Trying to install UO:R Launcher on Catalina with Crossover

Discussion in 'Server & Client Support' started by Lapin, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Lapin

    Lapin New Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    Hey all,

    I've checked the forums but couldn't find someone who had the similar problem.

    I'm trying to install UO:R Launcher through crossover (as I never could able to make sense out of wine's interfaces AND I have Catalina installed)

    I could able to install the libraries but I'm getting stuck when launcher itself tries to launch through IE (screenshot attached)


    btw, the downloads folder within the winebottle c: is empty

    so far my steps when trying to install the launcher client:
    1) Used Win7 x86 bottle to install (failed)
    2) Used Win8 x86 bottle to install (failed)
    3) Used Win10 x64 bottle to install (installed but stuck at the point where I've post the ss)
    4) Installed .net c++ library in a new bottle and tried to install launcher (failed)
  2. Labeler

    Labeler Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jul 18, 2016
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    i have a full crossover package (bottle) rdy for testing.
    what system are you using please?

    for some weird reason (still trying to figure out) it works on my imac perfectly but not on my macbook (cuo loads but the login page is jinxed up)
  3. Lapin

    Lapin New Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    I'm using MBP Mid 2015 OSX 10.15.3 (19D76)
    Crossover version is Version 19.0~b1

    for addition, recently (guessing yesterday night) there was an update on ClassicUO's wiki page for how to run on OSX. I've noticed some command lines were different so curiously I've checked win version's install and noticed that OSX version is also installed with the UO:R launcher within win files! I already had a bootcamp installed with a UO:R installation. So I've literally copy and pasted the UO:Ren dir and changed the settings.json with my osx paths (without razor) and typed mono classicUO.exe and the result is;


    so far it's been the most 'makeshift' way to install the game. Do you think we can clearly say OSX users don't even need crossover or wine(?) I mean I just somehow ran UO on catalina lol.

    For the sake of proper installation reference for others I can keep trying to install through crossover and can give feedback to you @Labeler. Not everyone has the full install dir anyway.

    forgot to mention on my previous post, I've also tried to run the dmg file before,
    but for some reason if I try to run wine files on catalina, it mostly stays put (no indication
    of working progress on dock only active in activity manager) and after 10 mins later osx
    finder restarts and every single running application is closed. Same happned with UOR
    dmg file as well.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2020
  4. Labeler

    Labeler Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jul 18, 2016
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    hi, thanks for the feedback

    CUO runs pretty much on any OSX but the main problem is razor cannot work natively. (big loss here imho)

    so far, i have succeeded a full CUO with razor trough crossover and if & when telemon allows me i can send you a copy for trial.

    the problem is with crossover is the trial lasts 14 days, after that its a 35 $ purchase (i got 12 days left)

    my next aim is to port from crossover straight into wineskin (freeware)
  5. Lapin

    Lapin New Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    Yeah without razor it feels a bit crippled. :/

    Sure thing, let me know when you can, glad to test it for you. Luckily I do have a licence for crossover, can test it out for you. Would also test the wine version as well :)
  6. Labeler

    Labeler Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jul 18, 2016
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    can u please hit me up on discord? we can get you the files for crossover (rdy to roll)
    Lapin likes this.
  7. Labeler

    Labeler Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jul 18, 2016
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    pm me again on discord, i got a NEW package for you to try,

  8. Duke19

    Duke19 Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Hi @Labeler, would you be able to re-up the links to the download archives or CUO bottles? Every time I try to install CUO on my Macbook it goes to a blank UOR url and dies from there. I think I need to import the archive, as people have suggested elsewhere, and all the old forum G-Drive links to a download archive are either dead or restricted now. Thanks!

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