Awesome, I have a couple of Chars left to GM Magery. Any chance we can bring chars with higher than 50 Resist if we exclude ourselves from the give away?
Thanks to: @Hydrox for hooking me up with Regs at a fraction over cost @BlackEye for hooking me up with cloth at half off the going rate ! Rapidly running out of time this month, The Fishing Tournament starts the 20th and Resist needs to be done by then... RESIST WILL START Thurs January 10th around 6pm EST, rezbot will be working all day, so you can park, rez and be ready to rock. Be sure to accept the rez before walking away from the keys.
You can bring anyone of any level of resist into the event. The Screenshot Resist Prizes are just one way to win
This is awesome .very thankful we have the quality of players donating to this event. I will definitely be there. It will be my first !
For those helping with the casting: Once you are in place, record this macro Your Restock Agent-3 (or whichever you use) should be for 10-20 of each MS reg The target to restock from is inside the wooden chest. Circled in blue There will be two casting stations The target for your cast is the top spell book on the purple pedestal. Circled in Red.
Pop Up Event BONUS Through screenshot/post Show your IRISH ! Most votes in the next 24hrs wins. Need not be present at the event to win... and the 4 piece blessed leppy suit is yours (get your friends to vote on your post that's how you win)
the only Irish tourist photo I have, mind you it's the only one I needed too (St James Gate, Dublin, Eire)