Thank you so much to everyone who participated. Gifts are all available for pickup in all tiers. To those who had the task of shopping for me: I'm sorry. It's always awkward, but much appreciated. Here are my gifts... Thank you, santas! T1: T2: T3: Thank you again, everyone. I will post a more detailed wrap-up once every gift has been delivered!
To my T1, I'm not sure if you knew that I'm a sucker for poetry, I appreciate the effort if you did. I made some small changes for better flow. To my T2.... THANK YOU!!!!!! Merry Christmas all! (And a special thank you to Mr. @Puck for putting this together!)
Thank you to my T1 Santa! Lots of stuff for Deco and books for bookcases an AMIB, rugs, shields, i LOVE it Merry Christmas to All!
Thank you Secret Santas, your gifts were awesome and the deco in the bags were top notch!! the tree was perfect but my mouse has a double click issue and i picked up 2 of the pearls MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL!!
Thank you to my secret santa's! BOD STUFF and Deco Rares (and some slayers!) And .. the most inappropriate poem ever! Great work!!
Wanted to share my gifts. Thank you very much to my secret santas! Very much appreciated. I'll find a place for these in the 1154 keep.
Here is what I got from my Secret Santa. Thank you so much was fun doing it again. Thanks @Puck for running it again.