Is it possible to set a razor macro to take a screenshot at timed intervals or to a specific que? I've been told it's possible, but can't seem to figure out how. Thanks nevermind, got this working now, dunno what I was doing wrong several months ago when I tried to set it up
and I'll tack this question onto this thread while I'm at it, what type of bods do you guys usually find the most economical to flip?
yeah I just hopped on and played with it and got it to work. I had tried to do this a long while ago, and for some reason (probably user error) the execute take screenshot or whatever wouldn't appear in my macro line. Thanks HC
You were probably executing it via the Screen Shots tab -- you have to use the hot key to execute, if you want it to record in the macro... but it looks like you figured that out. Smith bods: Shields, Helmets (except plate helm), Female Plate, anything iron, Ringmail through Copper/Exc/10 or 15, Chainmail through Dull Copper/Exc/10 or 15. Tailor bods: Anything cloth/20, anything normal/cloth/10 or 15, high end (spined/horned/barbed) shoes... theres probably some decent flip options in leather, but I haven't made it that far in my tailor books yet.
thanks, believe it or not, I set my razor hot key for screenshots on the prtscn key lol (it just made sense)
I should note a couple things about my selections for flippables.... 1) You should just keep tabs opened to the matrices for each BOD type, its way easier to reference. Once you get used to quick referencing them, its easy at a glance to figure out what something will yield, and if you want it. 2) My selections for tailoring, are because I pretty much only aim for mask dyes and CBD's at this point. Your mileage may vary, depending on what rewards you're interested in.
I would always flip leather caps, leather gloves, leather sleeves and leather gorgets - these require small amounts of leather 2, 3, 4, and 4, respectively) and have low to no failure rates. If you don't want to farm leather, just buy it from tanners. It's been awhile since i did the math, but I think with the cap and gloves you come out making money, and break even on the gorget and sleeves.