A new player's guide to making gold: cotton

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Upgrayedd, Nov 10, 2012.

  1. Upgrayedd

    Upgrayedd Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Oct 8, 2012
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    Much of this information is the same as used in "A new player's guide to making gold: sheep". Thanks to WISE for the heads up on cotton.

    If this is your first time playing Ultima Online (or it's been so long that you've forgotten everything), getting started can be tough. Everything can kill you, you don't know who to trust and you have no gold. Stockpiling enough gold to train magery and buy your first house should be your top priority, but where to start? Ultima is a lot like like the One Red Paperclip story where a guy starts out with a single red paperclip and, through a series of trades, ends up with a house.

    In Ultima there are lots of different ways to make gold. Here's a simple method that requires nothing but a bit of time: cotton. Note that you are allowed to have 2 accounts here, so to make best use of your time, you might want to be working on a 2nd account at the same time. (Hint: getting a bard started is free, it just takes time, but it can be done in the background.)

    Collecting cotton doesn't require any special skills although having 50 magery can be helpful. The best cotton fields require you to teleport and once you get going, you'll want to recall to the various locations for efficiency.

    Getting to the best cotton: Delucia
    Delucia is in "the Lost Lands" (aka "the Second Age" or "t2a") which is entirely separate from the "old world" of Britannia where you start out. The easiest way to get to Delucia is to ask someone to mark some runes for you. Otherwise, you can make use of one of the passages such as the Cave SW of Trinsic:

    Once you're in Delucia, you'll find 3 fenced-in cotton fields. You'll need to teleport to get into each of these. Simply double click a cotton plant and it will turn into a bale of cotton. Pick it up and put it in your pack. More cotton will spawn almost immediately.

    To make things more efficient, you can add cotton to your scavenger agent. In Razor go to the "Agents" tab. Click the dropdown menu and select "Scavenger". Next click "Add" and target a bale of cotton in your pack. Last, click "Push to enable." Now anytime you stand near a bale of cotton it will automatically pick it up and put it in your pack.

    Eventually you are going to become overloaded; cotton is heavy. Head to the tailor shop just NW of the cotton fields. Stand in between the spinning wheel and the loom. Double click the cotton in your backpack and target the spinning wheel. After a couple seconds a spool of thread will appear in your back pack. Double click the spool of thread and target the loom. Do this 4 times and a bolt of cloth will appear in your pack.

    Macro for spinning/looming cotton
    This is a slightly more advanced macro that requires you to setup a counter for "cotton". In Razor go to Display/Counters and click the "Add" button. In both "Name" and "Format" input "cottonl" (without the quotes) then click the "target" button and target the cotton in your backpack and click "Okay". Lastly, find your newly created "cotton" counter and put a check next to it.
    How to copy and paste a macro

    Now you have some bolts of cloth that you can either sell to the NPCs or other player. The NPC tailor/weaver will give you 60 gold per bolt of cloth. As you sell more and more cloth, the price will start to go down. If it gets too low, either find another NPC or store it in your bank.

    You can also use Razor to automatically sell the bolts. Go to the "Agents" tab, click the downdown menu and select "sell". Click "Add (Target)" and target the bolts in your pack. Click "Max Sell" and input 5, then click "Push to Enable". Any time you say "vendor sell" it will automatically sell 5 bolts at whatever price the NPC is willing to give you.

    The Math
    1 cotton per plant
    10 cotton = 60 spools of thread = 600 yards of cloth = 12 bolts of cloth = 720 gold

    Maximizing your time
    • Get a horse from the stables SE of Delucia bank (650gp)
    • Get your strength to 100 so you can carry more (~4000gp)
    • Mark the locations of the cotton/flax and tailor so you can cast recall--either ask someone to help you or find a player vendor that sells mark scrolls
    • Place a house (44000gp) and add a spinning wheel/loom (~6000gp)

    Additional cotton fields (thanks WISE!)
    North of Cove

    South of Moonglow

    South of Occlo

    There's also a flax field SE of Moonglow. (You will need to create a 2nd macro for spinning/looming flax)
    Jerry likes this.
  2. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Apr 3, 2013
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    You can no longer sell bolts of cloths to NPCs (thanks Zyler!). You'll have to sell to other players.

    And speaking of other players, I will GLADLY pay the old NPC vendor price for cloth @ 1.2g each!
  3. Gozinya

    Gozinya Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 3, 2014
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    Why do vendors no longer buy bolts of cloth?
  4. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
    ReZon likes this.
  5. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    If I am not mistaken, npc tailors still buy cotton, wool thread and yarn.

    Also if you join the young program in Occlo you can farm gold in the dungeons, cotton fields, build skills etc.

    Nice thread, thanks for posting this.
  6. yancar

    yancar New Member

    Oct 24, 2016
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    So is this still an effective way to make gold for new players? I am currently looking for a way to make some gold while my bard is macroing. This was posted in 2012, is cotton a hot enough commodity to sell to others in a quick manner?
  7. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    like all things, it depends on the players

    I am sure you could sell a reasonable amount with a quick turn around right now

    You could also start up a warrior and hunt the local baddies around Ocllo
    Most players that stick around end up with a provocation warrior.

    You could spend your time bashing skulls or picking cotten.
  8. Xetnu

    Xetnu New Member

    Mar 8, 2017
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    I would just like to point out that the fences in Delucia now have openings in them, which means that you no longer need to teleport into them(screenshots below). They also seem to have the same respawn rate as any other cotton plants. This is still a nice place to go if the Occlo cotton fields are crowded. I wouldn't bother with the Moonglow flax field as the quantity of plants isn't worth the long walk outside the city. Also, you can still sell the actual cotton/flax that the plants drop to NPC tailors. You will have to go to different cities as the NPCs will stop buying the cotton/flax after a few sells at which point there is a cooldown that lasts for a few minutes before they will buy that item again. You can sell flax to a vendor that you maxed out on cotton and vice versa.

    Delucia Cotton Field-1.jpg

    Delucia Cotton Field-2.jpg
  9. Everlast

    Everlast Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 22, 2015
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    You can turn cotton to bandages and sell bandages to players for probably the highest profit, altho I've never researched what gets the most gold per cotton.
  10. Valrick

    Valrick Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 9, 2014
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    Or save some of the cloth to make TAILORS, to then gather BODs which you can also SELL :)
  11. Xetnu

    Xetnu New Member

    Mar 8, 2017
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    I know that NPC tailors will buy a single cotton/flax for 41 gold before the price drops from over supplying them.

    I'm still VERY new to UO, so I don't understand how BODs work. Probably going to do some research on the subject in a few minutes.
    DaTamer likes this.

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