Killing blow

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Wulver, Nov 2, 2012.

  1. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Can we get rid of the mystical evasion bonus to melee when you are low on health? If faction kills are based on killing blows, shouldn't melee be able to deal them?

    I have always wondered how a tired beat up person avoids blows easier than a full health/stamina person. I hate when people turn into Neo until their 12sec bandage kicks in.
  2. Abyz

    Abyz New Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    Omg is this a real thing? I'm a believer that the mythical evasion bonus exists... I noticed it myself vs mobs.
  3. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Renaissance Staff

    May 13, 2012
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    This is not a real mechanic on Renaissance, nor is it a standard feature of UO at all. The current health level of a player has absolutely no bearing on the hit/miss calculation for weapons in combat.

    Slightly related to the topic, there will be a full review of the defensive wrestling mechanic in comparison to the standard wrestling calculations, which determine how a miss (or hit, in the case of wrestling) is determined in the near future.
  4. Abyz

    Abyz New Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    Figures.... Once again, chalk it up to bad luck.
  5. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Yeah, all my days on UO this has happened to me. On the normal health bars where the two markers are pointing to the bar is like the "good luck hitting the person when he is below this marker."
  6. Abyz

    Abyz New Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    It's all in our heads.
  7. Vandyke

    Vandyke New Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    Revamp defensive wrestling to cause a glancing blow instead of a miss. Glancing blow will hit but cause only a % amount of normal damge (maybe 50%?) Special damage/effects occuring during a glancing blow will also be halved (concussion/stun/paralyzed/crushing)


    Where is my chance to be completely missed by spells? ;)

    If I have GM tactics and Magery can I understand how to combat spells enough to have a chance to completely avoid a spell?


    Hearing that swish, swish, swish when you are GM tactics and Weapon skill just shouldn't happen, especially on that "Killing Blow" strike when they are worn down and all but beaten.
  8. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 19, 2012
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    I won't pretend to know much about melee in Ultima - I know nothing beyond equip a weapon and swing. But I've had characters with 0 tactics/0 wrestling swing on monsters and hit for damage and seen monsters up to level 4 strength swing and miss on the same character, and that doesn't seem right at all.
  9. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    that would be just changing the entire mechanics then, defensive wrestling gives % 50 chance to miss, they added at that in for tank mages so they could have anatomy without wrestling. Take that away or nerf it then you are back to t2a without the insta hit.
  10. Godric Greycliff

    Godric Greycliff Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Oct 22, 2012
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    I'm not really sure what Vandyke is getting at but I detect a hint of bias against mages. Defensive wrestling doesn't give you anything more than a weapon skill. In terms of being frustrated by not landing killing blows, a nerf to defensive wrestling will do nothing positive.
    The defensive wrestling skill complex is pretty much the most important facet of UOR combat mechanics. This is what allows so many more viable templates than the T2A ruleset. Defensive wrestling can be equally beneficial to both warrior and mage temples as either one will possess half of the equation by requisite. Warriors mostly have magery anyway and adding eval to the template gives them a chance to get off a spell in combat rather than just having magery to cast recall. Couple this with the mindblast changes and the warrior may well want to add more INT at the expense of DEX and now they've got magery as a viable offensive skill.
    The equalizing factor is that defensive wrestling doesn't give you a chance to interrupt a mages spell which is the part of the mage vs. warrior balance. Sure, your warrior will whiff swings but he doesn't get interrupted mid swing nor does he have to stop for two and a half seconds to ready a swing. Because of this, PvP mage templates will still incorporate wrestling for the same spell interruption benefit that weapon skills provide.
    If this defensive wrestling nerf were to be seriously considered one would have to take into acount that the skill complex only purpose is to avoid spell interruption. Therefore, Vandyke's suggestion isn't complete until you consider whether this "glancing blow" would interrupt or not. If it does interrupt then:
    Personally, I don't really see what defensive wrestling, in specific, has to do with this perceived killing blow problem anyway. I just felt the need to voice my opposition to the suggestion.
  11. Vandyke

    Vandyke New Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    That is why the Protection spell is in our books.

    There are 3 main defensive spells to guard against certain aspects.

    RA for the melee dmg
    MR for the spell dmg
    Prot to keep from being interrupted.

    It's a choose your poison situation.
    If Wrestling provided glancing blow, in conjunction with using the prection spell, you would not be interrupted in casting.
    therefore game already has a mechanic to keep mages from beign interrupted.

    Edit: also to point out, I never did state that glancing blow should cause interruption, just do reduced damage.
  12. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    We'll considering you can have resist for spells but no resist for weapon damage only armor which we are limited to leathers because we are mages & then adding in the fact that you can cast magic reflect for spells Also adding in you have special abilities with weapons and can Deadly poison weapons. Also adding in the fact you can hit without stopping while mages have to stop to cast + dexxers don't have to worry about mana while mages have to stop and meditate. I'd say wrestling is a pretty fair trade off the way it is.

    Technically I can do reactive armor and just try to cast a spell while it's absorbing your damage which eventually u miss and I get the spell off anyways or I can cast protection and get the spell of but take damage while doing it cause I chose Prot instead of RA, either way I'm getting that spell off on a dexxer. Has it's pros and cons.
  13. Vandyke

    Vandyke New Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    I see what you are saying. At the same time, 50% chance to not be hit is a huge amount. No melee who has put the time in to train their skills should be missing like that (personally I beleive tactics should add hit chance not dmg).
    I still say having defensive wrestling cause a glancing blow for less damage would be the way to go. Doesn't even have to be 50%, make it 40 or 35% of the damge taken. (even that can be adjusted down if its too much when put to the test)
    They can even keep the ability to not be interrupted from defensive wrestling, as only taking a glancing blow, maybe wouldn't be enough to disrupt a mages concentration enough to stop a spell.
    Our skills should not be 100% nullified by defensive wrestling though. The reduced damage can be comparable to damage reduced to spells by Resist.
  14. Godric Greycliff

    Godric Greycliff Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Oct 22, 2012
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    Your skills aren't 100% nullified by defensive wrestling. What I understand is that you want to be able to land your hits with a melee weapon more often, right? Then why not nerf fencing, swordsmanship, mace-fighting and archery because they do the same thing for your hit chance. If you're frustrated at mages not falling down dead at the sight of you then ask for a regular wrestling nerf. If defensive wrestling goes no-one will use it and all the mages will go back to using regular wrestling. Then you'd be back where you started.
  15. Vandyke

    Vandyke New Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    So what you are saying there is that all the melee skills give their employer the ability to thwart an attackers hits just as defensive wrestling does?
    I was quite unaware of that.

    My point is that defensive wrestling, at the current 50% chance to cause a miss, is too much. Why should it cause a miss at all, why not cause reduced damage, and still allow for no chance of disruption.

    The main point of it is to allow mages to cast while an opponent in up in their face.

    I don't believe I have given that impression in the slightest. I am not 'biased against mages' as you put it. I actually dig the hell outta mages, I just preferred to go the melee route for pvp this time around.

    A guild mate and I were very surprised when I was messing around and attacking his provo toon, to see that I couldnt land 1 in 4 hits.
    Couple that with this mysterious "killing blow bug" and melee just wont cut it.

    I've seen a mage surrounded by 3 melee and listened to the complaints in vent about all the swishing and the mage successfully fleeing. No not RA lasting forever, but complete swishes.

    Now in my opinion, just my lil ol humble opinion, Defensive wrestling causing redused damage without the chance of spell interruption would solve it. ;)
  16. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Renaissance Staff

    May 13, 2012
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    That is correct.

    We have no intentions of removing or altering the mechanical function of defensive wrestling. That being said, the only possible change that will come to defensive wrestling will be ensuring that the combination of Anatomy + Evaluating Intelligence does not stack its bonus with that of the Wrestling skill. I have not yet been able to look into this function fully, but if this is improperly coded which would cause the bonuses to be incremental then it will most certainly be fixed. At most, you will ever only be able to have a 50% chance to avoid a weapon hit.

    To clear up some confusion that may be taking place here, defensive wrestling does not offer a player the ability to land wrestling punches in combat, this only bestows the ability to evade a weapon hit.

    This is actually exactly what both wrestling & defensive wrestling do. The only possible way to avoid spell interruption is to either not be hit while casting, or to utilize the protection spell. Neither wrestling or defensive wrestling yield the caster any chance at all to avoid interruption when hit, they simply offer you a chance to avoid the hit altogether. Taking damage or being targeted with a spell while in the process of casting a spell will always interrupt the caster, 100% of the time. It does not matter if you take 1 damage, 50 damage, or even take 0 damage (being targeted with a debuff, like weaken for example). The only possible option a mage has to avoid interruption is to use the protection spell, which is still only a percentage-based chance that you will be protected from the interruption. Mages using protection with the Inscription skill will get a bonus to this protection, as well as an additional increase in protective spell duration.
  17. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    I understand the 50% hit/miss now. When they are above 50% health you can hit them and if they are below 50% health you will miss. :lol:
  18. Vagingo

    Vagingo Member

    Sep 18, 2012
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    all of this is in your head. it seems like it hits less when someone is low health because they are trying to evade u much more than when they are full health so when u get so many less swings it seems like u always miss.

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