Being born and raised on the streets of the UO ghetto...

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Gozinya, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    Last edited: Jun 3, 2018
    Basoosh, Vlar and Gozinya like this.
  2. Gozinya

    Gozinya Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 3, 2014
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    Lol, welcome to Ultima Online. That's why I don't trust ANYONE in UO that I don't know in real life.
  3. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    Ah!!! Zim, you were in UND on Siege? I was CWS - Phaedrus. :eek: :D
  4. CrazyJoe

    CrazyJoe Active Member

    May 14, 2014
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    I moved into Eve Online right after UO - it was as close as one can get to totally decimating the belongings of another player, and having the same done to you.
    Lord Krake likes this.
  5. Lord Krake

    Lord Krake Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 25, 2014
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    I recall a time, that really got under my skin, where I had worked my butt off to get the gold to buy a silver bardiche and go kill me liches in Deceit. It took me a while to make that gold through random hunting and scavenging, begging other players, and crafting a few things with my minimal crafting skill. I think I payed 10k for it at the time.

    So I get it, ellated that I had a sweet wep finally to kill me some undead and make back that money, and more. I gear up with my standard solo hunt gear and recall to Deceit. I recalled in about 12 screens away from the liche spawn. Hid.

    I run a few more screens. Hide.

    I run a few more in, allnames shows me there is one lone liche being his lichey self. I hide.

    I muster up the courage to attack him, and the fight in on! Smashed my silver bardiche into him 3 times. Feeling good.

    3 reds run in on horses, blast me into oblivion. Death screen.

    I see, as a ghost, 2 of them explaining what to loot from my body to the third. They were just training in their red friend, and I was the victim.

    So I had my prized silver bardiche for all of 10 minutes. Ragequit for a few days after that.

    Came back, angry, Turned red for a few weeks to satiate my need to do to others what had been done to me. The cycle continues.

    BTW, Zim, you avatar is from my favorite game #FFVIforlife
    Basoosh and Gozinya like this.
  6. Gozinya

    Gozinya Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 3, 2014
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    I played Eve online for years... off and on though. I felt everything took too long to do. It was like having another full-time job. I still og bac once or twice a year and play for about month, but then remember why I stopped lol.
    Punt likes this.
  7. Jebidiah

    Jebidiah Active Member

    Oct 1, 2013
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    I dont have much stories I can honestly remember anymore, seems I have bleaked out a large part of my life. BUT! I do remember playing from the start up until trammel and I was banned when trammel came out for harassing people in trammel... Then a buncha free servers in between a few years after that up until now.
    Vlar likes this.
  8. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Apr 3, 2013
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    I forget the exact era, but it was pre-Trammel... A friend of mine (let's call him Pedro) somehow lucked out and obtained some prime real estate outside of Britain.

    One day while training magery in his house, Pedro noticed a small band of new adventurers passing by. You know the kind. There was the mage - complete with starter robes and barely enough reagants to cast ten spells. Then there was the fighter - equipped with an orc helm he found lying in the gutters of Britain's streets and a katana he spent his life savings on. And finally there was the archer, who actually had a magic crossbow but obviously nowhere near the skills to use it correctly.

    This horrific band of heroes was "adventuring" just beside Pedro's house. Through the walls of his home, he could almost hear their cheers as the three of them combined their strength in order to defeat a little rabbit.

    While our Band of Heroes ran off to do glorious battle with another rodent-based adversary, Pedro summoned a Water Elemental and commanded it to follow him. He ran up to the Band of Heroes and yelled out, "Help, this monster is after me! Help!" The water elemental was struggling to keep up with Pedro and it had just appeared on screen, eager to return to it's master's side. The Band of Heroes of course couldn't tell the difference between a summoned elemental and a "wild" one, so they leapt to the defense of Pedro.

    "In Por Ylem!", chanted the mage in order to cast Magic Arrow. The arrow thumped into the water elemental's backside, appearing to have no noticable effect, except to enrage the beast. The Water Elemental immediately responded by casting an Energy Bolt that instantly cleaved the mage in two. *BLAAAARGH* and the mage keeled over.

    The fighter leapt to the attack, brandishing his holy katana against the monster. *Wiff* *Wiff* *Wiff* *Wiff* The Water Elemental was taller than a house, but the fighter still couldn't land a hit. After dispatching the mage, the Elemental turned on the fighter, sending him flying through the air with one punch. He landed in a heap, motionless. The orc helm didn't seem to help at all.

    The archer, seemingly the smartest of the bunch, had held off on attacking the elemental initially. But seeing his comrades struggling, he too had jumped in. He fired a crossbow bolt at the monster and watched as it harmlessly careened off into the forest. He knew then that he had made a fatal mistake. He turned and ran, but the elemental was in hot pursuit. Between the east forest's entangling underbrush and the archer's 14K modem, his attempt to flee was tragically cut short. The elemental quickly caught up and bashed his skull in.

    Pedro gathered all the loot off of their corpses and put it up for sale on his vendor before returning to magery training. Moments later, the Band of Heroes returned, fresh from the bank. They approached Pedro's vendor. The fighter equipped a freshly purchased orc helm and katana. The archer equipped a magic crossbow.
    Punt, Gozinya, Vlar and 1 other person like this.
  9. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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  10. Gozinya

    Gozinya Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 3, 2014
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    Once you said he summoned a water elemental I started cracking up hysterically! I knew what was next hahahahah awesome. We used to do that to people in glow with air eleys. Fucking good times...
    Basoosh likes this.
  11. Halabinder

    Halabinder Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2014
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    I remember a time when after having adventured in the ghettos of UO for a few weeks, I was finally faced with my biggest challenge since joining the server. The ().() monster! I was unable to calm her fury and the result was a weekend ban from UO.

    It was quite some time ago but I still remember the lessons I learned from this adventure.

    1) Keep how fun/frustrating UO is in your pants. If she is not playing she doesn't care.
    2) Log in to that crappy MMO you were playing with her before you got back on to UO every once in a while. I know it's cheating on UO, but it will greatly reduce the ().() monster's jealousy rating which will help you calm her fury. Here is the macro I use for it:

    Double click RIFT
    Say: "I love playing MMOs with you honey"
    Target: Significant Other
    Pause 27 minutes
    Say: "Thanks for the heal, you know, RIFT is so much fun."
    pause 36 minutes
    Say: "Oh that was fun! I love playing MMOs with you honey"
    Target Significant Other

    *The above mentioned event occurred on the nineteenth day of the ninth month of the two thousand and fourteenths year AD.
    Gozinya, Basoosh and Lord Krake like this.

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