A - 1124 Pants - B/O 10k B - 1124 Tunic - B/O 20k SOLD C - Glass Beads - SOLD D - 1117 Sash - B/O 5k SOLD E - 1117 Sash - B/O 5k F - 1102 Shirt - B/O 5k 1108 Pilgrim Items G - Hat - 5k B/O SOLD H - Leggings - 10k B/O I - Dress - 50k B/O SOLD J - Shoes - 50k B/O SOLD K - Doublet - 10k B/O SOLD Plat@5k
@trifectafunk I've decided to make all S/B to B/O making things cheaper and maybe easier to sell. The Dress is yours for 50k If you still want it you are the winner! Shoot me an IRC [TnT]RainZ