Yeah, that and the small barrels seem to be an issue. It's a minor bug and will likely get tweaked in time. In the mean time, you can run your restock agent after you manually open the container once. At least it works for me that way.
Every time I think I've got the hang of this game.. I hear about yet another way you Grandmaster Razorites are many steps ahead of us classic players. Even the playing field and post a guide with all your dirty tricks!
Ha, I thought the change in monster corpses was done to disable razor looting. Guess I had it backwards. Thanks Fisher!
I believe the changes were to disable automatic looting making it a more manual function. Now you have to trigger the restock agent and target the container on the specific corpse instead of run around with autoloot on sucking everything dry.
Those will be removed from the option list for monster backpacks, I just lacked the time to test each one before the last patch. It will be resolved in Patch 56 which is planned to be implemented soon.