Bags as follows top right to bottom 1st column 1st year anniversary o fireworks wand o green beaded necklass (Hue 1271) o sash (Hue 1284) Happy holidays 2013 o fireworks wand o Fruitcake o Happy holidays 2nd column 2nd year anniversary o fireworks wand o orange jester (1359) o orange bracelet(1359) o Hair restyle 2nd year anniversary o fireworks wand o blueish hue shoes (1159) o blueish hue earrings(1159) o Hair restyle 3rd column 3rd year anniversary o fireworks wand o Purple earrings (1374) o Purple tunic (1374) o Hair restyle 3rd year anniversary o fireworks wand o Purple cape(1374) o Purple earrings(1374) o Hair restyle 4th column 4th year anniversary o fireworks wand o Yellow skull cap (1281) o red ring (1172) o Facial hair growth and sculpting cream 4th year anniversary o fireworks wand o red skirt (1172) o Red Bracelet (1172) o Clothing Bless deed 4th year anniversary o fireworks wand oYellow Kilt (1281) o Yellow ring (1281) o Hair restyle 5th column 5th year anniversary o fireworks wand o Floppy hat (1376) o Earrings (1376) o Facial hair growth and sculpting cream 5th year anniversary o fireworks wand o Necklace (1376) o apron (1195) 5th year anniversary o fireworks wand o beaded necklace (1195) o Sash (1195)) o Facial hair growth and sculpting cream 6th column 6th year anniversary o fireworks wand o head sash (1268) o Beaded necklace (1282) o Facial hair growth and sculpting cream 5th year anniversary o fireworks wand o shirt (1268) o ring (1268)
If I were going to sell these items, this is ballpark what I would expect to get. You'll only really know by doing an auction though! Bags as follows top right to bottom 1st column 1st year anniversary o fireworks wand o green beaded necklass (Hue 1271) 350/400k o sash (Hue 1284) 300-500k might bring more though! Happy holidays 2013 o fireworks wand o Fruitcake o Happy holidays 2nd column 2nd year anniversary o fireworks wand o orange jester (1359) 500-750k (might break a mil since it is alot of cloth when cut) o orange bracelet(1359) 150-200k o Hair restyle 2nd year anniversary o fireworks wand o blueish hue shoes (1159) 750k-1m o blueish hue earrings(1159) 200-300k o Hair restyle 3rd column 3rd year anniversary o fireworks wand o Purple earrings (1374) 100k o Purple tunic (1374) 300k o Hair restyle 3rd year anniversary o fireworks wand o Purple cape(1374) 300k o Purple earrings(1374) 100k o Hair restyle 4th column 4th year anniversary o fireworks wand o Yellow skull cap (1281) 100k o red ring (1172) 75k o Facial hair growth and sculpting cream 4th year anniversary o fireworks wand o red skirt (1172) 150k o Red Bracelet (1172) 75k o Clothing Bless deed 100k 4th year anniversary o fireworks wand oYellow Kilt (1281) 150k o Yellow ring (1281) 75k o Hair restyle 5th column 5th year anniversary o fireworks wand o Floppy hat (1376) 100k o Earrings (1376) 75k o Facial hair growth and sculpting cream 5th year anniversary o fireworks wand o Necklace (1376) 75k o apron (1195) 200k 5th year anniversary o fireworks wand o beaded necklace (1195) 75k o Sash (1195)) 150-200k o Facial hair growth and sculpting cream 6th column 6th year anniversary o fireworks wand o head sash (1268) 75k o Beaded necklace (1282) 75k o Facial hair growth and sculpting cream 5th year anniversary o fireworks wand o shirt (1268) 100k o ring (1268) 75k
Thank you for the great information! If anyone else has input I'll take it as well Probably start posting these for sale soon! Edit: what is the best place to start an auction for these items? 1gp?
If I were you I would separate the clothing and jewelry from the CBDs and hair restyles etc. CBDs - 100k a pop Hair / beard restyle (50k on npc) so maybe 40-45k? All jewelry SB 50k-75k is a good start (older ones will go for more) Clothes - @Phaero did a solid summary for you Just my 2 cents. I will certainly bid on some of these items - good luck
I think SB cloths depends on the year do not do a 1gp sb better you lower the price if you not sell SB 1yr 500k SB 2yr 400k SB 3yr 200k SB 4yr 100k SB 5and6yr 50-75k SB jewelry 1 yr sb 400k 2 yr sb 200k 3 yr sb 100k 4,5,6 yr sb 75k The 1st year anni bags you probably can get pretty good money for 1st year bag sb 20k 2nd year bag sb 10k
Auction here: Thanks for the input!