Howdy folks! I'm looking to sell this Large Tower located NW of Compassion Shrine, SW Wrong Dungeons, NE of Wind and Chaos, and more important, just South of Just the Tip Point This would make for a great home! It's right in the middle of everything that you need! Let's get this started, take a look below! This will be a standard 48/24 auction. Bids will end after 48 hours if only a single person is interested, or bids will end 24 hours after the last and highest bid if multiple people are interested. Bidding Info: SB: 600k BI: 100k BO: None Gold is preferred, however, plat will be accepted @5k and HC will be accepted @3.5k. Final price must be paid in at least half gold. Happy Bidding!
@Timbo21 Saw you didn't win the other tower. Just wanted to tag you in this one just in case you were interested.