Hello adventurers. Greetings from Italy. I played Ultima back in 1998 first on the "Europa" server then on "Siege Perilous". Over the years I then played on several unofficial shards until I left the game. As a matter of fact, I have never really abandoned it because I always talk to old friends about the adventures we spent together. Thank you for making it possible to go back to playing last online as I remembered it. Tammazio
Howdy Sir! Embark on the adventure again and immerse yourself in the world of childhood memories with truly unforgettable and magical adventures in beautiful Sosaria again! I am a citizen of Sosaria and welcome you as warmly as our excellent community! https://discord.gg/9JtUTdP Welcome!
no First, it is better to get to know the world and the inhabitants, you should not immediately get involved in politics. I think.
Just joined Thursday and played Europa In late 1999/2000 Roleplayed at crossroads - was In few guilds that fought the Guardsmen Eventually got a near-Yew-gate villa
Another Italian...Italians taking over, WOOOOO! Join the Server's Discord and then contact me, there's a bunch of other Itas playing here.