Why Mounted Elves in Dungeons changed

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Keza, Dec 12, 2022.

  1. Leeloo

    Leeloo Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2020
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    So the "Why" is that we don't get flooded with scrolls, as mentioned on his on post:

    Now that we know that @Keza cares about the servers economics, when are we going to see balances to the amount of Plat distributed on champ spawns, harrowers and other sources? Since experienced players know and have meanings to acquire WAY MORE plat than the average new player?
  2. Fenrir

    Fenrir Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    Feb 19, 2019
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    Reemer and Blendax like this.
  3. Keza

    Keza Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    Jan 6, 2015
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    I'll quote something I said in dozens of my youtube videos... "Its just a game". Many of you are taking this change and my response to it FAR to seriously. Its the holidays, spend some time with your family and friends. I can only hope thats what Chris/Telamon is doing with his time away. And when he returns, he can take a closer look at the "Scroll Situation".
    To the point @Leeloo made, yes other changes are planned with the UOR Projects Map. However, those are all coded change projects and require the luxury of Chris/Telamon being around to code them. I feel like many players have forgotten that this whole server was started by one guy who has a family, job, and IRL problems like everyone else. He volunteers time when he has it.

    As @Fenrir mentioned, this change was a joint discussion and we threw several ideas around:
    • Remove all dungeon spawn and replace it with a single rotating boss system that has a higher scroll drop chance.
    • Remove just the mounted elves and add more deers.
    • Remove the mounted elves minions but leave them.
    • And the most tame of all ideas... change very little and just remove 4 of the 6 minions.
    Math was run, and alterations were made. This was not a "because I felt like it" thing. If anyone looks at the current scroll count and the number entering the server daily, you quickly realize that the current situation is unsustainable. Supply will eventually reach demand and when that happens, those 250k scroll will sit on the market. Hard to argue that an items rare and valuable when there are 7000+ on the server.
    Goblinchild and Leopold like this.
  4. NCCML

    NCCML Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 18, 2018
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    I think you are absolutely wrong about your predictions on how the scroll market will flop.

    There is, in my opinion, only ONE thing that would cause scrolls to completely tank... ironically, nothing YOU can do will prevent this, unless you get access to the code.

    Reward. Store. Updates.

    As long as HC has a value, these scrolls, regardless of count, will hold value. Dude. You already said it yourself. There are literally thousands, now, today, presently. As Peace has pointed out, btw, your change has hardly reduced the daily drop rate! Right?

    If you guys really want to help preserve value here, you need to put that time and effort into finding a solution to the REAL problem here. This server needs regular attention from somebody with code access. We need reasons to give a crap about the potential drops and HC.
  5. Blendax

    Blendax Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Sep 18, 2017
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    Thanks for the deeper explanation! I don't know the exact number (been a few decades since I've had Calculus or Stats), but I had to point out that it wasn't 100% accurate. :)

    My brain:

    I think it would be a good idea to take the current amount of HC in circulation (not accurate in item DB) and compare THAT to the number of active scrolls. I have a feeling both would drop precipitously with a solid update to the rewards vendor (well, HC would go up and then down as scrolls were run)... which would definitely solve any concerns over large amounts of scrolls being farmed. I understand the attempt to help the situation, but I feel like you're trying to solve a symptom, and not the possible underlying cause.

    Of course, I totally say this, knowing that would be out of your hands, @Keza .

    I think about 3-4 years ago, it was a challenge to find a time to run your scroll, because they were constantly being run. That's a good problem to have, and it's no longer the case.
  6. Delstrudo

    Delstrudo Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2018
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    ONE thing that isn't mentioned about this change is that the dungeon hunters can now hit and run their bosses faster, reducing the chances of being caught out MID-fight. Simply an observation.
  7. Ragnar Lothbrok

    Ragnar Lothbrok Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jul 19, 2016
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    lol so ONE can go in and out and kill and MID doesnt have time to come kill ? just looking at the all caps words there
  8. Jim Harbaugh

    Jim Harbaugh Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2016
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    No one is worried about being caught by a MiD gank Squad while farming elves. I don't care if there's one boss or 3 at the same time, It takes overwhelming numbers for you guys to make an impact due to how unorganized you are in the field currently. One-off kills aren't going to disuade anyone.
    Dash and Ragnar Lothbrok like this.
  9. Leopold

    Leopold Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 29, 2017
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    <country accent> This ain't my first rodeo. </country accent>

    I've been dodging PK groups in the dungeons since Christmas of 2018 (2017 I was too timid and stuck to overworld). Back in the old days SoF, Anarchy and to some extent K*P would make their rounds during Christmas and really keep the dungeons a dangerous place. There was one year that I would get into a fight with Merlin probably an average of twice a day. But it seems last year and possibly the year before the PKs have been slacking. Perhaps they split their time farming for scrolls themselves or they just don't make them like they used to. I suppose ONE could argue that this change was made because the PKs are not sufficiently keeping the unopposed farming in check.

    A few tricks I've used in the past when I was more trammy, or when I am in a trammy mood:
    - Just farm on a bard with some EV scrolls on an ethy and so it doesn't matter if I die.
    - Drag the boss away as each pair of helpers are provo'd, or before they "wake up". Boss has the highest drop chance, so at least kill the boss before the PK zerg shows up.
    - Position the boss in a tight spot where it's hard for the helpers to spawn (I'm not 100% sure if this actually works, like in the WW scroll. But it seems like it did)
    - Realize that you have bonded pets that you'll re-train after Christmas anyway. In my experience the number of scrolls you get by being super risky and just going 100% all-in @El Horno style far outweigh the time spent restocking after a total wipe.

    Dash likes this.
  10. JohnM

    JohnM Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Mar 27, 2015
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    When can we expect the Halloween patch?
    Kiryana likes this.
  11. Delstrudo

    Delstrudo Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2018
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    Relax fellas we're talking mechanics not semantics here. Objectively dungeon xmas mob farming was made safer with this change, that point hasn't been brought up yet.
    NCCML and WarrenBuffet like this.
  12. WarrenBuffet

    WarrenBuffet Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Aug 21, 2018
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    But again all this is based on what @Keza deemed an issue. I am just very curious as to how these "UOR" changes are thought out and presented. For instance, Keza's "new tames" that got put into the world only to be removed by Chris a few weeks later...

    I am also curious as to why none of this was mentioned in the OG Christmas announcement post....

    It seems there was ample time to write up an announcement and implement changes but not enough to inform anyone of said changes.
    Yukon Jack, NCCML and Kiryana like this.
  13. Andrakus

    Andrakus Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    @Keza i get adjusting the drop rate of scrolls to make them more rare. Why not just adjust the actual drop rate vs how many spawned elfs pop up in Dungeons? The thing I and many loved about Christmas time is the risk involved with farming elves in a dungeon trying to be as quick as possible. The risk/reward is a huge part of that dopamine payout when you land a scroll. That is nerfed considerably by speeding up the time one must remain in the dungeon to get the scroll. It seems that this is indirectly a nerf on human competition.

    Some of my most vivid memories of this game involve farming elf knight in the dungeon and then getting ebolted into oblivion by enemies and losing scrolls or potential of scrolls. It sucks but that's what makes it fun. The risk/reward. The elves themselves don't provide adequate enough challenge. It's the human competition that does that. The world is just too big and player base too small for that to exist in the overworld.

    Spilt Milk--How about this solution:

    What if you give us another pair of elf spawn in the dungeons per mount ( so 4 vs 2) , and maybe another pair in the overworld (so 8 v 6)? It seems people are having a hard time finding them in the overworld and increasing the mount's elfling spawn rate may help compensate for that.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2022
    NCCML and Kiryana like this.
  14. Keza

    Keza Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    Jan 6, 2015
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    Drops such as Hcoin, Scrolls, and monster statues are coded in with %chance at a fixed rate. Without a patch, there was no way to alter anything about this years holiday monsters. Thus, some were subtracted from the equation. Many others have mentioned similar things like, why I dont balance the plat system or other aspects of the game. Truth is that volunteers & staff members are quite limited, Chris/Telamon holds all the cards as the creator and only one with the ability to make larger changes.

    No its not ideal that he is gone often, but the server he created remains as a timeless memory of the game from 1999 era. Lets all be respectful and grateful for that. When Chris/Telamon returns, he can decide what updates & balances are best for the future of his server.
    Reemer, Jim Harbaugh and Kiryana like this.
  15. Andrakus

    Andrakus Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    Got it. I appreciate you trying to do what you can in absence of the big guy. I figured most likely you couldn't directly adjust the rate of such drops and this was a workaround. What about my proposed solution? It should only increase drop rate by about 4% on each. We are still under a 20% drop rate in dungeon and slightly increased in overworld. The drop rate used to be around 23% (i believe) for dark elf knight in dungeon. This would take that down to about 19%.
  16. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    Overland spawn(my main hunt) where always nerfed and i never complained...
    Criers cry and hunters hunt..
    My only advise, let the next event the way they are... dont spend the short time coding new changes or implementations... no matter what you guys does, there will be always someone to complain.. i understand why sometimes some staff want to stay as shady as possible... i would not be able to lead with so many crying... let them cry... server keeps with a good population average(with some recent increase) and will always keep, no matter what you guys does or not... focus on the PVM leaderboard and finishing the new amib system and we will be good.
    Blendax likes this.
  17. AOٌ

    AOٌ Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    The drop rate both overland and in dungeons this year is severely depressing. 2 hours of my life wasted for 1 HC lol fucking sad.

    "Happy Hollidays"
    Jim Harbaugh and Jesus Is King like this.
  18. Ron Jeremy

    Ron Jeremy Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2014
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    I pulled 3 scrolls in less than 6 minutes on live stream the other night. Seemed fine to me, I'm super productive with a provo / disco mage though

    AOٌ and Leopold like this.
  19. JohnM

    JohnM Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Mar 27, 2015
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    well there you go, no issues at all

    for you......
    Kiryana likes this.
  20. Goblinchild

    Goblinchild Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 30, 2017
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    I don't see the issue.

    Quartz and Leopold like this.

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