2020 Renaissance House Decor Voting Thread - Small House

Discussion in 'Archived Top Shots Contests' started by ReZon, Aug 22, 2020.

  1. ReZon

    ReZon Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jun 19, 2013
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    2020 Renaissance House Decor Voting Thread - Small House
    • Players will be able to vote once each category for their top 3 entries.
    • For your vote to count you must have an established forum account.
    • Player votes will account for 50% of the score, with staff voting accounting for the other 50%.
    • On August 29th, 2020 the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners from each category will be announced.


    After travelling through the deep and humid jungle surrounding Trinsic, we arrive to the tower. We leave behind the menace of the dreadly Silver Serpents and we step inside the Crafter's Home that stands on a clear corridor by the mountain.

    We first take a look to where the action takes places: the workshop in the 2nd story. Lightened by the warm torches we are soon surrounded by all type of crafts. Bulk orders come and go on swiftly in this tiny, yet productive space. This crafter is a man of simple fashion. He doesn't hoards any big fortune, he doesn't posses any big value, but he's happy with the simple things he managed to acquired, and shows them proudly.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    We continue our tour downstairs where we find another side of this man molded by the fire, the forges, the loom and the hammers.
    We discover a sensitive one, an artist, a man that isn't afraid of showing his fragility...a Rockstar!
    He will lay down for hours at that long stonesofa to rock his harps. He will sit down and write some hits while eating detox fruits and only the Purveyor of Darkness know what kind of fancy costumes that wardrobe hides.


    But not everything is hectic in this stone world. Customers, papparazzis, beggars, warriors, thieves... you need a brake from them all once in a while.
    So he worked on this safe space, a moment to connect with yourself and the universe. To gaze the stars hanging from the void above us, or spot the papparazzis hidding on the jungle. This craftman enjoys cooking for his friends and he also grows some grapes to make exquisit wines. He also leaves some unwashed dishes, but hey...


    And so the tour ends. Thanks for watching UO:R Cribs, now get biten by a Silver Serpent.


    Small House entry - Imperial Chapel

    Welcome, welcome. Be sure to leave your donation in the box by the door.
    What deity do we honor here? Let's just say that we love what we do and who we serve. Isn't that right Cupid?

    Make ready the offering. Blood is best.
    I shall beat and stoke the flames to raise the entity who may grant your deepest, darkest wish.

    The Master has heard your pleas. Ascend if you dare to the next stage.
    Ah, the altar of Lust. Let us make ourselves ready . . .
    [​IMG]Hit me baby one more time.
    [​IMG]Shall we make ourselves comfortable?
    Eat your heart out.

    You wish to continue? Are you positive you wish to find out where this path will take you? Well, if you must.

    Ungoverned passions inevitably poison and corrupt everything and everyone in the vicinity if warnings are disregarded.

    It turns what was pure into burning acid.

    Our symbol of this evil, an enormous bird of prey, ferociously mangles the latest victim. The bones of past fools serves as its bed.

    And it is always thirsty for more blood. The more heated and wild, the tastier.

    Judging from your performance, you will certainly be delicious.

    Thank you for making your offering to our chapel in advance, and for offering yourself as yet another warning to the unwary neophyte.



    SMALL HOUSE ENTRY- Small Stone Tower
    Proudly presenting: The (unfinished) Pickled Dolphin

    First off, outside. We all need a farm. Lamb taste wells, and hey - wool is handy for nets! By the way, nobody likes that boat there Ron, give back my parking lot!


    Moving on inside, what is to expect? Like I said, the house is under construction. Where the first floor will be a more Fishermen Tavern theme, right now it's still set up as a workshop (gotta craft my toons as Im new!):


    Second floor of the tavern is ready. Will soon be set up with either a barkeeper or player vendor, depending on ho much shiny pixels I can find. Im giving you my kitchen & bar:


    Onwards to the roof! We need a space to store fishing loot and cook our fishsteaks. It's a work in progress, but I like how it's getting along myself.



    Azoth's Museum Arboretum

    Set in the tranquil woods of Ocllo, this potting shed proudly displays the plants of the realm in the hydroponic tubs. Bunny Snacks are available for the wildlife... A doe has wandered into the picture for a quick nibble

    On the second floor, we have the potting bench with fertilizer & rare BlackRock fragment for the cultivation of hybrid plants...

    Stop by and enjoy the tranquil setting of the Arboretum


    Azoth's Crafting Annex

    On the main floor we have the forge with precious ores and gems from around the lands. Tokens of defeated Earth spirits adorn the forge along with the actual ore cart used to transport these goods to the museum. You can find the rewards of Filling the Bulk Orders of the lands adorning the main floor, from the complete collection of crafting anvils to the rarest of Runic Smithing Hammers


    This annex is still expanding and hunting for the rarest of Tailoring rewards for the second floor. Here we have accumulated raw materials, finished goods hanging from the walls along with the most rare - Phoenix Armor

    Jill Stihl

    Stihl Mining -


    Accommodation for the occasional weekend mining trip -


    Bit of roof fishing relaxation -


    Obligatory night time shot -




    As I saw no limitation to the amount of houses you can add per category, I hereby add my functional Treasure Hunter training house for the small house competition. Well set up for Lockpicking grind (30, 50, 70 and 100 box), 16x training speed on detect hidden and obviously a dex gainer for those ready to pump up their stats. It's a work in progress, but I can introduce the current setup at least!

    With that said, if anyone needs to work on Lockpick/Detect Hidden in a fast pace, feel free to contact me and I'll grant you acces. Forum PM or Discord (Flibble #1228) me! The poor bloke in the blue is a current visitor working on his LP. Tabby, spreading the love since June 2020.




    Ice Kingdom Shinies & Supplies Cove-

    First Level is for vendoring, I share the space with my lady so the theme is a mix of Blue/White/Pink, with a male and female vendor of such colors.
    One of my favorite attributes is that the house placement allowed pink flowers to show through the floor and they look good on the rug!
    On the front steps are a pair of Whispering Roses signature by Star and Crazy Horse, with some 7th anniversary bags as a marker of her first UOR Anniversary, often you can find pitchers of wine in these bags for free!

    ^Second Floor is designed for showcasing rares and if i continue gathering memories of players who left such as the "Long Live UOR! By Gideon Jura" book it can/will be a memorial to such players who give back to the community.

    Includes a Vial of Tears and Gideon Jura's Book, and a fire trap for those who attempt to gain access to my third and final level! (I didn't want to fill it with random rares so it looks cleaner and I can dedicate space to other such memorial items)

    ^Third and Final Level is designed for showcasing player run event trophies/statuettes, my personal achievement trophies/statuettes and I often sit a peacemaking character upon the roof to provide a melody of peace for passerby adventurers and customers.

    With such a close proximity with the Cove Moongate and The Drunken Stag event tavern I have been quite satisfied with my attempt to enliven the area with my decorative touch and look forward to continuing.

    In all this building is an accumulation of my Lady and my goals met and victories past, Thank You!

    Crazy Horse & Star of [PvM]


    Best Decorated Small House Entry: Thieves Retreat
    Located just outside of town is a small cabin, a cozy retreat for a dirty rotten scoundrel.


    After a long day of lock popping, dungeon delving, and thiefy hijinks, this little home
    always has a way to heal a tired rogue. No matter what shady adventures they’ve
    managed to get themselves into.


    Sit back and enjoy the finest discount wines, or maybe a bit of gambling?

    Want to keep those lock picks warm and in practice?

    Or perhaps a refresher of some key skills?

    No matter how you spend time relaxing, this bespoke and simple home is all one
    needs to rest and plot out the next big heist. Just be mindful of the rug and leave
    those shit kickers on the door step. - Snorko



    Best Decorated Small House Entry:



    big thank you to Lady Mia, appreciate for help as always :)


    Small House Entry

    Adjacent to my Woodland Retreat, I have The Annex. As you enter, you are greeted by the crackling sounds of the resident fire elemental. A warm welcome for friends, a fiery welcome for enemies....


    The Annex is my gateway to Sosaria via the rune library and my loot sorting house. I caught inspiration for the rune library from a tower a short ride to the NE, where @lawn elder is believed to reside.


    The Annex also provides accommodation for any travelling companions after a hard days adventuring.


    And the roof is the fire elemental's domain, littered with the bones of intruders, and elvish and pirate captives thrown from the tower next door.




    The Filleted Fins : X-Mas Fisherman's Small Stone Tower.
    I used this Secluded Spot during my X-Mas hunting last year and consequently it become home to most of my Christmas rares.


    The first floor is open to the public, a Sail-up Bar for fisherman around Sosaria to share tales of the seas!

    The second floor is the private living quarters, a quiet place to plan out tomorrows adventure!

    Lastly the roof, a clean work area to fillet the catch of the day and a secure place to stow away treasure and gold.

    Thanks for stopping by! Hope you enjoyed the tour.
    I know the competition is tough this year. If you enjoyed my deco, please drop a vote! :)



    Billy Hargrove

    Live from the heart of the Moonglow Art District, I bring you
    Happy Hargrove's Hippy Hole & Boud-laire

    First up, on the ground floor we have the public Ayahuasca Circle
    Moving up to the first floor (by invitation only) is Billy's Boud-laire
    And if you're really paying attention,
    though it's hard to make out from from this angle,
    you'll notice the Rainbow Zebra-centaur portrait on the left
    ...Behind all that stuff is where Billy keeps the family jewels.
    And finally, the pinnacle of this fine spectacle, in dedication to that
    most delicious of Italian desserts still waiting there for me across the sea,
    I give you my submission to the "Most Unique Design Element" category,
    get ready! but don't hold your breath for this sentence 'cause here it comes,
    wanna see my rock collection? Well lets head up to the roof anyway!
    I call it... The Heartbreaker
    That's all folks!
    And as always, don't forget to look closer.


    Hello all
    I would like to enter the small house design please.

    I had an awful lot of help.This is my Shop!


    every shop needs a place for relaxing!

    Is lots of little items to catch the eye,the pictures dont do it justice


    And this is where the magic happens!Lots of well stocked vendors..I recomend anyone swinging by to check in more details some of the "hidden"items on show!
    gitchu1000 likes this.
  2. ReZon

    ReZon Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jun 19, 2013
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    Small House Voting: Please quote this post and place 1st, 2nd, or 3rd next to the name you are voting for. Please do not vote for yourself.

    FisuUO:R - Crafter's Home
    OreHound - Imperial Chapel
    Tabby - Pickled Dolphin
    LanDarr - Azoth's Museum Arboretum
    LanDarr - Azoth's Crafting Annex
    Jill Stihl - Stihl Mining
    Tabby - Treasure Hunter training house
    AO - Ice Kingdom Shinies & Supplies Cove
    Snorko - Thieves Retreat
    AnadeLour - Iceland
    Chafe - The Annex
    trifectafunk - The Filleted Fins
    Billy Hargrove - Happy Hargrove's Hippy Hole & Boud-laire
    Tuneful - Shop
  3. Winter

    Winter Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Mar 19, 2018
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    Tabby likes this.
  4. OreHound

    OreHound Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2016
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    Tabby likes this.
  5. Mino

    Mino Active Member

    Dec 1, 2018
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  6. Boomshakalaka

    Boomshakalaka Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2020
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    Tabby likes this.
  7. Keza

    Keza Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    Jan 6, 2015
    Likes Received:
    FisuUO:R - Crafter's Home 2nd
    OreHound - Imperial Chapel
    Tabby - Pickled Dolphin
    LanDarr - Azoth's Museum Arboretum
    LanDarr - Azoth's Crafting Annex
    Jill Stihl - Stihl Mining
    Tabby - Treasure Hunter training house
    AO - Ice Kingdom Shinies & Supplies Cove
    Snorko - Thieves Retreat
    AnadeLour - Iceland
    Chafe - The Annex 3ed
    trifectafunk - The Filleted Fins
    Billy Hargrove - Happy Hargrove's Hippy Hole & Boud-laire
    Tuneful - Shop 1st
  8. Arcanias

    Arcanias Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2018
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  9. FisuUO:R

    FisuUO:R Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2019
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    Tabby likes this.
  10. Ophira

    Ophira Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2018
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  11. Buga

    Buga Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2015
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  12. RobinBastard

    RobinBastard Active Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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  13. Josy

    Josy New Member

    May 2, 2020
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    FisuUO:R - Crafter's Home 1st
    OreHound - Imperial Chapel
    Tabby - Pickled Dolphin 3nd
    LanDarr - Azoth's Museum Arboretum
    LanDarr - Azoth's Crafting Annex
    Jill Stihl - Stihl Mining
    Tabby - Treasure Hunter training house
    AO - Ice Kingdom Shinies & Supplies Cove
    Snorko - Thieves Retreat
    AnadeLour - Iceland 2dn
    Chafe - The Annex
    trifectafunk - The Filleted Fins
    Billy Hargrove - Happy Hargrove's Hippy Hole & Boud-laire 2nd
    Tuneful - Shop
    Tabby likes this.
  14. Virdan

    Virdan Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    AOٌ likes this.
  15. Sapukay

    Sapukay New Member

    May 30, 2019
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  16. Valentina108

    Valentina108 Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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  17. donglord666

    donglord666 New Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    Tabby likes this.
  18. Holden

    Holden Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Tabby likes this.
  19. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
    Likes Received:
    FisuUO:R - Crafter's Home
    OreHound - Imperial Chapel - 3rd
    Tabby - Pickled Dolphin
    LanDarr - Azoth's Museum Arboretum
    LanDarr - Azoth's Crafting Annex
    Jill Stihl - Stihl Mining
    Tabby - Treasure Hunter training house
    AO - Ice Kingdom Shinies & Supplies Cove
    Snorko - Thieves Retreat - 2nd
    AnadeLour - Iceland
    Chafe - The Annex - 1st
    trifectafunk - The Filleted Fins
    Billy Hargrove - Happy Hargrove's Hippy Hole & Boud-laire
    Tuneful - Shop -
  20. Chafe

    Chafe Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2018
    Likes Received:
    FisuUO:R - Crafter's Home
    OreHound - Imperial Chapel 2nd
    Tabby - Pickled Dolphin 3rd
    LanDarr - Azoth's Museum Arboretum
    LanDarr - Azoth's Crafting Annex
    Jill Stihl - Stihl Mining
    Tabby - Treasure Hunter training house
    AO - Ice Kingdom Shinies & Supplies Cove
    Snorko - Thieves Retreat 1st
    AnadeLour - Iceland
    Chafe - The Annex
    trifectafunk - The Filleted Fins
    Billy Hargrove - Happy Hargrove's Hippy Hole & Boud-laire
    Tuneful - Shop
    Tabby likes this.

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