Is this Spellwarrior template still good for PvE?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Foxhound3857, Dec 15, 2020.

  1. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    This was my template before I went on hiatus.

    GM Macefighting
    GM Tactics
    GM Anatomy
    GM Magery
    GM Meditation
    87 Healing
    92.9 Resisting Spells

    Still need to GM the last two skills, but basically I was playing this like an AoS Paladin, mixing in Magery for healing, curing, buffing and utility (summing BS or EV, Gating, Marking, Invis, etc), with the stat spread making Mind Blast hopefully not such a huge threat while still retaining good HP and melee efficiency with a Warhammer.

    I was considering adding Archery as well, dropping Meditation for it if anything and switching to a dexer suit instead of barbed leather, though I don't know if archery is worthwhile in Renaissance PvE.
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  2. Blendax

    Blendax Well-Known Member
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    Sep 18, 2017
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    On this kind of build I would not add archery. Archery is very much a support skill, so you would need something like Provo or taming and archery would add bonus damage in that regard.

    Otherwise, this is a great med warrior build. Your macing will eat your enemy's stamina and you will be able to withstand some spell damage with resist.

    If the 90/85/50 is str/dex/int, I would suggest making it 90/90/45... Those five extra points on dexterity will be worth more than five extra points on intelligence, especially when you can always just put on a wizard hat to get to 50.
  3. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    Doesn't the Wizard Hat also drain Str/Dex by 5 as a tradeoff?

    I also considered parrying, but Warhammer is the only macing weapon I know of with Crushing Blow, and I was told a while back that Parrying is a pretty bad skill here too (and that dexxers in general aren't really any good for PvM).
  4. Blendax

    Blendax Well-Known Member
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    Sep 18, 2017
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    Yeah, you're right. It DOES drain Str/Dex. I only meant it as a means to get you to 50 Int (like if you have to res).

    Yes, the warhammer IS the only weapon with crushing blow, and that's what makes it so special in terms of damage. The warhammer is actually a pretty high-damage weapon when you calculate in crushing blow.

    Parrying is okay, but only if you plan on only attacking non-magic using enemies.
  5. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    I'll consider it, but the 50 Int is both to allow the casting of 8th Circle spells (Energy Vortex would be the main one) and to neuter the effects of Mind Blast from hostile sources. I guess the difference between 20 and 22 isn't that substantial, but still, having to swap in a hat just for the purposes of being able to cast one spell is a bit of a hassle. I like keeping things simple. I chose Macefighting over Swords because I didn't want to have to take another skill (Lumberjacking) to get maximum damage out of axes. Though I don't know how Warhammers perform in comparison to Halberds either.

    Personally, I was considering dropping Meditation and taking either Archery or Parrying, and swapping from GM Barbed Studded to a full-on Dexer suit with no more than -5 Dex. But none of the Macing one-handers have Crushing Blow, and Parrying doesn't help against spellcasters. And the way I play, moving in and out of swing range to minimize melee damage received, it probably doesn't benefit me that much anyway.

    So maybe the build is best left the way it is for PvM purposes. It's probably the best thing I'm going to get for monster hunting that isn't a tamer and/or a bard, two templates that I absolutely refuse to play.
  6. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  7. FisuUO:R

    FisuUO:R Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2019
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    Any particular reason to refuse adding a barding skill? It opens a lot of possibilities and you dont need to feel compelled to do a 101 provodexer. You could do some interesting builds with peace or disco.
    I understand the tamer thing a bit more. I have one but barely use it. It kills the game in many situations where I like to actually feel challenged. A basic provo mage or dexxer is as simple and safe as it may get and I can see your point. But maybe consider peace or discord.
    I run a disco macer, no magery at all, and its pretty fun and surpisingly profitable build. The only downside is that I need to have a toon gating him (not that terrible tbh) and that I can´t escape fast in case of danger with the click of a hotkey, so im pretty much defendless in certain situations, but hey.. Adrenaline!

    In my opinion, trying to stick to a strict build may turnout in a negative experience. Best to do is to try and play with different builds. We have 15 slots to get creative ()
    One and Pulse like this.
  8. Kiryana

    Kiryana Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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    You mentioned that you are interested in good armor with no dexterity deductions. I have 28 sets of Spiked Gorghet Bone Armor +54 AR no dex loss!

    One set 100k.

    Information on the note.
    Eye Steel likes this.
  9. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    I have plenty of Barbed Studded sets, and if I do drop Med at some point it'll be for a dexxer suit with something like Close Helmet, Ringmail Gloves, Plate Sleeves/Gorget and Chain Tunic/Legs.

    It wouldn't be until after I GM Resists, and the deciding factor would be what the base mana regen rate is and how crucial the added regen from Meditation would be given the enemies I want to fight. My Magery would mainly be for casting support magic and offensive spells not reliant on Eval Int:

    Greater Heal
    Arch Cure
    Magic Trap
    Gate Travel
    Blade Spirit
    Energy Vortex

    I'm more likely to keep it at this point though. If I dropped it, it would be for Archery, and I think Archery would be better suited to a GM Fisherman template, something I still have on my to-do list. Parrying could be nice, but being as War Hammer is the only macing weapon with Crushing Blow, I don't really feel inclined to give it up for a shield in any situation.

    Among the list of enemies I want to hunt eventually are:

    Ogre Lords
    Cyclopes and Titans (probably my preferred prey)
    Stone Gargoyles
    Lich Lords
    Various elementals (though I may have to give up on ever fighting Blood Elementals, those guys are MEAN)

    Of course, where I go and what I hunt depends on what places are actually safe to hunt at without having PK's randomly pop in looking for easy prey.

    Much as I like this server, it wasn't my first choice. AoS will always be my favorite era, but Pestilent is gone and I don't know of any other AoS servers.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2020
  10. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    Is it true that AR cloaks and robes don't work on UO:R? I was planning on getting a Shadow Iron pair after I eventually get an ethereal mount and a blessed runebook, but if they don't work then what's the point? Why couldn't I just get a newbie cloak/robe and dye them dark grey instead?

    To that end though, is there a specific list of what enemies have plat as part of their potential loot table? What is the weakest enemy that can drop plat?
  11. Pulse

    Pulse Active Member

    Mar 18, 2014
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    Most every mob can drop plat. It is the drop rate that changes. Mongbats and slimes drop at around 1/1000 drop rate. Some of the bosses drop at 1/1. Champion spawns and event scrolls are the fastest places to farm plat. Everything else falls somewhere in between.

    The compendium on the UOR site lists the loot/drop chance for most creatures under the Beastiary section.

    Also for every 50 hours of logged in time per account (you can have 3 accounts) up to 500 hours will earn a plat each month. So up to 10 plat a month per account can he earned that way as well.
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  12. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  13. Blendax

    Blendax Well-Known Member
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    Sep 18, 2017
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    Yep, archery is actually pretty useful in Halloween events. You can take down the royal mummy by yourself with just an archer.

    Still, in any other case ... archery needs some other way to damage enemies (so yes, EV or BS, taming, or provo). Otherwise, the attack rate is just WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to slow.
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  14. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    I feel like, since I'll be using EV or BS for bigger enemies I can't reasonably go toe to toe with, I may as well just switch back to my Warhammer and wade in and out in between their swings, letting the EV/BS tank the damage. Seems like my Warhammer will still be a better option in those situations than a bow, unless it's something I absolutely cannot afford to get hit by.

    On the other hand, if bows have been patched to the point where they can be repaired, and precious +20 or +25 Power/Vanq bows aren't disposable after wearing them out, then I'd consider it more. That's also partially why I'm considering going for a dexxer suit instead of Barbed Leather and dropping Meditation, because Barbed Leather cannot be repaired. Dexxer suits can.

    At least Barbed Leather suits are cheap though.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2020
  15. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  16. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    With enough patience and open space to not draw additional enemies, I think I can probably kill the bulk of mid-high level creatures with this build with a combination of magery and timely Warhammer swings. It wouldn't be efficient though, or safe. Dragons I'm not sure of, but between the two I've fought, Blood Elementals were far, far worse.

    And the bigger worry is finding a place to hunt such monsters that aren't a frequent visiting ground for PK's looking for an easy score.

    Among the enemies I do like to hunt are Cyclopes, Stone Gargoyles, Lich Lords, Daemons, and Mummies, things that I consider to be middle-tier with decent coin and not too high on the overall TTK. Lich Lords are probably a bit stronger than just mid-tier as far as the sheer damage of their magery, but they don't have that much HP and fall pretty quick to a good Silver weapon.

    Speaking of Barbed Leather, I actually have a lot of Horned Leather put aside from farming Smaug, but I don't know if that makes for decent armor or not.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2020
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  17. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  18. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    I have a few +25/Power Warhammers put aside right now, those are serving me very well even without Slayer properties. I don't think I have any expensive slayers anyway, only a +15/Force Silver.

    Anyway, I prefer to travel light. A half-decent weapon, a suit of armor, a small supply of reagents, potions, bandages and food, a couple of trapped pouches, and a bank rune. That's all I need.

    It keeps my weight low to pull in more gold per adventure, and if I die, I don't lose much.
  19. Foxhound3857

    Foxhound3857 Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    Do we know exactly what clothing items can't break from durability loss (presumably because they can't even be hit)? I've heard that Cloak, Sash, Kilt, and Boots cannot be destroyed, all clothing pieces I like to wear. Doublet would be nice too, but I do know that short/long shirts and short/long pants and all types of headwear can break. I just don't know what else.

    If it's not too ridiculously expensive and doesn't inhibit meditation, I'd eventually want to get a blessed deer mask or bear mask that matches the color of Barbed Leather, because as I understand it, anything that's blessed cannot break. I think it's hue 1109.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2020
  20. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    Masks can get broken!! check their durability at your character profile on renaissance website
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2020
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