years and many times if you were in a auction I respectfully bowed out not because you can out bid a brotha by far... but because you've done it for me.

    Players come n go on this shard some are forgotten..some leave it better then it was ..some worst. I like to think you n Evil left this shard better then when y'all got here and this being my little home away from reality I thank you my dude and will miss you mofos...Dont forget about a brotha. Much much love for your both @Crunk Juice @Evil Dead n we will always be here if the dreaded SoF decides to return!!!
  14. Air

    Air Well-Known Member
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    Jan 15, 2015
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  15. The Crooked Warden

    The Crooked Warden Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    I often find myself contributing to newer players in Occlo whenever I can. Recently, I found a player that was asking if I could provide any assistance. Taking a little different approach from normal, I thought I could teach him how to fish rather than giving him the fish. We started off collecting all of the piles of wood that were left behind by an AFK lumberjack in Occlo. From there, we lured an orc to kill an AFK cotton farmer just south of the bank. All in all, he walked away with ~10k in goods and a lesson in the dark arts of money making.
    Alvien, Holden, Mr. Sandman and 4 others like this.
  16. Raag74

    Raag74 Member

    Nov 1, 2018
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    I like pie.
    Zyler likes this.
  17. Thelax

    Thelax Well-Known Member
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    Apr 12, 2016
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    This guy know the real answer he gets my vote
  18. Goblinchild

    Goblinchild Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 30, 2017
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    I have given a few houses away to new players, placed a few for them, and/or pointed out empty locations for them to place. A couple of times I have given 100k checks to new players who seemed cool to get them started on magery, etc. I have so far been paid back by one person, @TooLegit, thanks man!

    It isn't that I care to get anything back, I just enjoy helping people get started just as I liked it when I was given a few things when I got started. It's all about paying it forward.

    And...San Dimas High School Football Rules!

    TooLegit, AOٌ and Salick like this.
  19. Sara

    Sara Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2016
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    I have kept myself from saying things in forums, that would just cause drama for staff, is that a good deed??
    For real though use to try helping new players with small things like full spellbook but haven't been on IRC and all that lately, but plan to get back to it all.
    AOٌ and NCCML like this.
  20. E1000

    E1000 Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2017
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    make a mark in my memory by gifting me some 1150 sandals :)

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