For the second day in a row I have awoken to find that after macroing all night on another skill, magery, that my lockpicking skill as decreased. The first night I went from 95 to 94.7, the second night I went from 95 to 94.9. Skill arrow is pointed up. This has got to be some kind of bug, I would find it hard to believe that skill degradation exists on this shard for that short of a time period. I am doing nothing other than sitting in Delucia bank macroing e-bolt.
May it be your stats are not 100/25/100 (str/dex/int) and you had some stat-change while training? I think its a effect of real and shown skill while stats changing
Anarchy is right; your real skill isn't changing, just that the net balance of your shown skills (which are directly affected by str/int/dex levels) is changing. Click the "Show Real" button on the skill scroll, and you'll see its not dropping.
cant macro LP past 94.9 (95 shown) You get to learn the joys of dungeon farming lvl 4 chests and monsters with eval that hit like trucks