A - Magic Heavy Cross Bow & Bow 450K BO (Highest damage archery weapons in game, rare drop from event ONLY) B - Magic Heavy Cross Bow & Bow 450K BO (Highest damage archery weapons in game, rare drop from event ONLY) C- Magic Heavy Cross Bow & Bow 450K BO (Highest damage archery weapons in game, rare drop from event ONLY) D- Magic Heavy Cross Bow & Bow 450K BO (Highest damage archery weapons in game, rare drop from event ONLY) E - Mask of the undead kin 1M SB (Blessed, rare event drop ONLY) F - Exceptional Verite Short Spear 125K BO (Verite is the second highest damage weapon in game) G - Exceptional Verite Short Spear 125K BO (Verite is the second highest damage weapon in game) H - Exceptional Verite Short Spear 125K BO (Verite is the second highest damage weapon in game) I - Exceptional Verite Short Spear 125K BO (Verite is the second highest damage weapon in game) J - Exceptional Verite Katana 125K BO (Verite is the second highest damage weapon in game) K - Boots of the Rouge 1.2M SB BO (+20 Stealth, adds 2 steps in stealth mode, rare drop from event ONLY) L - Vesper 2nd anniversary shoes 2M SB (Over 6 years old, RARE) M - 2 Brazier Deeds 300K BO (Rare Bod reward) N - Exceptional Valorite Katana 1.2M BO (Valorite is the HIGHEST damage weapon in game) O - Exceptional Valorite Large Battle Axe 750k BO (Valorite is the HIGHEST damage weapon in game) P - Exceptional Valorite Double Axe 850K BO (Valorite is the HIGHEST damage weapon in game) Q - Hue 997 Christmas 2018 Deer Mask 450K BO R - Hue 2406 Deer Mask 600K BO S - 6 Green Christmas Scrolls 1.35M BO SOLD "A frozen scroll with a small village drawn on it" T - 11 Red Christmas Scrolls 2.5M BO SOLD "A Frozen Scroll with a dark cave entrance drawn on it" U - 400 Platinum Coin 2.3M BO SOLD (NOT PICTURED) V - 1,000 Holiday Coin 3.75M BO SOLD (NOT PICTURED) 48 Hours after Bids, I reserve the right to do what ever I want with this auction. If you want multiple items PM me to work out a deal!