Looking for a price check on anniversary bags.

Discussion in 'Trading Post' started by Ciet, May 11, 2019.

  1. Ciet

    Ciet Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Feb 22, 2013
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    Bags as follows top right to bottom
    1st column
    1st year anniversary
    o fireworks wand
    o green beaded necklass (Hue 1271)
    o sash (Hue 1284)
    Happy holidays 2013
    o fireworks wand
    o Fruitcake
    o Happy holidays

    2nd column

    2nd year anniversary
    o fireworks wand
    o orange jester (1359)
    o orange bracelet(1359)
    o Hair restyle
    2nd year anniversary
    o fireworks wand
    o blueish hue shoes (1159)
    o blueish hue earrings(1159)
    o Hair restyle

    3rd column
    3rd year anniversary
    o fireworks wand
    o Purple earrings (1374)
    o Purple tunic (1374)
    o Hair restyle
    3rd year anniversary
    o fireworks wand
    o Purple cape(1374)
    o Purple earrings(1374)
    o Hair restyle

    4th column
    4th year anniversary
    o fireworks wand
    o Yellow skull cap (1281)
    o red ring (1172)
    o Facial hair growth and sculpting cream
    4th year anniversary
    o fireworks wand
    o red skirt (1172)
    o Red Bracelet (1172)
    o Clothing Bless deed
    4th year anniversary
    o fireworks wand
    oYellow Kilt (1281)
    o Yellow ring (1281)
    o Hair restyle

    5th column
    5th year anniversary
    o fireworks wand
    o Floppy hat (1376)
    o Earrings (1376)
    o Facial hair growth and sculpting cream
    5th year anniversary
    o fireworks wand
    o Necklace (1376)
    o apron (1195)
    5th year anniversary
    o fireworks wand
    o beaded necklace (1195)
    o Sash (1195))
    o Facial hair growth and sculpting cream

    6th column
    6th year anniversary
    o fireworks wand
    o head sash (1268)
    o Beaded necklace (1282)
    o Facial hair growth and sculpting cream
    5th year anniversary
    o fireworks wand
    o shirt (1268)
    o ring (1268)
    hetmasteen, rick, Zyler and 2 others like this.
  2. Phaero

    Phaero Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 24, 2014
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    If I were going to sell these items, this is ballpark what I would expect to get. You'll only really know by doing an auction though!

    Bags as follows top right to bottom
    1st column
    1st year anniversary
    o fireworks wand
    o green beaded necklass (Hue 1271) 350/400k
    o sash (Hue 1284) 300-500k might bring more though!
    Happy holidays 2013
    o fireworks wand
    o Fruitcake
    o Happy holidays
    2nd column
    2nd year anniversary
    o fireworks wand
    o orange jester (1359) 500-750k (might break a mil since it is alot of cloth when cut)
    o orange bracelet(1359) 150-200k
    o Hair restyle
    2nd year anniversary
    o fireworks wand
    o blueish hue shoes (1159) 750k-1m
    o blueish hue earrings(1159) 200-300k
    o Hair restyle

    3rd column
    3rd year anniversary
    o fireworks wand
    o Purple earrings (1374) 100k
    o Purple tunic (1374) 300k
    o Hair restyle
    3rd year anniversary
    o fireworks wand
    o Purple cape(1374) 300k
    o Purple earrings(1374) 100k
    o Hair restyle

    4th column
    4th year anniversary
    o fireworks wand
    o Yellow skull cap (1281) 100k
    o red ring (1172) 75k
    o Facial hair growth and sculpting cream
    4th year anniversary
    o fireworks wand
    o red skirt (1172) 150k
    o Red Bracelet (1172) 75k
    o Clothing Bless deed 100k
    4th year anniversary
    o fireworks wand
    oYellow Kilt (1281) 150k
    o Yellow ring (1281) 75k
    o Hair restyle

    5th column
    5th year anniversary
    o fireworks wand
    o Floppy hat (1376) 100k
    o Earrings (1376) 75k
    o Facial hair growth and sculpting cream
    5th year anniversary
    o fireworks wand
    o Necklace (1376) 75k
    o apron (1195) 200k
    5th year anniversary
    o fireworks wand
    o beaded necklace (1195) 75k
    o Sash (1195)) 150-200k
    o Facial hair growth and sculpting cream

    6th column
    6th year anniversary
    o fireworks wand
    o head sash (1268) 75k
    o Beaded necklace (1282) 75k
    o Facial hair growth and sculpting cream
    5th year anniversary
    o fireworks wand
    o shirt (1268) 100k
    o ring (1268) 75k
    Jill Stihl, Ciet, rick and 1 other person like this.
  3. Ciet

    Ciet Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Feb 22, 2013
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    Thank you for the great information!
    If anyone else has input I'll take it as well Probably start posting these for sale soon!

    Edit: what is the best place to start an auction for these items? 1gp?
    Last edited: May 11, 2019
  4. twarf

    twarf Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2017
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    If I were you I would separate the clothing and jewelry from the CBDs and hair restyles etc.
    CBDs - 100k a pop
    Hair / beard restyle (50k on npc) so maybe 40-45k?
    All jewelry SB 50k-75k is a good start (older ones will go for more)
    Clothes - @Phaero did a solid summary for you

    Just my 2 cents.
    I will certainly bid on some of these items - good luck
    Lord Sky likes this.
  5. rick

    rick Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 10, 2014
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    I think SB cloths depends on the year do not do a 1gp sb better you lower the price if you not sell
    SB 1yr 500k
    SB 2yr 400k
    SB 3yr 200k
    SB 4yr 100k
    SB 5and6yr 50-75k

    SB jewelry
    1 yr sb 400k
    2 yr sb 200k
    3 yr sb 100k
    4,5,6 yr sb 75k

    The 1st year anni bags you probably can get pretty good money for
    1st year bag sb 20k
    2nd year bag sb 10k
    Lord Sky likes this.
  6. Ciet

    Ciet Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Feb 22, 2013
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