The Peacemaking Dexxer and You! (A Guide)

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Cynic, Oct 14, 2013.

  1. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 15, 2013
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    Cynic's Guide To The Peacemaking Dexxer

    Thanks for taking the time to read this guide. In this guide I will try to explain the benefits of a peace dexxer, templates, and strategy. I get a lot of questions regarding this play style and figured it's time to write up a guide.

    The peacemaking dexxer is an exciting and easy way to farm. Whether you are new to the game/server or an old fart, this template rocks and I'm going to show you why. I've played this game for 15 years and have yet to GM taming, I just hate taming that much. Peace dexxers can do just as well if not better than tamers, but let's not go overboard here either.

    First thing's first, let's talk templates! I currently have 4 peace dexxers, that's one for each weapon skill. Why? Because I've built peace dexxers around awesome weapons I have looted throughout my time here. This is what I would suggest to those seeking this route: Find your absolute best slayer weapon(s) and build your peace dexxer around this weapon. The one thing I would caution you about with this particular PvM template is that although a slayer isn't necessary it is extremely helpful, extremely.


    -Weapon Skill
    -Free Skill (Huh?! I'll explain!)

    These are the necessary skills required to play this template. Your "free skill" is a skill of your own choosing based upon how you want to play this template. There are several ways you can go with this 7th slot and you have to understand the pros and cons as well.

    -Magery (Necessary for getting around, or you can run a 2nd account to gate you in/out...)
    -Magic Resist (This is hit or miss, literally. You're on a peace dexxer and your main objective is to kill the monster while it's pacified and thus not hitting. If you fail a peace and that Lich Lord dumps on you then this would be helpful.)
    -Lumberjacking (Swords peacers with a slayer axe are killer)
    -Discordance/Enticement (Great companion skill to make harder mobs easier to peace and keep peaced, also drops their stats by 20%. I'm probably one of the few people that can successfully go toe to toe with Balrons using my Peace/Discord dexxer)
    -Item ID (Not particularly useful for anything other than making your life easier as you loot)

    Skills I DO NOT recommend:
    -Parry (You're objective is to peace the monster and not get hit, this IMO is a wasted skill)
    -Hiding (It's purely defensive and really not going to do you any good.)
    -Poisoning (It's a waste just a waste IMO)
    -A second weapon skill (Just make a 2nd dexxer if you can, it's really a waste here too but viable.)

    Ultimately the choice is yours based on how you prefer to play.

    The "Grind":

    It takes roughly 2.5 days straight to finish up a peace dexxer where you wouldn't have a tough time farming with. The great thing with this template is that you can almost macro every skill at the same time and greatly reduce your time macroing and increase your time playing.

    With a fresh char I would start with 50 peace and 50 in a skill of your choosing, this is normally the 7th skill of your choosing (see above), like magery. Make sure you buy up, if you can, your remaining skills. You can as a personal preference cap your skills and start adjusting and maxing your stats but it is not necessary as your stats will adjust over the time you are macroing.

    1. Grab 20 lutes, should be like 480 gold or something like that.
    2. Start sparring with your second account in your house.
    3. Create a macro that re-equips, heals, and hits a lute or other instrument.

    You want to run this training regimen until you hit 80 music and then change the macro to stop hitting the instrument and just work peace (target self with area peace). You'll be raising both skills here, don't worry. Also on a sidenote: Once you GM a weapon skill your tactics will drag about 10-20 points; I normally swap to wrestling so my sparring partner doesn't die, you'll still gain tactics this way.
    I wouldn't recommend going out until you have at least 90 peace. The longest of the base skills to train is peacemaking, it normally takes a couple days. For whatever reason if you need to work peacemaking solo just make sure there is a creature, npc, or player nearby when you are area-peacing (peacemaking & target self) in order to get gains.


    1. Set a macro for peacemaking.
    2. Set a macro for peacmaking & last target (same macro).

    A good strategy is to lure additional monsters out of the area you are farming so that you don't have to continually peace them too. You can, however, peace multiple monsters at a time but with the cooldown on the peacemaking skill you might get into trouble here. Normally i wouldn't cycle more than 2 monsters peaced at once.

    Barney style:
    1. Peace your target.
    2. Hit your target.
    3. Smash your peace/last target macro so that when the target becomes unpeaced you will immediately attempt a re-peace.
    4. Loot.

    Here is what you need to remember and keep in mind with Peacemaking:
    1. Peace does not last forever. It wears off over time or during the beatdown.
    2. Peace can fail, a lot. Get a slayer instrument. If you fail a peace certain monsters can turn you inside out before you have the time to run away.
    3. The successful peace dexxer will come prepared: Slayers, bandages, potions, etc.

    End Result:

    I really need a better slayer here, but It's not hard if you bring pots and remember that these guys can be spikey damage.
    More videos to follow, once I get time.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2014
    Dash, BrecMadak, One and 9 others like this.
  2. Paradigm

    Paradigm Active Member

    May 27, 2013
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    Excellent guide! I love my peace dexer! I went with MR in my bonus slot. Helps against PKs, but it requires a gate alt.
  3. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2012
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    Great guide. Glad you got those videos figured out. Looks really nice!
  4. Wodan

    Wodan Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 3, 2013
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    Gotta credit this idea to Corruption but I'm currently training Peacemaking on my fisherman.

    Best thing you can pull up while fishing is a shipwreck kraken that tends to flee very very quickly when low on health.
    With a ship you need VERY good UO-Rudder skills to catch that bastard. Alternatively, you can add archery or magery on your fisher which are both expensive to raise.

    So the cheapest way to an efficient fisherman is your template with fishing as the 7th skill.

    Plus you'll only be fighting one monster at a time anyway ...
  5. BrecMadak

    BrecMadak New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Looks like a useful guide and will definitly give a shot. Thanks for taking the time writing this guide.

    What I'd like to ask you if you ever tested this build with magery + Eva (as damage source) or within Archery regardless of money management ? Would it be viable as much?
  6. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 15, 2013
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    Magery + Eval would defeat the purpose of a peace dexxer, at that rate you would have a bard. This build with archery is strong, and great with spawns. If I were to re-build my peace archer I would drop peace for provoke.
  7. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 15, 2013
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    Videos fixed!
    Sidenote: I'll update the videos in the next week as my slayers have gotten much much better and it'll make this template really shine.
  8. Ningauble

    Ningauble Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Oct 25, 2013
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    When I first got here this thread turned me on to the peace dexxer and I haven't looked back. My 3rd (archer) will be ready to join the other 2 (macer and LJ) after the next freesist session finishes his template. This thread did more to help me get my shit together on this shard than any other bit of advice I got.
    Huzke likes this.
  9. Cultist

    Cultist New Member

    Jun 13, 2014
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    I have 2 questions regarding this build :D
    1) I went with spears (fencing) for extra paralyze. Would it be better to go with warhammer instead for the stamina drain? Or maybe a halberd for concussive blow to lower mana since i play with discord and not magic resist
    2) How does this build stand against tank mage build (evalute, magery, resist, meditation, swordsmanship, tactics, wrestling) when it comes to 1v1 PVMonster? Which build is more effective in taking down targets ;)
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2014
  10. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 15, 2013
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    1) Always go with whatever you have the best slayer weapons for. Otherwise, I really like fencing or archery.

    2) This build makes no sense in PvM or PvP. You can use blade spirits by having magery alone, if you want to go that route. You also limit yourself to a select few areas you can farm this way.
  11. Cultist

    Cultist New Member

    Jun 13, 2014
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    No links from other servers please.

    100 Evaluating Intelligence
    100 Magery
    100 Meditation
    100 Resisting Spells
    100 Tactics
    100 Wrestling
    100 Swordsmanship or Archery or Mace Fighting or Fencing

    100 Strength
    25 Dexterity
    100 Intelligence
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2014
  12. Cultist

    Cultist New Member

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Cynic what do you think of this variation?

  13. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 15, 2013
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    What are you going to attack with?

    That's a defensive build with no offense. Swap peacemaking with provoke and you got yourself something that will work. Or, drop resist for provo and run a pure bard.
  14. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 15, 2013
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    Also, keep in mind, this is a peace dexxer guide. There are bard guides in the forums.
  15. Serhat Guneysu

    Serhat Guneysu New Member

    Jun 18, 2014
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    what is the ideal stats distribution for peace dexxer?
  16. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 15, 2013
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    100 100 25

    or you can balance it for the occasional mindblast from an enemy.

    90 95 40
  17. Fisher of Men

    Fisher of Men Member

    Jun 21, 2014
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    I took LJ as my 7th but swapped healing for Mining.

    Specific intent of my Peace Dexxer is to kill Ore Elementals. I control the spawn rate so the danger is pretty low and I just rely on healing pots. When I started this character I assumed I would be dealing with Mountain/Forest Trolls but I guess they don't bother those un-attuned to the ways of magery. So far copper is the highest I have defeated so I'm not sure if a higher color will give me trouble. Originally I just wanted to have a character for resource gathering to free up space on my crafter, now I'm really happy with the results.

    Update: Finally GM'd mining...this setup works fine for all levels of ore elementals.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2014
  18. Dwarfy

    Dwarfy New Member

    Dec 15, 2014
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    Here's my Peace/Dexxer

    100 Swordsmanship
    100 Lumberjack
    100 Tactics
    100 Anatomy
    100 Musicianship
    100 Peacemaking
    64 Healing
    36 Magery

    100 Str 100 Dex 25 Intelligence

    The reason I made a 35 magery is purely for Recall(can make runebooks with other character) and enough Healing to cure the poison. What do you think?
  19. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 15, 2013
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    You're going to get in trouble with that low of healing. The goal is to get the stuff to hit/cast on you as least as possible, but things still do hit you, and cast on you..

    I would either go 0 magery and use an alt to gate you around (keep an alt in town on a 2nd account that you can hit a macro to which will cast a gate scroll to your location and your peacer can run into the gate in case of trouble/restock) OR just drop LJ for magery.
  20. Emirikol

    Emirikol Member

    Apr 19, 2015
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    How do you do to see the remaining time to use another skill again?

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