I may be wrong (I don't think I am though) but I do recall during renaissance (at least part of it) that you could equip chainmail armor underneath plate. (At least in the case of chest piece and legs) Anyone else remember this? Why isn't it active?
I remember this as well...although with balanced stats already nearly being a requirement, the added dex loss would be terrible.
It would work in some scenarios and I wouldn't mind having the option. It makes for some cool Pvm scenarios where you maybe able to kill a mob you usually can't. I remember I could solo drakes ok my warrior with good armor of course. I think renaissance they also made it so you could have over 100 in a stat.
I remember doing this on a T2A shard, but as Mobo said, with the Dex loss here, it would be terrible. I can very easily solo drakes here with a warrior with any decent set of armor and weapon.
I've solo'd drakes on my peacemaking fisher/warrior before -- no magery, no armor and a bronze runic katana. They don't take long to take down. Dragons or Wyrms on the other hand...
I'm talking straight up warrior, but in my case, a parry warrior: http://www.uorenaissance.com/?page=m_player_mobKills&fn=7713 I've solo'd drakes, titans, ogre lords (I actually had more ogre lord kills before this was being tracked) Dragons can also be done but it's a real bitch.
My point was purely that it can be done without much effort, with 0AR equipped -- and doesn't need chainmail under platemail for added AR. Thats not to say this isn't A) era accurate, or B) out of the realm of possibility here -- I haven't done patch note digging yet to try to see if I can find where armor layering was modified, merely pointing out at a semi-extreme point in the spectrum that its not necessary for the goal.
Armor layering is a pain in the nuts to implement, I suspect. (It's why the "defensive" cloaks and robes in the platinum/vet reward system are not providing any defense at the moment). And really, there's not much point. Rather than making people wear two pieces of armor to block more damage, why not just make the individual pieces block more damage?
I was meaning a straight dexxer, no peacemaking involved. And I was just point out that it was definitely something in era that's not currently on this shard which is from that era