70 Magery or 100 Magery for a Warrior template?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Foxhound3857, Mar 1, 2020.

  1. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    Hi guys, just starting my first character on Renaissance, migrating directly from Second Age. I have plans for two characters to start, a GM Fisherman for SoS hunting (my favorite UO activity), and a standard Warrior template for PvE.

    Now, I want to try something a little different with this Warrior template. My favorite era was Age of Shadows, and I absolutely loved my Paladin at the time because the Chivalry aspect gave me a little spice of magic to mix into my melee combat, and I seek to recreate that a bit with this template via Magery. I want enough Magery to be able to cast 4th-circle spells without fail, so I can fall back on support magic in dire situations. Namely Greater Heal, Cure (or Arch Cure if that's better at purging higher level poisons), Protection, Bless, and Recall. Basically the spells that allow me to heal, cure, or buff myself during combat, when I can't wait for bandages or potions (or run out of either).

    As I understand it, 100% success for 4th Circle requires 70.1% Magery, so if I go for a template of:

    GM Mace
    GM Parrying
    GM Anatomy
    GM Tactics
    GM Healing
    GM Resist Spells
    70.1 magery

    That leaves me 29.9% to put towards something else, and I'm figuring Meditation would be best here just to help supplement the spell use when needed. Does passive Meditation work with metal armor, I.E a dexer suit, or would the game basically treat that as if I have 0 Meditation? Dexer suit is what I'm going to be using for the most part.

    Is there any significant difference between 29.9 Med and 30 Med, would I be better off doing 70 Magery to bring Med to 30, or would just a flat 100 Magery be the best choice overall?
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  2. Vincent Blackshadow

    Vincent Blackshadow Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2018
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    Welcome to UOR,

    No, I don't think that passive med works with metal armor.

    You could use studded or bone at a 50% med penalty.

    I would go for GM magery instead of 70/30.

    There are ways to mitigate not having med such as using a g heal wand (doesn't use mana) instead of using mana to cast the spell.

    Good luck out there.
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  3. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    Mine is actually:
    GM Swords
    GM Parrying
    GM Anatomy
    GM Tactics
    GM Healing
    GM Resist Spells
    60 magery
    40 poisoning

    I used magery a lot, specially to cast blade spirits to tank the harder mobs and give me some chance.. the 40 poisoning was just to poison the mage mobs with lesse poison constantly.. what make them basically cure themselves and not casting on me... in specific spots and also in closed arenas for pvp, was a very efective template... very fun...
    i am changing parrying and poisoning for vet and animal lore 80/80, but i will keep 40 of magery(a ossy tank)... i played 2 years with that template(hunting red mages, ogre lords and all kinds of things), and i liked yours... parrying is not good? i can't say it is. but it looks nice and sexy and i become the oficial bait/tank of the crew! The valentines event is the place/event where parrying and resist make the difference... every time a red guy chased me on the screen i could manage to run in the middle of the spawn... is a challenge try to hunt without a barding skill and this could be fun..
  4. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    Okay, cool, thank you. As I understand it, higher Magery increases the effectiveness of non-offensive spells like Greater Heal, Cure, and Bless, no Eval Int required. That's what I want. Being able to freely cast Mark and Invisibility will be nice as well (7th and 8th circle spells are out with only 25 Int).

    I've already made five toons, one is my Warrior, Foxhound, and the other four were for starting collateral. So I've got 5k gold and 150 of each Reagent to start with, as well as a good assortment of newbie items for training. Started with 50 Magery/Healing, I'm going to buy Resist Spells up to 30, then train it to 55 via Firefield, then work on it by fighting mid-tier casters like Air and Water Elementals, and just slowly train combat skills from scratch. Should hopefully get them above 50 by the time Young status ends.

    After that, hopefully it'll be off to Shame, or whatever dungeons don't have high PK traffic.
  5. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  6. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    Thank you for the replies so far, everyone. I think what I'll do is, rather than creating new threads with singular questions, I'll just ask any and all questions I have in this thread to keep the clutter down, as I'm new to this server and have quite a bit to learn.

    -Can leather/studded armor be repaired in Renaissance? I'd actually be willing to wear lighter armor to maintain a full 100 Dex/Stamina if it can be repaired, so I don't have to throw it away when it gets too worn.

    -Does the stamina drain and armor damaging effects of Macefighting apply to PvE, such as Earth Elementals and Cyclops? Usually I go swords for PvE but I feel Macefighting is more "Paladin-like" and the secondary effects were appealing to me. I don't yet know what weapon I'm going to main with Macefighting, probably just a basic Mace, but it'd be nice to know whether or not these side perks of Macefighting weapons actually apply to PvE, incase switching to Swordfighting would be a far better option for the template.
  7. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    You cant fix leather armor(maybe with forti powder but is not viable) and you can have a good armor rate(44) without dex loss with a combination of chainmail tunic/leggs+ringmail gloves and arms+helmet+plate gorget(will give you -1 of dex but is ok) that could be fixed... another good thing about parrying that no one metion is that the shield abosorves 80% of the damage, what increase the durability of the armor.. i liked to use the heater shield and the buckler..

    about mace is a nice option, the slayers are easy to find in the market and the stamina drain is very usefull against high HP mobs.. i like to use the warhammer but he is very slow(slower than a halberd) but his damage is incredible... maybe there is another weapon with a higher DPS for sure, some people like war axes too.
  8. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    In that case I think I'll just go with my standard Dexer suit:

    Close Helmet
    Plate Gorget
    Chainmail Tunic
    Chainmail Legs
    Plate Arms
    Ringmail Gloves

    Along with a Mace and a Kite Shield. My favorite looking set for fashion.
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  9. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    I should ask here instead of making a thread in the trading section, but what do GM sets typically go for? I don't plan on using GM gear until maybe 70 or 80 skill, but I'd like a general idea of what they cost so I can prepare ahead of time. Going to try and rely on looted armor and storebought crap until then.
  10. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    i selled on my shop for something like 1,5k(shadow iron) to 4k(valorite)
  11. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    So maybe 1k for just regular Iron then? Unless the extra defense from colored metal is really significant, I'd probably just stick to regular Iron.
  12. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    I'm having some trouble raising my Dex effectively. I've capped my Strength and Int already at 100 and 25, but Dex gains have been particularly slow no matter what skill I macro to raise it, be it Herding, Hiding, Musicianship, or Camping. Even when I grabbed a Dagger and a Butcher's Knife to get quick Sword/Fencing gains (helped to catch Tactics up to Macefighting), I saw no gains to Dex at all. It's still sitting at 52 and refusing to budge.

    Am I doing something wrong here, or is Dex just a stingy stat in general?
  13. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  14. Lemac

    Lemac Active Member

    Feb 25, 2016
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    Are you still wearing armor, and/or are you at 700 skill level ?
    Dex should raise pretty fast, make sure it's not locked or turned down. Camping or snooping are good. If snooping you can use a char on a different account and party with them so no penalty I think. Welcome to uor! Discord will get you answers the fastest.
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  15. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  17. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    I'm wearing bone armor at the moment, farmed a few sets for later. No dex penalty.

    It's finally going up now, took a while but it's up to 54 now. Just had a drought on gains I guess.

    I trained Taming to 30 to tame free horses and save on gold. I was also advised to save Bones and Spined Leather to sell later. Not sure what their value on the player market is, if they have any demand at all, but I'm saving what I find.
  18. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    Good thing I'm taking Resisting Spells then. I want to be able to fight and solo high-tier mobs later. I don't know what exactly is soloable as a Warrior, but among the ones I was hoping to hunt are Lich Lords, Daemons, Blood Elementals, Cyclopes and Titans, Ogre Lords, Mummies, Stone Gargoyles, etc.

    I'm hesitant to run with leather armor not because of its defense, but because it cannot be repaired (unless there's some item that allows the player to do it). So I'd have to throw it away eventually. I play by the old T2A standard of wearing GM equipment, using it until it wears down, then having a GM smith repair it and reusing it.
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  19. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  20. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    Eh, if it's crap, so be it. It's still what I want to play. I play what I enjoy, not what is necessarily considered "meta". I used to spend a lot of time hunting Earth Elementals, so I can relegate this toon to that if need be. It's good money.

    The only change I would consider making to that template is dropping Parrying for Archery, giving me a ranged option. I don't know if that makes any difference in the sort of game I'm capable of hunting, but I always had Archery on my fishermen and it was a staple on my Paladin, so it would fit the template.

    Can Tactics not exceed 100 even when GM and paired with a magic weapon?

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