Invulnerability Leather Armor Buyout 25k per bag Bag A: All Massive Invulnerability. 38 Armor Bag B: Indestructable Sleeves, Massive Gorget, Fortified Tunic, Invuln Cap/Leggings. 38 Armor Bag C: Indestructable Sleeves, Massive Gorget, Massive Gloves, Fortified Tunic, Invuln Cap/Leggings. 38 Amor Invulnerability Light Dex Armor Buyout 35k Bad D: Indestructable Ringmail Sleeves/Platemail Gorget, Fortified Ringmail Gloves/Chainmail Tunic, Massive Chainmail Leggings/Norse Helm. 49 Armor Invulnerability Ringmail Armor Buyout 30k Bag E: Massive Leggings/Sleeves/Tunic/Norse Helm, Fortified Ringmail Gloves, Invuln Leather Gorget. 46 Armor Invulnerability Bone Armor Buyout 45k per bag Bag F: Fortified Bone Arms/Gloves, Invuln Leather Gorget, Indestructable Bone Chest, Massive Bone Leggings/Helm. 54 Armor. Zlo Bag G: Fortified Bone Gloves/Helm, Invuln Bone Leggings/Arm/Leather Gorget, Indestructable Bone Chest. 54 Armor LawDog Disco contact Dominic.
If I cross you off and don’t contact you right away, I’m currently away from the computer. So I will be in touch as soon as I return.