
Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by triXta, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Translation: I got here late and I don't want everyone to be ahead of me.

    Answer: Oh well. There are going to be new people joining months and years after launch day who will never be able to 'catch up' to some old timers. Wipe the server every time a new player joins? I think not.

    Besides, Relpor is all over the place. Sure, the fact that everything is custom and new is an attraction for new players but everything there is subject to change at any time and the whole server is based on nothing in particular. Personally I like a server that is stable and is at least partially based on a specific set of rules. Server pop will handle itself in time too. Gimmicks and flash can inflate player base rapidly early on, but a genuinely good server will attract and keep long term players over the course of many years.
  2. Gharik

    Gharik Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 19, 2012
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    This is why I love you HC...

    Zagyg is officially one of my new favorite people.

    Some of us have been here since the alpha stage of testing. We've already been wiped once, and allowing us to keep what characters we have is a nice little reward for our efforts. Don't get your panties all in a wad if you didn't get here in time to get to our level. In due time the characters will all balance out as everyone weans themselves off the macroing and starts playing.

    I've written a fairly extensive guide on how to get started here. If you can't get your feet off the ground by using that, I don't know what to tell you. There is still plenty of time to get 2 characters to a useful level to get a nice jump on live.

    There will always be new players. I can already see people opening up a vote for a server wipe a year or two down the line. Communism has been a proven failure time and time again. Bottom line is, we were here, we did the majority of the testing, we are being rewarded for it. Don't like it? *points* There's the door.
  3. Rainbow

    Rainbow Member

    Jun 25, 2012
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    Zailm you'll be fine. Don't worry about what everyone else has. This server has been on JOinUO for a while now, and has been mentioned on UOSA for 2 months. The staff even posted a thread about it there saying is was a scam or something which is obviously isn't. Everyone has had a chance to come here and test and take advantage of getting a few players completed.

    The problem is alot of players chose not too. Now that this server is picking up and more and more players are deciding they want to play doesn't mean the people who have been here 3 weeks to 2 months should have to give up everything they have worked for in regards to their characters because new players decide to make the jump late.

    Starting everyone 100% over day 1 would be the mistake. It was put out at the beginning of Beta int he thread that the rewards you would receive are as follows:

    1. Keep your characters.
    2. Can change and Characters name before day 1.
    3. Can change forum name before day 1.

    So everyone who came here in time to build characters and to test things in beta have earned this reward, based off of what the staff put out on day 1 of beta. The only people who seemed to be pissed off about it is you. I know of several players who started 1 week ago and have no issues with the players who have been here for longer.

    It's already going to be a successful day 1 because we already have an online count of 126 and it will probably be higher. 3-6 months down the road from now the population should be nice. If people don't want to make the jump from other servers that's fine. But coming on here saying a wipe is whats needed for a successful launch is about the stupidest comment I have ever heard in all of my days of playing UO. Starting back Nov 1997.

    You should have gotten here earlier... Honestly in my opinion you are probably some die hard from another server hoping that the staff here would actually listen to you. That would kill the server more then help it. The current player base has put so much time into building their characters. To make the start over would be cruel especially when they were told from the time they got here they would get to keep their players.

    If you don't like it. You can always go Play UOSA, Rel Por, Hybrid or other servers. I here you get handed characters on those servers. 7x in as little as 1-3 days avg. If you wanna a real server, where you actually earn your characters, where there are no LOLtrammy handouts, and people actually have a sense of achievement then by all means Welcome to UO:R. If not go play one of those others.

    Read up on everything before you rush to judgement. Even players joining 3 months from day 1 will have a chance to place a large house in a good spot or place a great Vendor house... There are more Viable PvP templates here then anywhere, We have UO:R housing with 2 additions ( Large Keep and Fortress) with T2A housing rules, factions, an already established great playerbase, a great staff, the BEST website of any UO Freeserver, plus tons more..

    Miss out on it if you want..
  4. Matticus409

    Matticus409 New Member

    Aug 1, 2013
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    In pretty sure renaissance had
    Power hour
  5. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Is this the first nearly one year thread An Corp we've had yet?


    To respond on your point, yes, Power Hour was enabled in Publish 4, , on 3/8/2000

    Accurate to era, but not really a balanced system as far as I see it.
  6. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    This thread = hilarious.
  7. Gharik

    Gharik Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 19, 2012
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    Thanks for the trip down memory lane Blaise haha.
  8. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Welcome back Rainbow and HateCrime!.... oh... :(
  9. Rainbow

    Rainbow Member

    Jun 25, 2012
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  10. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    lol he's back
  11. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    Welcome back! You left a short time before I arrived I believe. :)
  12. Rainbow

    Rainbow Member

    Jun 25, 2012
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  13. Rainbow

    Rainbow Member

    Jun 25, 2012
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    Thanks bro.
    [Mobolin] likes this.

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