Want to own a vendor mall? Be part of the bustling Yew Moongate shopping scene? You are in luck! I had big plans for this Villa but decided to sell it since I won't have time to run vendors here. This villa is just steps away from the actual Yew Moongate / guard zone and in the middle of all the other small vendor malls. I've spent a lot of time idling inside and see people running around in this area all the time. Perfect for doing some vending! Forgive my poor drawing skills! You can see how awesome this spot is here: Vendors that are frequently visisted are right next to your porch! Here is the map: SB: 500K BO: 1M Increments 50K 24 hours from last bid Bamboozle#0001 with any questions. Thank you and good luck!
Getting quite a few inquiries over PM. I'll direct folks to this thread. Added B/O and lower S/B based on inquiries.
Probable translation: Zlo dm'ed me with an offer of 1 million so I dropped the b/o and let him place the winning bid 2 minutes later.