So long and thank you

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Sembo, Feb 19, 2019.

  1. Sembo

    Sembo Member

    Jan 26, 2019
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    This was an amazing return to my younger life to get to play UO again. I enjoyed UO starting in 1997 and ending in late 2000. There has never been another game quite like it and I am so thankful for @Chris and his staff for taking me back to a better time in my life.

    Today I got griefed while mining for sandstone in the Delucia Cave. My body locked up like it does when I get into stressful situations. I had spinal surgery for a tumor in my spine in 2011 and the nerve damage affected the motor functions (among other things). If I had not locked up I could have run to Delucia and been under guard protection as I was right near the entrance. I watched as my character got killed and remembered all the griefing done to me and that I did to others back in the day. it was wonderful to feel that again even tho the stress caused my motor functions to lock up painfully.

    This is not complaining or rage quitting. I enjoyed the moment actually. The reason I have to leave is that those lockups I get are cripplingly painful. This lockup was brief, maybe only a few seconds but for a good 15 minutes later my hands and legs were burning with nerve pain. Doctors aren't sure what the pain is but it's related to restless leg syndrome. A common thing for people with nerve issues.

    I had a few other instances while playing. Once during an IDOC where I got my Villa north of that cave exit, SE of Trinsic. Another time taming my first dragon which whooped me a bunch of times as I locked up repeatedly trying to tame it.

    Still, I enjoyed every minute on this shard. Keep up the good work and maybe when I feel better or if I can get some drugs that actually help the tremors and lockups I'll come back.

    To the players and guilds that do the player run events you are truly the life of this shard. I couldn't participate in much but you make the game worth playing as the grind just gets old. My anxiety got the better of me in the last one but I so wanted to run naked through the Ice Dungeon.

    To the players and guilds with amazing artistry skills in home decor it was beautiful to see that things you accomplished. I love the dragon head above Destard especially. So many great sites and homes. It was one of the things I was hoping to get into while I was here. When I was up for it I would wander the world in search of people's houses to admire the creativity.

    To the griefers and PK's. You need a place too and I know all to well the catharsis of doing what you do. When I had a rough day at work or life was shit for some reason there wasn't a miner, lumberjack or, well, anyone really that was safe near the Chaos shrine that I lived near back in the old days. These days there are very few good games that not only treats the PK well but rewards them with loot and gratification while still making it risky.

    Alas, it's time for me to go. It was awesome to get away from this life and immerse myself in this again. Please keep this shard going. I have no money to donate as I'm on disability but would if I could. Maybe I can spare a few pennies when I (hopefully) come back.

    Xavant_BR, Kirby, Lord Sky and 22 others like this.
  2. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Dang, that sounds pretty extreme. I can have my heart beat almost out of my chest and it can be uncomfortable, but not that bad! Glad you could stop by and experience some of the other good things about the shard and good luck to you!
    Pharoah and One like this.
  3. Valrick

    Valrick Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 9, 2014
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    Personal health first!!!
    Ragar likes this.
  4. Steady Mobbin

    Steady Mobbin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2016
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    Sorry you cant stay but thanks for sharing and I good luck to you and your health!
  5. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Hmm should come hang out with us this Friday.

    We have our very own no drama llama. It's pretty cool.
    One likes this.
  6. One

    One Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 3, 2023
  7. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Nope ... keep it pretty loose. Friday "night", Merica time.
    One likes this.
  8. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Apr 3, 2013
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    I've played a crazy variety of games in my life and UO is easily the most anxiety-causing game I've played, so I understand this completely. Take care!
    Miami likes this.
  9. Miami

    Miami Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jan 26, 2019
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    We all come back to it.
  10. Sembo

    Sembo Member

    Jan 26, 2019
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    I'm back!

    Thank you all for the kind words. About a week after I posted this I went to a routine checkup with my primary care. I told her that I had found this game again after nearly 20 years but had to quit because of my nerve and brain issues. She made an appointment with a new neurologist that specialized in epilepsy and brain function. I saw him last week and am now on a cocktail of new drugs. These main drug suppresses the tremors and helps prevent the lockups (stiff person syndrome my neurologist called it). Another drug is a muscle relaxer that helps with the tremors.

    I told him about this game and he told me to wait a few days for the drugs to start working and to try it out. My first day back I roamed around looking for a PK. Found one in Destard (go figure). NO LOCKUPS! My heart beat pretty fast and I was pretty excited. I didn't have a good pvp build so all I could do was run around and try to KOP out (what we called recalling out back in the day, short for Kal Ort Por).

    The side effects are a doozy tho. I can't seem to think straight and remembering hot key combinations seems to be beyond my brains capacity. The Doc said the side effects would subside after about a week or two. Here's hoping.

    For now, I've been rebuilding after all my houses fell. I noticed someone put up a Villa in my old spot and named it "Tyra's old villa." When it was mine it was named after my main character Tyra Misu. You guys have a sense of humor on here for sure.

    I may not be able to PVP or even seriously PVM with these drugs but it seems like farming is a lot less frustrating than before. Perhaps I'll just take it easy, farm supplies and do BoDs. I never got into those back in the day (I honestly don't remember them at all.).

    I'll try to come to a Friday night thing in Occlo some time. It's good to be back and not in pain. Hope to meet you all for a drink in Occlo sometime soon.
    Karrelan, Mr. Green, DaBucs and 11 others like this.
  11. Chadarius

    Chadarius Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Wow. That is awesome. I hope it works out for you! Have you thought about any dietary changes? I recently started doing the Keto diet which was created at the Mayo clinic in the 1920s to help children with epilepsy. Of course I'm doing it to reduce inflammation, get healthier and lose weight. But it might be something to look into.
    NCCML likes this.
  12. Steady Mobbin

    Steady Mobbin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2016
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    Lol, that is me. I stumbled upon your place and watched it fall. Well I noticed it was IDOC and tried to be there for the fall but arrived seconds after the scavengers ran off with your stuff. I placed a house and then seconds later Ragnar showed up presumably to take the spot.

    Let me know if you really want the spot back and I’d be willing to sell it back to you if it’s important to you. I barely use it.
  13. Sembo

    Sembo Member

    Jan 26, 2019
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    All good. You got it the same way I got it. Keep it or sell it to someone that will use it. I have a sandstone I'm happy with now south of it
    Steady Mobbin likes this.
  14. noah

    noah Member

    Jan 3, 2019
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    dude you have no idea how awesome you just made uo look doggy, lke youre going into spinal surgery over ultima holy shit pwned dogg.
    Sembo and Miami like this.
  15. Alvien

    Alvien Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2017
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    You are a champion, welcome home.
    Sembo likes this.
  16. Steady Mobbin

    Steady Mobbin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2016
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    Also, if you are forced to leave again temporarily (or otherwise)Let one of us know. I’d be (and I’m sure other would) happy to help keep your items/houses safe for your eventual return.

    We all return.
    Sembo likes this.
  17. Sembo

    Sembo Member

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Truth right there. Damn but the community here is tighter than any other game I've played. Thank you for the offer to keep it up. If I end up in surgery again or the drugs fail for some reason I'll reach out. The side effects are pretty killer so I may have to switch drugs. I've died lots of times now just because I can't think straight or remember a hot key I just used seconds ago.

    Been thinking about that house and your offer to sell. PM me your price. I'm still pretty new and don't have a lot of gold yet but I can farm some up fairly quickly. All I've got is time these days. That house was going to be something I wanted to decorate more than anything else so if the price is right I'll farm up the gold for it.
  18. Steady Mobbin

    Steady Mobbin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2016
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    There have been MANY other folks here helping me out along the way and Im happy to "pass it on" in this case.

    You can have the place back for deed cost or coordinate to meet there and I can pull mine down. Let me know.

    I am also on IRC a lot.

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