Upgraded this location from a Brick House to a Large Tower and now it's looking for someone to make her feel special. This lovely lady has many fine features. Look at the long smooth road leading right up to the entrance! Look at all that thick luscious Oak bush that makes you want to whack it all day long! Just a roll to the side and you have colored nodes you can pound all day long! The bidding on this lovely lady starts at 800k No BO 48 Hours after final bid. Plat @6k HC @4k This Tower is offered on the Live production Server...NOT TEST!!!
Very cool spot! It may appear a little crowded, but I can tell you the people who own the properties north appear to be incredibly inactive and are on indefinite refresh mode, as these homes are fairly worn almost every time I run this zone. Free bump!
Hahah is that your epic fort to the north? Always good to put a name to the property. Amazing deco job man.