Lets see if i can complete another outfit. Looking for your used and dusty runebook in either 3rd teal, or 5th/6th blue. I can very likely only afford one book, so hit me up with what you have and what it would take to pry it out of your fingers. (Also looking for 6th set of blue jewels) Thanks!
Thanks @Lord Sky I actually had someone crush my hopes and dreams by pointing out that it wasn't until 5th year that runebooks were given out. I checked the site and sure enough nothing labeled as 1st-4th comes up. Hopefully someone will come through and decide they would like to see me holding their 5th/6th year book.
It's true, you can only get 5th, 6th and 7th books. Saying that there are as follows 5th pink x4 5th blue x6 + 1 inactive 6th green x3 + 2 inactive 6th blue 14 + 2 inactive 7th pink x 9 7th blue x 11 I can also confirm I own 4 of these books none blue. Good luck in your search!