This Friday 10/16 at 6 pm PST the naturalists and any other brave souls will be meeting at the Drunken Stag Cove moongate tavern to search for the map leading into the heart of the Abyss. It will dangerous and some may not survive accordingly do not bring anything you care too much about losing (we had a run in with the fine FL folks on the last event). The first part of the event will be finding the map itself and the second part will be running the actual map. All are welcome without mares/dragons. I will be on foot. Thanks
Thanks to everyone who came along for the event including the FL guys for playing the bad guys and making it more interesting. Lining up for the Hyloth maze Farming Balrons Into the Gem Mine
Thanks for the event! I wrote up a tale based on our evening:
I arrived a bit later, so I missed the inital part, but made it into the gem mine! Nice party! Problems at the jungle! That log was comfy as we sorted out the map issue Dispatching thieves! Taking over the golem´s lair