Blues should take punishment as well.

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Double Vision, Dec 1, 2012.

Blues should suffer the consciences of their actions.

  1. Yes, if a blue wants to take a count to kill someone, Then they should not be able to escape so easy

    6 vote(s)
  2. No, I ate crayons as a kid and believe I should be able to get away with killing people & reds shou

    6 vote(s)
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  1. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    Since the other forum thread got moved to trash , Everyone was saying we'll reds are killers they should be punished. Also, there was talk about making it easier for pks to kill blues then because its lame they can just recall out.

    So here is a perfect solution for both problems:

    Any blue who takes even one count will not be able to recall or gate when attacked. Since Pks should be punished for for killing people and thieves get kicked out of guild for taking one count , I believe blues as well should be punished for having counts. So with 0 counts if you are attacked are by anyone you may recall to get out of danger, but if you have any counts then your punishment is to stay there and deal with the consciences of your own actions of killing someone.
  2. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Insta red after 1 count... :D
  3. Caly

    Caly New Member

    Nov 4, 2012
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    You are getting more ridiculous by the day. I am not even gonna vote on that.

    Please go back spending your time doing useful things, like the video u made, u know stuff like that...
  4. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    How am I ridiculous by suggesting an idea that most of A^T argued was the case reds deserved to not get any special treatment in statloss? You guys all agreed that killing someone should serve a penalty so here ya go. Stay on the topic, I'm not letting this one get derailed or sent to trash & i'd hate to report an A^T member for insults on a discussion thread :) .

    I always thank my fans, the video took little to no effort but thanks :p !
  5. Vagingo

    Vagingo Member

    Sep 18, 2012
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    do thieves really get kicked from the thieves guild for a murder count here?
    it definately wasnt like that on osi after disarm came out other wise it would be a useless skill since anyone u attack to disarm could just suicide and count u. i remember having a red disarm thief just from ppl suiciding to give me counts and i never got kicked.
  6. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    Pretty sure it's like that if not that musta been a hybrid thing but the fact that blues can kill people with no penalty and get away so easy from being killed but reds can't seems kinda unfair. This way if your out pking not every blue can recall out when being attacked because they made the choice to pk somone else. Perfect solution since the statloss ideas got shut down and almost everyone agreed that this was a good idea if you go by peoples comments on the thread that got trashed lol.

    ^ exactly

    ^ Exactly
    ^ Right we should fix that

    Glad you agree.
  7. Tater Salad

    Tater Salad Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Nov 15, 2012
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    Well if you want to be able to recall after being attacked you have have to have 0 kills. It would deter noto-pk's while letting true non-player killers to escape safely
  8. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    Exactly A+
    Me & Blaise agree
  9. Caly

    Caly New Member

    Nov 4, 2012
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    But thats not the point is it? You are on a personal vendetta against certain people because you think they block your ideas.
    Look at Mutombos idea. most of us didnt block it, because it makes perfect sense.

    And i call your idea here ridiculous because you expect the staff to spend hours, days maybe of their time, to program something to fit your vendetta plans and that is ridiculous.

    I completely understand that some pks here, just enjoy being a pk or lets say PvP in general and cant find much right now and hence go find farmers to kill. And i understand the limitations that the system as it is sets them, can be frustrating. but that is not the farmers fault, and by pissing the farmers off, you achieve only thing - even less people to kill. And you know that brings me to what shocked me the most - you said you want to make the entire A^T guild quit. That by itself is just so very wrong.

    What do you want to achieve? Play on an empty server, that has rules which suited you back in the day, when people actually played?
    Stop thinking so freaking short term and start seeing the bigger picture, hate us ingame if you want, but out of game get together with us, and think of ways to bring more people here, so you do not need to get frustrated about not finding enough PvP?

    Look at the time, money and dedication the staff is putting into this server. It has great potential. Now lets focus on growth and not on how to get rid of still rather small player base, just because they dont agree with you.
  10. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    It' has nothing to do with vendetta or you guys at all , this was stated in another post about how it's a pain to kill blues that just recall so in essence this is actually someone elses idea. If I have a problem with your guild i'll take care of it in game not on forums anymore , so calm down & Stay on topic, this is not trash talk, move your comments there.

    Side note: I would also like to point out there is a couple of us that are going to start pking & pking is part of uo and is just as equally as important to some players as other aspects of the game which in the future could benefit new comers that would come here strictly to pk. Truth is if Ezekial & Telamon didn't find pks, thieves & grifers a important aspect to the game they would have added trammel or took out these things all altogether but they didn't, they left it Felucca only for a reason because they know people like that aspect of the game.
  11. Caly

    Caly New Member

    Nov 4, 2012
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    It is very much on topic. I am stating my opinion about your suggestion there.

    More on topic - If you make a poll, give proper options to vote for, or dont make a poll at all. As it is right now, I agree with you, it can be moved to trash talk...
  12. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    This is my thread & My poll I madel, if you don't like it then make your own. No one is forcing you to be here.

    Is not commenting on the idea, it's showing your opinions about me and clearly your objective is to get this put in trash so I Reported to staff. Now stay on topic for the 3rd time.
  13. Caly

    Caly New Member

    Nov 4, 2012
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    You do not need my help to move this to trash talk, you are doing this all by yourself. :)

    Again, my post was very much on topic - You made a poll and I stated my opinion on the topic and explained it.
    Yes there were comments about you in person, but this was to explain the topic.

    When you make a poll, you need to give everyone to vote for the possibility to vote for the option they want (at least a "Yes I agree" or a "No, I don't agree") and not give a second option that says "I ate crayons as a kid". Coz this is trash talk before you even started posting anything else.

    So please in future put up a proper poll, or go on what you are doing and have everyone laugh at you and not take anything serious you post.
    You are right in saying I should have stayed out of this poll though, because I guess I should just gave giggled about it and moved on but I do actually care about the community on this server and that even includes you.

    And now I will stop commenting on this post, because I can already see that my effort on you is lost.
  14. Messiah

    Messiah New Member

    Oct 20, 2012
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    I hardly ever involve myself on forum discussions but in this instance i did wanna say that this a great idea. Caly, it seems from what I have read on prior forums, is that you along with your guild wants their cake and to eat it to by punishing pks but wanting no conscience to pking as a blue. You are also doing the same thing that you and your guild got on Dv for in the other forum thread. If someone doesn't like pvp or is not on a pvp character then they shouldn't be talking counts to begin with in the first place especially tamers and bards. So without further involving myself into the discussion I voted yes on this change.
  15. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Sep 8, 2012
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    ^ wait, what?

    The only person who's a noto pk here is DV, so the entire discussion is crazy ironic.

    DV wants to have 2 options:

    Either he uses the current system to his advantage and never goes red because he's scared of stat.

    Or he goes red and the punishment is so light that it doesn't matter.

    And he's calling everybody else trammies throughout the entire thing and at the same time threatening everybody. What a huge goddamn fucking joke. I'm tired of your shit DV and I'm tired of being civil - you are a child. Your acting in the threads reflect this. Your inability to even make a legitimate poll reflects this. You can't even handle people having different viewpoints on issues.

    YOU FUCKING SUCK. And the staff is FAR too smart to look at the server they are spending a LOT of their time on, FOR FREE, and turn the rules system over to the likes of players like you. You contribute nothing here. You are not friendly, you are not positive, you are not a positive person. You do nothing but bitch about the perceived injustice of not being able to kill other players without the hassle of macroing counts. Nobody fucking cares dude get the fuck over it and go out and get a real job or something. Tired of your shit.
  16. Messiah

    Messiah New Member

    Oct 20, 2012
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    Seeing you guys attack the maker of this thread as a way of getting the thread trashed just because you don't like the idea and get mad if you don't get your way is very childish. Please grow up and act like an adult, it' a game.
  17. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2012
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    Murder should be punished even if one is Blue. Perhaps instead of insta-killing blues in town for crimes, they could be sent to jail which is much more annoying than waiting out the crime timer and getting resurrected in town.
  18. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Sep 8, 2012
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    I don't even Noto people lol. I have absolutely nothing against making this server even more carebear. See my sig for details.
  19. Messiah

    Messiah New Member

    Oct 20, 2012
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    Would like to know why caly is sending me a private message trying to persuade me against Dv and change my mind on this subject? Is this regular practices of A^T on forums to get what they want?
  20. Messiah

    Messiah New Member

    Oct 20, 2012
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    So two wrongs make a right? Gotcha
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