UND Public Resist Event for mortal filth sacks

Discussion in 'Player Run Events' started by Sgt Pepper, Jan 22, 2023.

  1. Sgt Pepper

    Sgt Pepper Senior Counselor
    Senior Counselor

    Jun 27, 2019
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    Saturday January 28, 10am EST

    The UNDead Alliance are diss'sgusted to announce the forthcoming RESST EVENT for all of you delicious pink flesh bags- everyone with new characters (or old) are welcome to join, unharmed, brainsss uneaten, to GM resist for free on our dime.

    The event will run for as long as physically possible with as many casters as we can get.

    *****DISCLAIMER***** Please deposit anything in your s'stinking human bags in your bank!
    To get here enter any MOONGATE to get to the Event Center, then head to the GREEN event gate. Use the GREEN event gate in the center of the first room you enter in the Event Center and it will bring you to the Resist Event.

    To get inside all you have to do is ATTACK the guard out front to die, and come into the training area as a GHOST, where we will be running a Rez Macro bot.

    Putrid Mortals, PLEASE NOTE!:
    To avoid drama and trouble, wrestling is not allowed, even if it's your two accounts wrestling/healing each other, or a guildie. Anyone caught fighting will be banned from the event.

    If you need help with macros for the event please feel free to ask in UO:R Discord or PM me. We may want to eat your brain but will find it within us to as'ssssist.

    If you need resist on a faction character or if you need access (ie. a red/murderer character) to the event area before the event starts make sure to PM me on discord and we can arrange that.

    NOTE:Hopefully we'll have an event gate but you can also recall in from here:


    P.S.A.: Once the event has culminated, my
    immortals will once again s'seek the dismembering
    of your corpses and devouring of your brains.
    It is what it is... Have fun & Good luck!

    Last edited: Jan 22, 2023
  2. kremilek

    kremilek New Member

    Oct 6, 2022
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    What a lovely day for trip to Valhall!
    thank you
  3. AOٌ

    AOٌ Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    One toon done! Thanks

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