Hello! I played UO back in 1997-1998. I am trying it again, and decided on this Freeshard as it seems the best fit for me. However, I am having a problem. I have a 42" display infront of me. I downloaded and installed the windows UO:R game package with Razor, and configured Razor and logged in. I see Razor is working, as my character name is in the window title. My problem? I can move all the elements around the screen like the enhanced client, but I can't seem to resize the game window to fill out more of my 1080P display. Am I missing something, or isn't this possible? Thank you for anyone who can help me out! https://drive.google.com/open?id=1IEznSF0ZXKG9KC755lL8LgL3fsDYCmpu
1. Alt + O (Options) 2. set game window size in options to 800x600 3. Razor more options. Force game size Width x Height 4. check and set then go into the ingame options and click apply. http://www.uor-razor.com/help/moreoptions/ --- I recommend using this razor http://www.uor-razor.com/
Thank you for the quick reply! I didn't upgrade Razor yet, but I did as you instructed. It worked well for me! as my SS below shows I have a full window. maxing out the rez of the game window(I set it in razor for 1920x1080) My only issue is that I no longer can zoom in and out with mousewheel. I actually don't remember if I tried doing that with this client, but I know on the enhanced on the live server(trial) I could. is zooming in and out not possible? Its no game breaker. I just sometimes like a more "In Yo Face" view of my Pixelated Pioneer. Thanks again for your help Baler, and hats off to all who bothered to read this thread. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1DtPFGNdzW20qh6lOgsSJ5TqH9xvNccsJ
I found a happy middle ground. I reduced my desktop resolution to 1600x900 and set the resolution in Razor (the new version Balor Linked), and its Thank you Alex, it was as I suspected. I found a happy middle ground. I reduced my desktop resolution to 1600x900 and set the resolution in Razor (the new version Baler Linked), and its completely playable now for me. Thank you and Baler for responding and helping me out! https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZB0TxUmn1emrQccPE9fPBTVkFDUxvfxD I'm off to explore the new player experience.
I am renowned as the typo king. I did however correct my spelling mistake before you posted, so at least I caught it. I appologize for mispelling your name.