What's up with the gank squads?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Mimic, Jun 3, 2014.

  1. Mimic

    Mimic Member

    Jul 3, 2013
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    I have been playing a little after a year break and three times in the couple hours I've spent online I've had three or four reds pop out of a gate, gank me 1vs4, and run back in the gate. Are these actual people or is this just one person running around with a script. It's really silly. I remember when a group would let one guy see if they could take them out, then maybe back them up. Now it's just a synced dump then gone. It's a little efficient ehh? Wheres the personality? Where's the guy getting off of his horse and bowing on my face for five minutes after he kills me? Do have to love the danger element in this game.
  2. orb

    orb Active Member

    Nov 15, 2012
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    Looks like felucca isn't for you.
    Mandevu likes this.
  3. [Mobolin]

    [Mobolin] Active Member

    Nov 25, 2012
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    Can you recall names? I know of one group of roaming PK's that roll in the numbers you are describing...but they hardly just "pop back through a gate"...and instead offer a rez, sometimes gold, and even a friendly chat.
  4. Mimic

    Mimic Member

    Jul 3, 2013
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    MR T was one. orb don't rush to conclusions. I love pvp and anticipate getting back into it when I can get established. Mobolin what you're describing sounds like what i'm more used to. I have been the one rolling in twos or threes insta dropping people but when it's such an unfair fight ill usually rez and try to promote growth and camaraderie. Taking out a new player in two seconds and dry looting them, while killing their horse, seems like a good way to chase new players away. Just food for thought.
  5. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    personally I think it is a failed dichotomy to expect PK's to 'be kind' while they are doing what they are doing. I think its the definition of an oxymoron to expect a PK to not do what a PK does.

    "PK's should PK, but should do so with pleasantries and kindness"

    Bottom line, when a PK is out PKin'g you can't expect them to stop and ask somebody 'hey, I plan to murder you in the face, but could you let me know if you are new or not?" because lets face it, by the time they are done typing out the text to ask that question the prey is either fled, or has had enough time to call in reinforcements.

    That being said, I would strongly suggest that those who are avid PK's to find some way to 'give back' to the shard for allowing them a place to hunt and pursue their preferred game style. I think that's where the forgotten second age went so wrong. Their core player base so avidly justified that PK'ing without any shard contribution was somehow inviting. While here, there are so many opportunities for folks to practice their preferred game style and yet still give back to the shard.

    Just some thoughts, and things I've seen some of my favorite Pks contribute in:

    1. Offer a free night of 'protected farming' where the Pk's can use their alts to protect farmers.
    2. Offer free PvP training sessions
    3. Hold fun events; for example, cAck fights. Or you could have a 'man hunt' and invite folks to hunt you down after giving you a headstart.

    These things can all be done on alts, so there is no need for you to sacrifice your stat PvP'er in these. Just let people know that your main goal isn't to be a bad ass, and blame victims for leaving because they don't have thick enough skin.

    I'm sorry but no matter how you spin it, losing 1v4 is never ever ever ever ever fun. ever. But as stated above, it's part of UO so at least if those folks who did this would contribute, the negative impact would be softened.


    When Pk's are out hunting they should hunt and not be expected to extend niceties or salutations. However, PKs, if they want this shard to continue to grow with new game and increased interest, should make some effort to contribute to the shard by using alts, and showing that they are genuinely interested in the shard growing.

    Examples: Liberation - hosting Fight Nights Every Friday Night; Blaise offering to help every new player when and where he can; Les Alts 1-6 providing awesome trammy libraries, Mandevue offering to give PvP lessons, TT for offering to rez after slaying.

    I know there are others, but the hour is late and my mind is weary.
    Basoosh likes this.
  6. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    well Mimic - Manus Dei, CeRtIfIeD wIzArD and "I dunno his name" died in stat tonight - the first two at least were part of the group you mentioned. They'll probably be out of stat and back at it in a day or two.
    Wodan and Basoosh like this.
  7. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    I think all PK's should add a tiny bit of RP to their slaughter. :)
    Jupiter likes this.
  8. Wodan

    Wodan Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 3, 2013
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    Oh yeah please add some douche RP to PKing ..
    "Next: your mom"
    "You die like a noob"
    Res and gate to balrons
  9. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 15, 2013
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    I really don't know of any consistent PK's that will straight up leave you punked in the middle of a dungeon as a ghost.

    Most will rez you and even take great strides to save your pets.


    You will lose your gold, platinum, and anything that screams of value. Most will leave your regs/runebooks*/armor (*maybe)

    To be honest, this really only happens because it's still a rather small population.

    PKing was always all about pissing in your corn flakes and taking your head.
  10. Genocide

    Genocide Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Feb 1, 2014
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    I am so turned on right now
    acburl88 likes this.
  11. Mofaka

    Mofaka New Member

    Jun 4, 2014
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    First I'd like to state that my experiences on the shard have been overwhelmingly positive.
    There is a great community here that is very supportive of new players.

    That said a few nights ago VoV hammered me, killed my mount and left me OOoooOoo-ing in a dungeon.
    Was at least 4 of them, and I had been playing on the shard maybe 4 days.
    I had few items on me, as I knew I could not defend myself (as a low level mage and tamer) so the loss was negligible.

    However, it was a bit infuriating, that when I ghosted them I got to see all of these blue characters they had.
    "defender of britania" my ass, thought it was hypocritical.

    I can see how, a truely new player. One that did not expect this sort of treatment. Would be turned away from the shard due to experiences like this.
    They don't seem to be isolated.

    I don't think anyone should expect a PK to rub your belly while they stab you in the throat.
    At the same time, my most memorable gaming experiences were within UO (long before trammel), and involved PVP and discussions with my victim/killer.
    The players I remembered, were ones that ended up chatting for a bit, after a Res/Gate.

    I used to LOVE PVP.
    But when I loved PVP, it was because there was a thrill involved.

    **Prior to UOassist and other Macro utilities.
    • "Someone is Attacking You!"
    • You react, assess the situation. Decide to give them a go.
    • Wow he hits hard...ok...ok...yeah...no I need to get the hell out of dodge.
    • Grey Screen
    • Welp... nope, yeah I shouldn't have done that. Time to stock up and head back out.
    See this is exciting...even when its multiple people..even if you run straight away.
    Because you get a time frame where you don't know if you are going to die, you get a thrill trying to get away.
    It used to really get my heart pumping, loved it so much (on both sides, and especially close fights)
    The thrill, the risk..its the most rewarding aspect of the game. You need the PK for this!

    **Now with Macros and multiple people
    • "Someone is Attacking You!"
    • "Someone is Attacking You!"
    • Huh What!
    • Step one tile away
    • "Someone is Attacking You!"
    • Grey screen
    It's just not as fun. It takes the 'touch' out of it, with lastTarget, multiple opponents and macros. Combat is just too fast.
    Either you spot them well in advance and get out of dodge instantly, or die instantly.
    There isn't enough time to build the thrill of suspense. Which for me, is really the best part (on either side).
    Jupiter likes this.
  12. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Jan 11, 2019
  13. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Mofaka, I am on the same page as I believe people are short changing themselves, but it's one if those human elements you can't control without instituting a survellance state / nanny state, which would ultimately deter more people than the Gank squad.

    In this future of razor and tree hacks, you no longer have the luxury of making the fight or flight decision in the field. You have to have made that decision before you open the door.

    Ask those who adventure with me, and they'll attest this is the first thing I cover before we go out. "do we stay and fight, or fallback if reds come?"
  14. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    Correction: They were back at it earlier today. Now they are back in stat again.
  15. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    What Gideon said. Keep reflect up and have a quick "recall escape" hotkey set for town. If you get disrupted on the recall....well then yeah you're probably going to die. That's the cruelty of felucca. ;-/
  16. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    I think part of the pking issue, is the time frame which you first started playing UO and falling in love with the game.
    When I first started, pkers had this "honor system" they used the anatomy skill ( one skill I remember), and most would not kill a low level
    individual. Was consider un-manly, etc. Almost everyone role-played. ( lot of people wouldn't even speak with you, unless you used some form
    of Old English, lol however mangled) Pkers were extremely creative with this role playing, came up with ways to let you know the type of persona
    they were using without sexual or insulting text.....
    But with everything...UO evolved..different type of player base as the game grew...rest is history....

    This being said...I think pkers should at least gate your ghost out of a dungeon...(Brit healers used to be a popular location) or other dangerous place.
    than it's up to you to get back to your body, get whatever might be left. I don't see this as being particularly kind, but more in the line of not discouraging
    newer players, etc.

    I am not into pvp myself, but over the years of playing UO I have experienced a large range of pker types. And I have seen a large amount of negative
    outcome for the shard from the gang killing, dry looting, pet killing style. I truly don't wish to see this type negativity effect UOR.

    Just because I don't enjoy pvp myself, please don't think I'm anti pking, or thieving... It is part of UO, always has been... Yes, I do think pkers have the
    right to defend themselves, not only against other players, but pets as well. Some pets have a pretty mean bite.

    There has been so many good opinions and great suggestions in this thread. thanks all

    As Always.... have fun , be safe

    Jupiter likes this.
  17. Ragnarok

    Ragnarok Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 18, 2014
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    I got ganked by Medic and two others (I think, it happened so quickly) in Shame. they came through a gate (must have had a blue scout), killed and looted me and probably took the same gate back. I went through it (as a ghost of course) to their island and wandered through their homes.
    Wink likes this.
  18. Punt

    Punt Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
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    Was this today?
  19. Pulse

    Pulse Active Member

    Mar 18, 2014
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    It's about time to start a gank the reds posse. Wish I had more time :(
  20. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I know, sounds like a very very familiar situation from a time long since past.

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