Hey all, Ive been gone for a bit but Im back playing some so thought I would get myself a home to live out of. I'm looking for a spot with no spawn, no neighbors, on the grass, in the forest (no jungle). Bonus gold for a location with cool features nearby... I know its somewhat picky, but hey, If I'm gonna buy I might as well buy the exact thing I want? amirite? So, show me what ya got for sale!
I collapsed just such a place on the south coast of fire island. Will see if it is still empty for you later on this evening.
Not really what you're looking for but I've had this 2 story L for sell for a bit. Barely above deed. http://uorforum.com/threads/wts-2x-2-story-houses-near-yew-gate-s-b-reduction.39408/
This is what you want: http://uorforum.com/threads/small-s...t-north-of-britain-moongate-and-mining.40140/ Its more of an "I" shape though, much more aerodynamic than an L Right next to a rune library, event center, no aggressive spawns and guard zone. Join the finest UO:R neighborhood just outside Britain!
Thanks for the heads up on property guys. I had been trying out a couple of spots that I had found before I posted and I think I settled on this one. I know I said no spawn but I was able to dispatch the hind with one of my crafters so all is safe now. Just shows that you can still place larger houses with relative ease here. Thanks again all!
Good job placing it, they are straight forward if you have time or patience. I managed to place a large brick near the pathway between hedge maze and skara, with no neighbours really and no spawn, also an L shape right next to the mountains where the minax base sits and a villa just outside Vesper in the forest with the whole screen to myself. There are spots like this all over - just need to dig deep
Love that spot you found by Skara, looking at the UOR map it shows a tower there back when the map last updated (early feb?) I am the only one on my screen even with it maxed out. I have a huge front yard and a huge back yard (although the guy in the tower behind me might think that its his *front* yard...but I know better)