updated to sell individual items Bag 1 (2466), - bag alone - sb 25k, bo 50k 2756 skullcap - sb 150k, bo 350k 2466 earrings - sb 75k, bo 250k clothing bless deed - 85k --------------------------------------------------- Bag 2 (2466) - bag alone - sb 25k, bo 50k 2756 skullcap - sb 150k, bo 300k 2756 bracelet - sb 75k, bo 250k clothing bless deed - 85k ---------------------------------------------------- Bag 3. (2756) - bag alone - sb 25k, bo 50k 2756 skullcap - sb 150k, bo 300k 2756 necklace - sb 75k, bo 250k beard sculpting cream 50k ends 24 after last bid
Ok, Quartz and Crisco win, calling it for Griz cause I have another pair to sell. I'll get up with you guys tonight.