Are you a recluse? Do you hate pesky neighbors popping up on your screen all the time with their Kal Ort Por's or cheerful morning greetings? Maybe your just tired of watching local tamers not stoop down to cleanup the mess their dragons leave behind? Well my friend do i have the tower for you! This secluded tower features the standard three secure rooms, spacious entryway and a beautiful rooftop patio! But the major highlight of this bachelor pad is it has no other houses on screen, and is located well off the beaten path up by the Pecuniary Pointe! Outside of rare spawn hunting season, there is no reason for anyone to wander past unannounced. Fish from your roof, drop additional houses around to store CUB bags, or just enjoy the nice view with virtually no aggressive spawn. SB - 700k Plat @ 5k HC @ 3.5k Scrolls @ 200k *edit - standard 48/24 timers*
only on the market for about 11 more hours if you are feeling nostalgic and want to throw in a bid at it