Parry and UO:R

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by Mes, Apr 12, 2013.

  1. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    How did this skill work during UO:R, and how does it work on the server?

    I believe it ran a check for a successful parry and gave a damage reduction based on armor that the shield supplied.

    For this example lets assume you have 50 armor before you put on a shield. You have two shields, a buckler that raises your armor to 60, and a heater that raises your armor to 70, depending on which you put on.

    Let's assume you're wearing the buckler. Your displayed armor is currently 60, your parrying skill is grandmaster. You are also a grandmaster swordsman and are carrying a katana in your other hand.

    Your opponent swings at you and connects a hit after a check between his offensive skill and your swordsmanship. Since you are wearing a buckler, the game now runs a check against your parry to see if you successfully parry.

    Now at this point it's worth mentioning that different shield types provide a different chance to parry. Heavier shields are more difficult to parry with and will parry less often. I don't know these numbers, but let's say that bucklers give a -5% chance to parry and heaters give a -20% chance to parry. (I specifically recall it being very difficult to parry with heaters and order/chaos shields)

    The formula for whether you parried ran something like this [(Parry% - Shield%) / 2]. In this example that would look like [(100-10)/2] = 45% chance to parry the incoming attack.

    If you failed to parry after that check you would take damage as if you had the 50 AR you had without a shield. If you successfully parried you would take damage based on the 60 AR you had with the buckler on.

    The same logic applied for the heater. It would be more uncommon to block with the heater, but when it successfully blocked it would reduce the damage by a greater amount.

    I believe damage could be reduced to 0 and I think successful parries showed a little white blip on your shield if my memory serves. Although I'm not as certain about that. Attacks like poison from a weapon, disarm, stun punch, purple potions, trapped boxes, and spells, concussion blows, paralyzing blows, and crushing blows were not parry-able as far as I can remember. However, damage associated with melee swings in those attacks like poison from a weapon, para blows, concussion blows, and crushing blows was reduce-able by successful parries.

    If you have any better memory of this or you otherwise know that I am wrong or also you have some intimate knowledge of how it has been working on the server, please say so!

  2. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Second Age mechanic data:
    While Weapon Skills, determine a players chance to hit a target, the parrying ability gives the player whg's been hit a second 'check' to determine whether or not they receive full damage.

    Example: A player with GM Swordsmanship swings a halberd at a player with GM Fencing and GM Parrying wielding a kryss and a buckler. Since both players have GM weapon skills there is a 50 % chance the halberd will hit its target. After this first check is made, a second check is made that determines whether or not the hit is parried (some of the damage blocked). Thus, at 100 skill level in both weapon skill of the attacker and parry on the defender, there is a 25% chance of hitting the player for full (normal) damage.

    Chance to Block an Attack with a Shield
    FORMULA: % Chance of Blocking= Parrying Skill / 2
    Parrying Chance of Blocking
    5 3%
    25 13%
    50 25%
    75 38%
    100 50%

    The resulting damage received is determined by the type of Armor equipped.

    Publish 5 states:

    The chance to successfully parry a physical (melee or archery) attack and the amount of damage absorbed upon a successful parry will now depend on the type of shield the character is using and his/her parry skill. The AR rating of a shield will determine it’s effectiveness. Shields with low AR (such as a buckler) will increase your chance to successfully parry a melee attack but will only absorb a small amount of damage. Using a shield with high AR (such as heaters and chaos/order shields) will allow you to absorb more damage but will not successfully parry a melee attack as often. Your parrying skill will increase both your chance to parry and the damage absorbed.

    As an example, a fighter with 100.0 parry using a buckler will successfully parry a physical attack approximately 86% of the time. However, the shield will only absorb about 10 points of damage her successful parry. By contrast, a chaos shield used by the same warrior will allow him/her to successfully parry a physical attack about 36% of time, absorbing approximately 48 points of damage. All other shields scale in between those too shields.

    Publish 17 states:
    Gaining in the Parry skill will no longer be limited to using a shield, since you can now parry using weapons (unless your Parry skill is locked, of course).

    Current Stratics:

    Great essay on Parrying
    eherruh likes this.
  3. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Now that the relevant publish data is out of the way, I'll share opinion on the matter.

    I think Parry is too often assumed to be truly useful only in PvM. If it doesn't increase the ability to avoid stun punches, paralyzing blows, poison from poisoned weapons, on successful parry of the hit, it should.
    This is really my opinion but it also seems like it works that way here. I know when I was playing CTF with Perry Mason, as soon as I was rocking the shield, I was getting stunned far less than without.
    It also seemed that I was getting poisoned a lot less when I fought nox fencers. Specifically in a few fights I had with Vajingo's nox fencer, whenever I didn't have my shield up, I swear I was getting poisoned 9 out of 10 hits by him. Once I put the shield up, it was seldom and more like 1:10.

    Could be perception skewed by chance to apply, but it certainly seemed that way and I honestly think that's valid. If you took a hit from a poisoned weapon, with your shield (ie: Parry), the hit is not going to apply poison because the blade never even hit your body armor, let alone flesh. It was all shield contact and there's no stabbing through a sheild with a fencing weapon. This is just an opinion based on what I believe to be sound logic.

    I love the discussion as I think Parry Mages have a place in Ren also. :) That would make the fights vs nox fencers a bit less of a run and spamcure game. :)
  4. Aegis

    Aegis Member

    Oct 18, 2012
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    I believe this is pre UOR, even pre T2A I think, but I think still somehow relevant to the conversation :)
  5. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    lol what. I think they have a video with lumberjackers being cloned in vats and chopping people down in factions too.
  6. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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  7. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    one of the videos says "This movie is almost 800k. Be patient, it will take a minute or 5 to load, but it's worth it. Let it load and then press Play."
  8. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Welcome to 56k, lol
  9. Aegis

    Aegis Member

    Oct 18, 2012
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    these were early UO days :)
  10. JulesGiddyup

    JulesGiddyup New Member

    Jan 27, 2024
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    Which one of these is the current state of parrying on UO:R? Feb 2024. I found a newer thread (2020?) that suggested parrying was going to be updated but hasn't been yet, but that was 4 years ago...
  11. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    is the same.. if you have a parrier run to the cupid spawn at wrong,, those first tiers will be the only time in the year you will see your parrying making diff in your life.

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