Fence Sitting Only. Plat 5k HC 3k Slot 1: Taken Slot 2: Taken Slot 3: Taken Slot 4: Taken Slot 5: Andrakus Slot 6: Slot 7: Slot 8: Magic Slot 9: Magic Slot 10 hell hound
You hang out at the fence(I can get you there). I add you to the scroll. When I turn the scroll in you gain a bond slot. Now you can bond 2 pets is this is your first.
If you guys need more I can run another on Monday. This filled up quick. With enough requests I'll run it.
I responded to you hours ago. Message to you is gone. Message from you is gone. Not sure what is going on with that. You posted to my profile. Not send me a private message. Then I posted to my profile in return lol.
Sorry about that new to the forum I have paid up the two slots that I said I wanted in the first place.