Treasure Chests and Slayer Weapons

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Melochabre, May 31, 2014.

  1. Melochabre

    Melochabre Well-Known Member
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    Aug 24, 2013
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    What do you all think of adding a small chance for a random slayer in level 5 treasure chests (I'm talking about dungeon, treasure, and AMIB chests)?

    As far as logical consistency, it makes perfect sense that someone would stash more than just non-slayers in these chests we find all over the place. As far as game play, the treasure chests are almost completely worthless 99% of the time. The best we can usually hope for is a plat coin or a vanq that's not a butcher knife.

    The level of loot versus the challenge of getting said loot (i.e. risk vs reward) seems out of balance for AMIB and treasure map chests. Dungeon chests are easily looted using stealth so there is almost no risk involved. However, the other chests require a bigger investment for loot that is largely useless to most vet players. I would be more than willing to sacrifice a some of the gold or total number of magic items to help balance the small chance of receiving a slayer reward.

    That's my thoughts.
  2. Timbo Slice

    Timbo Slice Active Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    agreed. talked about this myself
  3. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Not only is it a good idea, it is already on the drawing board as I understand it. I believe the intentional additions for Treasure Hunting and Dungeon Picking are Level 5 Dungeon Chests (possibly guarded by mobs?) and Level 7 Treasure Chests (I can only imagine these spawning with a Boss mob, alongside the other heinous spawns, but Chris has not provided detail into that). He has however indicted an addition of a %chance of Slayer items in the chest loot, along with variations to platinum chances on chests (ie: slim chance of plat on L3, slightly higher on 4, etc).

  4. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
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    Aug 15, 2013
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    Anything that increases the drop chance of slayer weapons has two thumbs up from me.

    Tamers now have the added benefit of a 2nd bonded pet. Dexxers are becoming less and less appealing for PvM than they already were.

    Not to go off on a tangent about slayers here but dexxers are much harder to play and there is more risk involved when farming with one versus a tamer. It would be beneficial to players that enjoy the dexxer class to have an avenue where they can consistently find slayer weapons to put them on par with tamers. I'm not saying let a vanq slayer be guaranteed anywhere in game but it also shouldn't take 1000+ kills of anything to find a weapon decent enough to make a dexxer viable in farming (versus a tamer).
  5. Melochabre

    Melochabre Well-Known Member
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    Aug 24, 2013
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    OMG Cynic, I am with you on that. It's ridiculous how any melee template is precluded from most content simply becuase we don't have 3 meatshields (that we can get over and over) between us and the monsters. But that's a discussion for a different thread.

    EDIT: This is not a UO Renaissance created problem, this is inherent to UO.
    Last edited: May 31, 2014
  6. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Not too mention the gear one must carry on a well equipped dexxer specifically requires more frequent bank runs because you can't carry as much as the Tamer that can quite literally farm with under 100 stones on them.
  7. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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  8. Cero

    Cero Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2013
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    From someone that farms mostly on a dexxer rather then his tamer I can say just getting my hands on a slayer wep of might/force was night and day! Totally changed how much I love the warrior class...more of this win would be great!!
    Jupiter likes this.
  9. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    I need shepherd's crooks of daemon dismissal!!

    +1 from a wizard who thinks he's a dexxer
  10. Anarchy

    Anarchy Active Member
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    Mar 5, 2014
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    yes - slayer weapons are too rare. I really farmed very very very much and best i found (oh and its good!) is a force repond slayer axe +15tac
    But.. i farmed really - really - really much!
    Also i dont like the mighty lizardman slayers... and i dont like the superior superslayer cathegory much.

    Slayers could need a review.

    How about raising worth of specialised slayers?

    So - yes - this topic is already good - but i want to add some ideas:
    - monster specialised slayers could do even more damage as super slayers do (super slayers = x2, monster specialised slayers = x 2.25)
    - slayer "armor": Dragon proection plate chest of invulnerability -> so give a very well protected warrior a chance to fight this ancient wyrm ;)

    Warriors need pve buff. Oh! I really like my peace-dexxer and he is farming great. But now my tamer reached GM - and i dont see why i should risk my >100k gp weapons anymore.... as long as i can do the same with my tamer.
    I think warriors with great armor (which they can loose by PK or Disconnect!) should be better PvE-farmes as any tamer could (on dmg output)
    Bonding is nothing else as "item insurance" is....
  11. Tay M'real

    Tay M'real Active Member

    May 15, 2014
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    I think it's a great idea. The t-maps and AMIBs/SoS offer something for delving out into the woods or waters, but there doesn't seem to be much incentive to evaluate the chests that spawn in Dungeons.

    Perhaps if the number of chests available in dungeons would decrease per dungeon level so that there were only a handful (thus further reducing the %) making them a more rare find and in places that would attract deadly players as well as more difficult monster spawn...
  12. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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  13. corruption

    corruption Well-Known Member
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    Jul 1, 2013
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    I think you are confused on what a slayer vs a super slayer is. They both have the same damage output on a monster thats in their slayer category -- the difference is that lesser slayers only work on a specific type of mob. Super slayers work for all mobs that fit under that category. Super Slayers aren't boosted versions of slayers, just more useable ones.
  14. Anarchy

    Anarchy Active Member
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    Mar 5, 2014
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    Hey i know well how it is working at the moment.
    What i wanted to suggest is:
    - create more sub slayer categorys
    - boost the sub slayers to do more damage as the super slayers to the specific monster
    This would give the sub slayers a nice boost.
    Currently identify a sub slayer is more like: "Shit, a sub slayer - its worth a cow furze"
  15. corruption

    corruption Well-Known Member
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    Jul 1, 2013
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    You flat out said that super slayers have a boosted strength now, unless something is being lost in translation. If so, I apologize -- but thats how it reads.

    In general, I don't think its that slayers specifically need boost -- its that dexxers need pvm boost. The effect that a skill like Chivalry had to round out Dexxers in PVM and bring them on par DPS with other classes, like tamers, handled this on OSI as time went on. How do we achieve that in a Renaissance-era world though?

    My thought has always been simply providing a significant damage boost for a PVM dexxer -- only applicable against mobs, not humans -- to put a Dexxer on par with the damage output of two meleeing dragons. Mages already get this.

  16. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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  17. corruption

    corruption Well-Known Member
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    Jul 1, 2013
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    I won't disagree on this point -- but where do you balance that? Reduce dmg from mobs? Boost armor? The slayer armor idea (something I like, because magic armor is drastically underused here)? I don't think that slayers are the problem is my point -- a higher abundance of them would be good, but like you said the dmg is satisfactory. Mages get the bonus of distance, which makes their PVM boost of damage output work -- not sure how to give such an advantage easily to a dexxer.

    To me, theres 2 options when it comes to boosting dexxers in PVM: 1) give them something that improves resistance and damage intake (PVM only) -- this will prolong battles, and is probably the most well rounded direction, but is definitely more complex, or 2) boost dmg output signficantly across the board for dexxers in PVM -- this would reduce the length of time in a battle (and make survivability higher in turn), and would be the easier solution, however I don't feel its very balanced.
  18. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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  19. corruption

    corruption Well-Known Member
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    Jul 1, 2013
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    Thats a solid idea to me. However, lets be real on the plate armor -- no smiths currently make and sell plate armor, and pretty much no one wears it. There wouldn't be a hit in that market, cuz it doesn't exist. I don't think that a potential for slayer armor would destroy what markets smiths DO currently cover -- though I don't see why ore colors couldn't be given slight boosts in this regard as well.
  20. Anarchy

    Anarchy Active Member
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    Mar 5, 2014
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    With a power+ slayer i agree. A power+ slayer is very rare. In my mind they also sell undervalued. I bought some great slayers for 70-150k. The dmg output is amazing.
    But surviving? Thats hard. And i maybe have a 150k weapon on me... hello pks! Now i skilled up my tamer. Yes, i may loose the dragons also.. but if i need a new one i go to destard and get a new one. If i loose a slayer i will not find a compareable good weapon for weeks and maybe months (with find i mean also "find to buy").

    topic super slayers i just meant that they are worth much more. Reptile slayer is great - snake and lizardman slayers suck. This lower slayer could also be taken from game completly because they are useless. To give them more use i suggested a little bit better +dmg modifier. But this change has lower priority... it was just an idea.

    Yes to suvivability for dexxers by for example equip. Slayer weapons already do good damage but make them more common.

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