Selling bags with 100 charges of fort powder each. 100k gold per bag, not accepting plat. Total bags: 2 Will keep updating the number of bags. Please respond only here, not by PM, so there are no doubts as to who was first and so on. Ping me on discord for pick up, same nick.
ok, will be on discord later for both trades. I should have at least 2 more after these trades, maybe more. will update OP after I double check.
Hello Airin I will take a bag from you aswell pls..I am in no rush so sort others out first...Will catch you on discord*smiles*
Ok, Tuneful and Majestic. I think you got the 2 last bags, but I will try to make some more soon. I should be on discord most days about 8-10pm CET/2-4pm EST. More at the weekend. If that time is not good for someone, please send me a forum message with when you can make it. Thanks everyone