Come one Come all, PS is holding another Free Magic REsist event. I have 65K cast of Meteor Storm, over 200K bandages and I will be supplying Musical instruments for music, and peace training. So you can GM Free at this event Peace,Music, Anatomy, Healing, Magic resist and Eval Int if you wish. I will not tolerate fighting of any kind, No newbie weapons, generally anything that can hurt another players gains is forbidden. THis is a public event to help new players and vets who need to GM resist. Reds are welcome if they promise to behave as you all know i try to be as neutral as possible. The Event will be held at the PS Training Keep. I will talk with staff to get a guard and gate set up. Much love and thank you all for the in game fun. Cronos
@Cimara They will not be for the public event. If you are looking to train your pets up I can help during the next PS pet training event. You missed the last one by three days. I hold them monthly though. With pets being there give ppl the ability to grief everyone. So during these public events they are not allowed.