Start on UO:R in 2023 - music/provo guide

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Hasskappe, Jun 26, 2023.

  1. Hasskappe

    Hasskappe New Member

    Jun 18, 2023
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    When I started 10 days ago I created my first char on this server, it was a disarm-thief. Why? Because every ub3rl337 r0xx0r5 0f 7h3 4w350m3n355 has to be a disarm thief! But on this server you absolutely get the F for playing a thief. There is literally nothing to steal and I ended up with this char without the money to buy enough regs to train magery:
    I know, I know, I know...... I could go and grab cotton for a week but F... COTTON!

    So I started a new char. This time a char that is able to get teh BIG MONEY. The best char for that would be a provo/dexxer but I'm a stubborn old dude and therefore I went with provo/mage. I searched the forum and most provo related stuff was really old and most of the authors want you to use moonglow zoo in the beginning and a provo-house later on. Well, these provo-houses are locked all the time and you have to reach out to the owner so you can use their house. For me that was a F... provo-houses situation and therefore I used a differend method that got me all the way up to GM provo with ease while still staying in Ocllo.

    Without further ado, let's start.

    I created a char with 50 STR, 50 magery and 50 provo. Magery is not needed but I wanted to have magery on the char and because training magery is expensive I took it. After that I started picking cotton for about an hour until I ended up with having about 6k gold. Then I bought the skills that I wanted for the char from the NPCs and after that I bought more skills (no camping) until I reached the skillcap of 700. Then I locked up all the skills but camping and started to collect kindlings (use your starting dagger on some trees). Kindlings are heavy and that's why I started with 50 STR. Now start camp fires (doubleclick the kindlings in your backpack) and your stats will go up really fast while camping can not go up because you are already at the skillcap. Grab more kindlings and start more campfires until you hit the 225 statcap (took me about an hour). For my char I went with 100 STR, 25 Dex, 100 INT but you can go with whatever combination you want. Then I went to the tinker and bought a lot of drums (20 are fine). Now I made a simple macro:
    Edit: Maybe try a shorter delay, Jill said 5200 would be enough. Anyway I used 10500. ^^

    Then I started the macro (with loop) and went to bed. ^^ If you are a nice person you don't do this right next to the bank because the sound is annoying as F...! You can go all the way up to GM music that way but you don't have to, low 90s or even high 80s is good enough. After that I bought a few more drums (from this point to GM musi/provo I needed 23) and moved to the first spot in the newbie dungeon (F... moonglow zoo, I'll stay in Ocllo):
    There are two trolls that can't reach each other because of a fence between them. I used the following macro:
    You can afk that until you hit about 80 (I stopped getting gains at real 83,3). That took me about 12 hours, then I moved to the second spot:
    The trick is to lure the first pirate onto the small passage right next to the stairs and just stand behind him with your provo char. The easiest way is to attack the pirate with a second char and run into the corner then move the provo char behind that first pirate. Teleport out with the second char of just let the 2nd char die. Now that the first pirate is trapped you provoke a second pirate onto the trapped one and you will end up with a pirate in front of you and one pirate behind you that can not reach (damage) each other. I placed a second char behind the 2nd pirate so no nice saviour would come to help my poor trapped char, but this is completely optional. Now I simply used the same macro I used with the trolls (just retargeted). It took me another 12 hours to GM provo.

    And that's it. If you do it like I did you'll end up with a GM music/provo that is able to get you all the money that you will ever need for whatever you want. Dragons, bloods, ogre lords, elder gazer, lich lords, titans, or whatever..... as long as you have more than one you can make them your bitches! ^^

    Have fun!
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2023
    Buga, PaddyOBrien and Jill Stihl like this.
  2. Jill Stihl

    Jill Stihl Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 10, 2017
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    You don't need a 10.5 second pause for macroing music. 5.2 should be plenty.
  3. Hasskappe

    Hasskappe New Member

    Jun 18, 2023
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    I guess you are right but I'm a lazy dude I always go with 10,5s for almost everything while training. ^^
    Edit: Anyway, thanks I made an edit to the op.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2023

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