Fair Market. Daily Charity.

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Xavant_BR, Jan 4, 2019.

  1. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    Hello everyone... First of all i hope all of you had a great Christmas time, and a nice new year!
    I philosophized about the meaning of it and(as you can realize in my forum activity) i dont feel ashamed to share this insight here.
    Today i had contact with a joke about some ethical group of values(nothing wrong about it, i make it all the time) and "advertised charity" on irc. That interaction brought to my mind this subject again!
    For us in the shard the thanksgiving and Christmas are simply kill mobs, gets rares/wealth, enjoy the experience... Hours dedicated just for it. But i also hade more contact with the kindness and charity acts. The christmas spirit touched the heart of some players this days... Lots of newbs asking and getting help. And the amazing player run events? Stunning!
    Secret Santas gift exchange for exemple!!!!
    Was a pleasure to participate not just because of the great gift i got, was amazing. But because came with a anonymous message. And was not a generic message, was very specific. Thats make me think about what is the real charity! In my mind this is the real spirit of the things.

    Last days i read a topic about a guy offering his services of business adviser, to avoid newbies to get tricked in negotiations by non ethical opportunistic players. Look how dirty this world is becoming? When is about money, some players usually forget all the learnings that his parents passed to him (or maybe his parents hadn't passed this to them).
    This message is to those who behave bad, buying systematically items from newbies for the lower price possible, using techniques to harm the newbies
    consciousness about what they are doing. If you know the market price of something, say it! Dont fake ignorance. And if is a new player you are trading with, pay the higher price you could if you have condition.. This is the real charity.. The daily one, that one that doesnt requires to be advertised and sometimes is not even recognized in the daily context. It doesnt matter how fucking good was your christmas gifts and acts or if you helped someone... if you are a dick head in the rest of the year. If you just give something to use it as a moral authority argument latter, you are just helping you.
    Fuck this "free market" talk. The market should be free from the anti ethical behavior and greed.

    I dont know if is the winter effect but i am seeing lots of new players coming to the shard... we have a chance to give them the best examples. I think the totality of the shard players behave very good, but we know a little number still see a newb as a business opportunity. This happened with me maybe two times in my short shard history, i was not so important to me... but i know some young that left the shard after it..

    Ethics are not linked with religion(or absence of it), political positioning, country. Is just the values that you bring from your home to the shard... And please try to bring just the good things about you to our virtual ecosystem.
    Have a nice 2019!
    One, TheDarkOne and NCCML like this.
  2. NCCML

    NCCML Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 18, 2018
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    I agree with everything you said, except the end. Jesus told us to love our neighbour as ourself over 2000 years ago.

    That pretty much sums up everything you wrote.

    To imply that good comes from parents (or people in general), and boom it's as simple as that, all you have to do is follow your parents (or ethics, however you want to frame it) is dangerous. Being human is vastly more complicated than that. And each of us, as human beings, stumbles in our own way. We aren't a source for good. We are a conduit for good to work through us. But we need to look to God to guide us in that. As you have very rightly observed, its wickedness that comes easily to people. Paul talks about this in Romans. He says why is it that I do what I will not to do (I do things that are wrong, when I know darn well I shouldnt), and the things I will to do, I do not (I know what the right thing to do is, yet I choose the wrong path).

    So yeah, I agree with you. You are observing what the Bible has been teaching for thousands of years.
  3. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    Jesus rocks man!
    But i think if you open your heart.... you will not think better... that detail will not sums everything i wrote.
    Maybe the language barrier makes me not use the right words.
    What i try to told is: you can pray lots of times in a day, pay your taxes, distribute gifts, respect your moral authorities, and you will continue to be a stupid if in your daily life you try to take advantage from everyone specially from the most fragile, the newbs. So your ethics could not be based in what you do and express in front of the society. Your ethic positioning should follow you in every act of your daily activity.. in every trade, in every hunt... be nice, make the everyone experience nice!
    less greed! best profit is distribute love.

    @Igor "what is that? a cockroach selling dedetizers?

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    Last edited: Jan 5, 2019
    TheDarkOne and NCCML like this.
  4. NCCML

    NCCML Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 18, 2018
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    Again, totally agree. It's about the things you set your heart on, not what you show on the outside. I believe that it's Gods grace and guidance that allows us to do that.

    In fact, that's why Jesus was crucified. He kept calling out the religious leaders for their hypocrisy. He kept telling them that putting on a show isn't what God wanted from them. That's what he was referring to when to told Nicodemus that he had to be born again of the spirit. Being born of the spirit is being born into God, and following Him. Leaving behind the man or woman that we were when all we focused on was ourselves and things of flesh, and instead setting our minds on Him and the things of the spirit, love, light, truth, grace, forgiveness, it's a long list.

    Jesus said that hating your brother is equal to murder. He also said that looking at women lustfully is the same as adultery. Now, obviously thoughts aren't physically equal to the actions. But they are a reflection of the condition of our hearts, if these are sustained habits. Every brain on the planet has to sort the trash from the good stuff. I am not saying you will ever reach a point where you wont ever have a thought that is garbage (in fact, that's impossible). What I am saying is that you can make a choice to take that ugly thought and cast it out the window. Choose what is right.

    This is what you are speaking of. This is the message that Jesus brought. And then he took all of our own iniquity on himself, and died nailed to a cross. He permanently cleared our record, and he asks nothing from us, but that we believe in Him and choose to follow Him. To look to Him to guide us. His gift is free and complete, and permanent.
    TheDarkOne, PaddyOBrien and Xavant_BR like this.
  5. Igor

    Igor New Member

    Dec 27, 2018
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    ******* weirdos ^
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2019
  6. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    You are here, playing a game from 1998, behaving and expressing yourself like a angry teenager... what is the meaning of "weirdos" to you?

    I wish you more love in your life in this new year.. Happy 2019!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2019
    TheDarkOne, Blacklow and NCCML like this.
  7. Igor

    Igor New Member

    Dec 27, 2018
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    i dont see how a game being from 1998 has anything to do with you being a weirdo and a socialist?
  8. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    Dont drive the speech to another way.. lets focus in this @Igor :
    1- You dont know much about be, just my words here was not sufficient to you "brand" me like you done. But something i know about you... you have lots of pain in your heart (and this is weird)
    2- Being agressive like a not loved child(this is weird too)
    3- You judged someone based in some kind of psychotic ideological ruler.
    4- And if i was a socialist? you will consider me an enemy without even knowing me?

    I just have reported that comment that you offend me... heavy words to mention someone boy... Gratuity aggression?!

    That thing about the game age as just a detail. You are muted!
    TheDarkOne, Blacklow and NCCML like this.
  9. Blacklow

    Blacklow Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Aug 19, 2017
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    Well Put @Xavant_BR , both in your original post and in your response to obvious hate messages from what appears to be an account only used to troll others.
    TheDarkOne likes this.

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