this is years of collecting Tailor and Smithy BOD's Here is a list of what I have. they can be seen on a vendor N.E of Vesper , at my tower @ 94 18N 119 27E A list as follows 2 full flips smithy all 20's 1 full flip smithy all 15's 1 full flip smithy all 10's 1 full Color Smithy Partial books 10's 150 in it 15's 148 in 20's 299 in color 145 in 1 lrg smithy 69 in roughly give or take 3300 BOD's total Tailor Bod's are being sold via private offer Asking a fair and reasonable Bid, will except at least half in gold plat and H.C excepted.
Very sorry. the usual 24/48 after last bid. also I am sorry for tailor bids. I got a private offer for all tailor BOD's. I never done this before. I just do not want anyone thinking I am rigging this auction.
ummm, so am i bidding against a private bidder for the smith bods too? i assumed that this was an auction and private bids were not being accepted.
You can bet your life those complaining about private bids didn't put in a high enough private bid. Some people will even create brand new accounts just to troll auctions anonymously but you wouldn't know anything about that as you're a new player here with a new account, am I right..?