UOR Price Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Dalavar, Sep 22, 2014.

  1. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    Price Guide Table of Contents

    I. Spawning and Unique Rares

    II. Craftables and Materials

    III. Rewards and Event Items

    IV. Miscellaneous

    V. Housing

    VI. Magic Weapons and Armor


    0) Yes, this guide is going to have its subjective elements, but I will try to be as objective as possible.

    1) The reason I went through all of this work is because it was a common request from many players.

    2) My goal is to have a sustainable system that is easy to update and also feeds the "price check" system in IRC. One data source means consistent price guidance.

    3) These prices are my estimate based on what I see on vendors, on the market, recent sales, quantity in the database, etc.

    4) For the most part, a recent sale of an item of which there are dozens or hundreds is not enough to make me adjust the price here wildly. For a unique/server rare, it of course holds a ton of sway.

    5) I am definitely open to feedback about prices. However, please do not be offended if you suggest a price for something and I don't change it immediately. It could mean I disagree with your assessment, or it could mean I just haven't updated the post yet.

    6) "_________ is worth _________, that's what __________ vendor is selling it for." If an item is selling on a vendor, and is no longer there, the price it sold for is a good indicator of the market. If it's on a vendor and you are pointing to it still being there, it is hard to take this as a sign of the value of the item, since no one is buying it at that price.

    7) The most valuable feedback at this stage is ideas on new items to add. I am certain I missed some things, and would like this to be as comprehensive as possible.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2014
  2. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    Spawning RaresRares are valued based primarily on their scarcity. Beyond this factor, a subjective measure of aesthetic appeal can also contribute to high and low values.
    arrowsstacked average price: 100k
    barrel average price: 25k
    beaker average price: 100k
    bell average price: 100k
    blackrock average price: 125k
    bloodtile average price: 200k to 300k
    bloodwall average price: 200k
    bloodybandage average price: 1k
    bloodywater average price: 75k
    boltsstacked average price: 50k
    bonecontainer average price: 150k
    bookcasefull average price: platinum reward
    booksstacked average price: plat reward
    bottle average price: 75k
    bridle average price: 20k
    brokenchair average price: 25k
    Brush[​IMG] [​IMG]
    brush average price: 15k
    bucket average price: 20k
    candelabratall average price: 250k
    candleshortstand average price: 2k
    cannonballs average price: 60k
    carddeck average price: 1k
    cards average price: 10k
    cauldron average price: 60k
    Checkers[​IMG] [​IMG]
    checkers average price: 40k
    Chessmen[​IMG] [​IMG]
    chessmen average price: 60k
    chicken average price: 200k
    closedbarrel average price: 25k
    copperingot average price: 5k to 15k
    cuthair average price: 25k
    donuts average price: 500
    driedflowers average price: 1k
    driedherbs average price: 1k
    driedonions average price: 1k
    Dung[​IMG] [​IMG]
    dung average price: 20k
    emerald average price: 200k
    emptyvial average price: 25k
    emptyvials average price: 80k
    feathers average price: 1k
    fishingnet average price: 200k
    flask average price: 150k
    flaskstand average price: 50k
    flowerpot average price: platinum reward
    flute average price: 850k
    fullvials average price: 80k
    fur average price: 40k
    Garbage[​IMG] [​IMG]
    garbage average price: 10k
    goldingot average price: 5k to 18k
    gravedirt average price: 60k
    hamsliced average price: 200k
    hay average price: 20k
    Rare Heart[​IMG] [​IMG]
    rare heart average price: 30k
    ironingot average price: 10k
    jarsempty average price: 15k to 300k (check database for quantity)
    jarsfull average price: 15k to 300k (check database for quantity)
    jarshalffull average price: 15k to 300k (check database for quantity)
    jawbone average price: 1k
    knitting average price: 25k
    logsstacked average price: 200k
    mushroomexploding average price: 125k
    pigsfeet average price: 400k (red), 150k (white), 100k (light purple)
    pigshead average price: 1M
    pitcher average price: 20k
    platedirty average price: 10k
    platefood average price: 3k
    playingcards average price: 25k
    poinsettia average price: 75k
    pot average price: 10k
    potofwax average price: 25k
    potofwaxsmall average price: 20k
    pottedcactus average price: plat reward
    pottedtree average price: plat reward
    rabbitspitleg average price: 200k
    rock average price: 15k
    shackles average price: 30k
    sheetmusic average price: 30k
    silveringot average price: 5k to 15k
    skullcandle average price: 150k
    skullmug average price: 20k
    spilledflour average price: 25k
    spittoon average price: 50k
    stringofshells average price: 200k
    tray average price: 100k
    vaselarge average price: 150k
    vasesmall average price: 10k
    washbasin average price: 750k
    wig average price: 15k
    wigstand average price: 10k
    woodcurls average price: 20k
    Unique RaresUnique rares on UOR are typically limited to a quantity of two each. In many cases, only one exists so far, simply due to the other copy not being given out yet. If unique rares go "inactive" - that is, they are held in a bank account or on a person who has not logged in for 90 days - they are considered to not exist, and not counted towards the maximum of two. This means that some of these items can have three or more copies.
    2storystatue average price: 6M
    alebottle average price: 500k
    anchor average price: 2M
    animatedblueflask average price: 5M
    animatedpurpleflask average price: 6M
    animatedredflask average price: 5.5M
    barberscissors average price: 500k
    basin average price: 500k
    basketofherbs average price: 800k
    beefcarcass average price: 800k
    boards average price: 500k
    Bottle ("bong")[​IMG]
    bottle average price: 1M
    bottleofwine average price: 500k
    cauldronhanging average price: 1.2M
    chickenplucked average price: 800k
    chickenspit average price: 1M
    chickenspitleg average price: 500k
    coveredchair average price: 2M
    dartboardaxe average price: 1.1M
    dartboarddaggers average price: 1M
    deerskinned average price: 1.5M
    eyeglass average price: 1M
    firepit average price: 1M
    fishhead average price: 500k
    fishheads average price: 500k
    fishskinned average price: 500k
    goatskinned average price: 1M
    goldenegg average price: 500k
    gravestone average price: 400k to 1M
    hitchingpost average price: 1.5M
    horsebarding average price: 3M
    hourglass average price: 4M
    ironmaiden average price: 4M
    jugsofcider average price: 500k
    liquorbottles average price: 500k
    logsstacked average price: 1M
    mouldingboard average price: 600k
    mountedreindeer average price: 1M
    musicstandshort average price: 500k
    musicstandtall average price: 1M
    nest average price: 700k
    nesteggs average price: 750k
    OpenBook[​IMG] [​IMG]
    open book average price: 1M
    pegboard average price: 500k
    map average price: 500k
    plough average price: 2M
    pottedtopiary average price: 1M
    rabbitskinned average price: 500k
    rabbitspit average price: 1M
    redstocking average price: 500k
    saddle average price: 1M - 1.5M
    shaftsstacked average price: 700k
    sheepcarcass average price: 1M
    skullspikes average price: 1M
    smallfish average price: 500k
    tarotcards average price: 1M (unique), 25k (common)
    large vase average price: 1M
    whip average price: 600k
    Winch[​IMG] [​IMG]
    winch average price: 1M
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2015
  3. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    Craftables and Materials
    Weapons and Armor

    [​IMG]axe average price: 206
    [​IMG]battle axe average price: 190
    [​IMG]double axe average price: 159
    [​IMG]executioners ax average price: 206
    [​IMG]large battle ax average price: 155
    [​IMG]two handed ax average price: 229
    [​IMG]war axe average price: 266
    [​IMG]hammer pick average price: 204
    [​IMG]mace average price: 77
    [​IMG]maul average price: 128
    [​IMG]war hammer average price: 179
    [​IMG]war mace average price: 204
    [​IMG]bardiche average price: 230
    [​IMG]halberd average price: 255
    [​IMG]short spear average price: 77
    [​IMG]long spear average price: 153
    [​IMG]war fork average price: 150
    [​IMG]broadsword average price: 128
    [​IMG]cutlass average price: 102
    [​IMG]daggar average price: 38
    [​IMG]longsword average price: 153
    [​IMG]kryss average price: 102
    [​IMG]katana average price: 105
    [​IMG]scimitar average price: 128
    [​IMG]viking sword average price: 179
    [​IMG]bronze shield average price: 153
    [​IMG]buckler average price: 128
    [​IMG]heater average price: 230
    [​IMG]metal kite average price: 204
    [​IMG]tear kite average price: 102
    [​IMG]metal shield average price: 179
    [​IMG]bow average price: 83
    [​IMG]crossbow average price: 123
    [​IMG]heavy crossbow average price: 255
    [​IMG]arrow average price: 7.5
    [​IMG]bolt average price: 7
    [​IMG]wooden shield average price: 63
    [​IMG]gnarled staff average price: 49
    [​IMG]quarter staff average price: 50
    [​IMG]shepards crook average price: 49
    [​IMG]fishing pole average price: 55
    [​IMG]normal leather armor average price: 1k per suit
    [​IMG]spined leather armor average price: 1.5k per suit
    [​IMG]horned leather armor average price: 2.5k per suit
    [​IMG]barbed leather armor average price: 3k per suit
    [​IMG]plate armor average price: 10k per suit
    [​IMG] dexer suit average price: 3k per suit
    Furniture and Add-ons and Others
    [​IMG]potion keg average price: 444
    [​IMG]open keg average price: 252
    [​IMG]ladder average price: 5440
    [​IMG]loom average price: 695
    [​IMG]spining wheel average price: 625
    [​IMG]boat average price: 20k
    [​IMG]small ship average price: 16k
    [​IMG]medium ship average price: 20k
    [​IMG]large ship average price: 25k
    [​IMG]pickpocket dip average price: 695
    [​IMG]training dummy average price: 625
    [​IMG]pentagram average price: 1380
    [​IMG]stone oven average price: 2720
    [​IMG]flour mill average price: 1550
    [​IMG]forge average price: 1500
    [​IMG]large forge average price: 1735
    [​IMG]small forge average price: 1370
    [​IMG]anvil average price: 2585
    [​IMG]smith repair deed average price: 55
    [​IMG]small bed average price: 1100
    [​IMG]large bed average price: 1650
    [​IMG]dart board average price: 35
    [​IMG]ballot box average price: 25
    [​IMG]wooden chest average price: 140
    [​IMG]small crate average price: 56
    [​IMG]medium crate average price: 105
    [​IMG]large crate average price: 126
    bookshelf average price: 175

    [​IMG]armoire average price: 245
    desk average price: 119

    [​IMG]table average price: 130
    [​IMG]small table average price: 119
    [​IMG]large table average price: 161
    yew table average price: 119
    easel average price: 140

    [​IMG]short music stand average price: 105
    [​IMG]tall music stand average price: 140
    [​IMG]wooden bench average price: 119
    [​IMG]water trough average price: 1050
    [​IMG]wooden throne average price: 119
    [​IMG]footstool average price: 63
    straw chair average price: 91
    vesper chair average price: 105
    [​IMG]rack of 2 canvas average price: 3200
    [​IMG]rack of 3 canvas average price: 3260
    [​IMG]counter average price: 2397
    [​IMG]counter middle average price: 1887
    [​IMG]oak table runner end average price: 2047
    [​IMG]oak table runner middle average price: 2007
    [​IMG]chest of drawers average price: 3825
    [​IMG]small naked bed average price: 6675
    [​IMG]small unmade bed average price: 6975
    [​IMG]large naked bed average price: 10700
    [​IMG]large unmade bed average price: 11k
    Spellbooks and Runebooks
    runebook average price: 400
    full spellbook average price: 3500
    Elvish Tome[​IMG] [​IMG]
    Elvish Tomes were rare drops on dark elf battle mages during the 2013 Christmas campaign in hue 15 and in the 2014 Christmas campaign in hue 904. They function as normal spellbooks, just with a different hue and name.
    elvish tome average price: 1.75M
    Tattered Spellbook[​IMG]
    Tattered Spellbooks are rare drops on pirate bosses. They function as normal spellbooks, just with a different hue and name.
    tattered spellbook average price: 2M
    the Necronomicon[​IMG]
    The Necronomicon was a rare drop from the Grave Necromancer at the 2014 Night of Horrors event.
    necronomicon average price: 2M
    Necromancer's Tome[​IMG]
    Necromancer's Tomes were rare drops from the 2012 holiday season. They function as normal spellbooks, just with a different hue and name.
    necromancers tome average price: 1.5M
    Khaldun Spellbook[​IMG]
    These green spellbooks were available briefly in 2012 due to a bug when killing a Khaldun monster. They function as normal spellbooks, just with a different hue and name.
    green spellbook average price: 1.5M
    level eight scroll average price: 100
    level seven scroll average price: 30
    level six scroll average price: 25


    Metal ingots (iron, dull copper, shadow iron, copper, bronze, gold, agapite, verite, and valorite) are available via mining, provided you have high enough skill. Gargoyle pickaxes and shovels can also dig up higher-end ores to make ingots. Stone ingots (stone, sandstone, and marble) come from gargoyle pickaxes and stone elementals in certain ore locations, and are considerably more rare.
    Iron Ingots[​IMG]
    iron ingot average price: 8.5
    Dull Copper Ingots[​IMG]
    dull copper ingot average price: 10
    Shadow Iron Ingots[​IMG]
    shadow iron ingot average price: 10
    Copper Ingots[​IMG]
    copper ingot average price: 10
    Bronze Ingots[​IMG]
    bronze ingot average price: 11
    Gold Ingots[​IMG]
    gold ingot average price: 12
    Agapite Ingots[​IMG]
    agapite ingot average price: 13
    Verite Ingots[​IMG]
    verite ingot average price: 14
    Valorite Ingots[​IMG]
    valorite ingot average price: 15
    Stone Ingots[​IMG]
    stone ingot average price: 500
    Sandstone Ingots[​IMG]
    sandstone ingot average price: 400
    Marble Ingots[​IMG]
    marble ingot average price: 500
    Boards come in two varieties, each from their corresponding logs. Oak boards are unique to UOR and spawn on a small portion of trees. They are used in crafting special items like ships, house ladders, and other custom add-ons.
    board average price: 3
    Oak Boards[​IMG]
    oak board average price: 25
    Leather comes in four varieties. Plain (which is available from NPC Tanners), Spined, Horned, and Barbed. Spined provides better protection than plain. Horned is better than Barbed, and Barbed provides the best protection. In some ways, however, Spined is the most highly sought-after, due to its use in Tailoring Bulk Order Deeds.
    leather average price: 8
    Spined Leather[​IMG]
    spined average price: 20
    Horned Leather[​IMG]
    horned average price: 10
    Barbed Leather[​IMG]
    barbed average price: 25
    bone average price: 5
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2016
  4. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    Rewards and Events
    BOD Rewards
    Tailoring Rewards

    Cloth can be bought from NPCs or produced by cutting wool from sheep, spinning it into yarn, and then using it on a loom to make bolts of cloth. Cloth hue 0 (true black) comes from a true black dye tub. Hues 1 through 999 can be made with a standard dye tub. Hues 1000+ are available from Tailoring BOD rewards or the clothing of various NPC humanoids. For example, Executioners tend to be wearing clothing in the 1600-1654 hue range. Of BOD cloth, only the four rarest hues have any value - 1150, 1154, 1157, 1194. These sell for about 2,000 per yard, with 1150 fetching perhaps 3,000 per yard. Anniversary hue cloth can fetch up to 5,000 per yard.
    cloth average price: 1.5
    High End BOD Cloth[​IMG]
    bod cloth average price: 2k
    Anniversary Cloth[​IMG]
    anniversary cloth average price: 5k per yard
    Clothing Bless Deed[​IMG]
    clothing bless deed average price: 85k
    Ore Mask Dye[​IMG]
    Ore mask dyes are available as Tailoring BOD rewards. Ore dyes are the lower-tier dye that come from Tailoring BODs. They typically sell for 125k to 400k. They are available in the standard metal ingot colors.
    Dull Copper Mask Dye[​IMG]
    dull copper dye average price: 125k
    Shadow Iron Mask Dye[​IMG]
    shadow iron dye average price: 300k
    Copper Mask Dye[​IMG]
    copper dye average price: 125k
    Bronze Mask Dye[​IMG]
    bronze dye average price: 100k
    Gold Mask Dye[​IMG]
    gold dye average price: 200k
    Agapite Mask Dye[​IMG]
    agapite dye average price: 200k
    Verite Mask Dye[​IMG]
    verite dye average price: 350k
    Valorite Mask Dye[​IMG]
    valorite dye average price: 400k
    Special Mask Dye[​IMG]
    Special mask dyes are available as Tailoring BOD rewards as the highest tier of mask dyes. They are also occasionally released in other hues at special events of the shard (anniversary, etc.)
    special mask dye average price: 200k to 2M
    Black Mask Dye[​IMG]
    black dye average price: 1M
    Red Mask Dye[​IMG]
    red dye average price: 2M
    Pink Mask Dye[​IMG]
    pink dye average price: 300k
    Purple Mask Dye[​IMG]
    purple dye average price: 500k
    Brown Mask Dye[​IMG]
    brown dye average price: 200k
    Blue Mask Dye[​IMG]
    blue dye average price: 750k
    Green Mask Dye[​IMG]
    green dye average price: 400k
    Blacksmith Rewards
    Gargoyle's Pickaxe
    Gargoyle's Pickaxes increase the level of ore yield from an ore vein. That is, a vein that normally yields bronze ore will now yield gold ore. Additionally, there is a high chance that an ore elemental of that color will spawn, or a stone/sandstone/marble elemental.
    gargoyle pickaxe average price: 750
    Gargoyle's Shovel[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Gargoyle's Shovels can be used in the mainland caves of Britannia. The yield an ore golem of the color of the shovel, typically one golem per shovel charge. On the final shovel charge, an ore golem lord will spawn. The shovels are distributed in the approximate relationship to the odds of getting a BOD of that particular color - from 50% for iron to 0.5% for valorite.
    gargoyle shovel average price: 2k
    Prospector's Tool[​IMG]
    Prospector's Tools will increase the level of ore yield from a particular vein. A vein of bronze will become a vein of gold, for example. This upgrade works until the vein is drained. A prospector's tool can only be used on a vein once, until the vein is drained. They do work in conjunction with gargoyle's pickaxes; applying both to a vein will upgrade the yield by two colors, so a bronze vein would return agapite ore (and elementals).
    prospector tool average price: 2k
    Hanging Shield Deed[​IMG]
    Hanging Shield Deeds can be used to produce one of several different hanging shield or sword-and-shield decorations. These decorations can be chopped by the home owner to be returned back to deed form.
    hanging shield deed average price: 40k
    Braziers are earned in deed form. Upon using the deed, you are given the choice between a "tall" brazier and a short brazier. This selection is final as it gives you the item type in place of the deed. Either brazier style is blessed. When locked down, they can be double-clicked to turn on a flame animation.
    brazier deed average price: 300k
    Hanging Armor[​IMG]
    Hanging armor is available both from blacksmith BOD rewards as well as tailoring BOD rewards. Due to quirks in these systems, leather is much more rare than studded leather. For either, a random piece out of chest, legs, and arms, is given. For blacksmith metal armors, a random piece out of ring chest, ring legs, ring sleeves, chain tunic, or chain legs, is given.
    hanging armor average price: please be more specific - "hanging chain", "hanging leather", "hanging studded", "hanging ring"
    hanging chainmail average price: 350k
    hanging ringmail average price: 250k
    hanging leather average price: 100k
    hanging studded armor average price: 10k

    Powder of Fortifying[​IMG]
    Powder of Fortifying is used to add HP to an item such as a weapon or piece of armor or clothing. These items have a current and maximum number of HP. Applying one charge of this powder will add +10 to their current HP and +10 to their maximum HP, to an upper limit of 255/255. These powders come in charges of 5, 10, 15, and 20.
    fortification powder average price: 1k per charge
    Colored Anvil[​IMG]
    Colored Anvils are given as rewards for certain Smith BODs. They are treated as a lockdown, so you can release them with the "I wish to release this" command. They function as normal anvils.
    colored anvil average price: 25k
    Phoenix Armor[​IMG] [​IMG]
    Phoenix armor pieces are obtained from the Smith BOD system. They have the protection of a standard piece of armor, with a special name and hue. They are newbied, meaning they will not be found in your corpse unless you are a murderer (red) at the time of death. Note: the item actually received from the system is a phoenix armor deed, which when activated will produce the armor piece you choose. Armor cannot be turned back into deed form. And the deed is not newbied.
    phoenix armor piece average price: 750k
    Runic Hammer[​IMG]
    Runic hammers are available from the Smith BOD system. Using the hammer with its corresponding ingot type will create weapons with magical properties, in addition to the usual chance of "exceptional" bonuses on anything crafted.
    runic hammer average price: please be more specific - "dull copper runic hammer"
    Dull Copper Runic Hammer[​IMG]
    dull copper runic hammer average price: 500
    Shadow Iron Runic Hammer[​IMG]
    shadow iron runic hammer average price: 2k
    Copper Runic Hammer[​IMG]
    copper runic hammer average price: 5k
    Bronze Runic Hammer[​IMG]
    bronze runic hammer average price: 25k
    Gold Runic Hammer[​IMG]
    gold runic hammer average price: 250k
    Agapite Runic Hammer[​IMG]
    agapite runic hammer average price: 1.25M
    Verite Runic Hammer[​IMG]
    verite runic hammer average price: 2.5M
    Valorite Runic Hammer[​IMG]
    valorite runic hammer average price: 15M
    There are two major types of pets sold on UOR. One class is for combat, typically dragons, white wyrms, and nightmares. The other is for the Zookeeper's Quest. These are rare versions of 23 different animals in the world. The Zookeeper's quest allows for up to 10 people to gain 1 additional bonding slot, by fighting difficult enemies in an instanced dungeon. Additional rares can be found in this area as well.
    dragon average price: 8k
    White Wyrm
    white wyrm average price: 15k
    nightmare average price: 15k
    pure black nightmare average price: 25k

    Zookeeper's Quest
    Zookeper's Quest Scroll
    taming quest scroll average price: 850k
    Mask of the Wilds[​IMG]
    mask of the wild average price: 1.5M
    Knight's Strongbox[​IMG]
    knights strongbox average price: 150k
    Ruined Painting[​IMG]
    ruined painting average price: 500k
    Rare Animals[​IMG]
    sewer rat average price: 10k
    snow leopard average price: 8k
    frost bear average price: 10k
    mad cow average price: 8k
    crimson drake average price: 15k
    bloodthirsty bull average price: 10k
    savage ostard average price: 100k
    flying monkey average price: 10k
    ram average price: 8k
    black sheep average price: 10k
    king scorpion average price: 8k
    dark wolf average price: 100k
    hypno toad average price: 10k
    albino wyrm average price: 20k
    raging grizzly average price: 100k
    arctic wolf average price: 10k
    wild boar average price: 8k
    silverback average price: 20k
    jwilson average price: 10k
    crocodile average price: 8k
    gilded dragon average price: 20k
    rattlesnake average price: 10k
    majestic hart average price: 8k

    TrophiesTrophies are awarded during various events and for various accomplishments in the game. Most commonly, they are awarded in the traditional ore hues. Value of the trophy is not based on hue, but rather style, as the trophy style is what determines its platinum value. Non-ore hues are sometimes worth more if they have a desirable color. Typically trophies are worth a small amount more than the platinum value they can be cashed in for.
    Surfer Trophy[​IMG]
    surfer trophy average price: 9k
    Thin Trophy[​IMG]
    thin trophy average price: 18k
    Lady Trophy[​IMG]
    lady trophy average price: 36k
    Bust Trophy[​IMG]
    bust trophy average price: 54k
    Angel Trophy[​IMG]
    angel trophy average price: 72k
    Pegasus Trophy[​IMG]
    pegasus trophy average price: 90k
    Holiday Coin Items
    Easter Basket
    easter basket average price: 150k
    Trick or Treat Basket[​IMG]From the 2014 Easter event.
    trick or treat basket average price: 50k
    CoffinCame in two varieties in the 2013 Halloween event for 150 holiday coins each. Came in two varieties in 2014 for 150 and 200 coins each.
    coffin average price: 750k
    Necro ReagentsNecro reagents were available at the halloween event for 50 holiday coins each. They also randomly dropped in the instanced "Night of Horrors" event.
    necro reagent average price: 25k to 125k
    batwing average price: 75k
    daemon bone average price: 125k
    undead dragon blood average price: 250k
    muculent average price: 25k

    Halloween Mask[​IMG]Halloween Special Mask Dye was available during the 2013 Halloween event for 300 Holiday Coins, and the 2014 Halloween event for 400 Holiday Coins. It came in one of two random hues, 144 or 244, in 2013. In 2014, it was hue 43. This dye changes both the color and the name to "Halloween Mask".
    halloween mask average price: 2M
    CobwebsCobwebs were available from the 2014 Halloween vendor in 3 varieties: a small triangular web for 300 holiday coins, a medium circular web for 400 coins, and a large oval web for 500 coins.
    cobweb average price: 500k to 2M
    Halloween Light Sources
    Spooky Candle
    spooky candle average price: 200k
    Spooky Lantern[​IMG]
    spooky lantern average price: 250k
    Spooky Skull Candle[​IMG]
    spooky skull candle average price: 300k
    Spooky Candelabra[​IMG]
    spooky candelabra average price: 750k
    Desecrated Plate Armor[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Fell from Balam the Knight during Halloween 2014.
    desecrated plate average price: 75k
    Pitted Bone Armor[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Fell from The Black Knight during Halloween 2014.
    pitted bone average price: 75k
    Indian Tribal War Mask[​IMG]
    Found in the 2014 Halloween event. Un-hued, but can be dyed with mask dye.
    indian war mask average price: 300k
    Indian Feathered Tribal War Mask[​IMG]
    Found in the 2014 Halloween event. Un-hued, but can be dyed with mask dye.
    indian feathered tribal war mask average price: 300k
    Powwow drum[​IMG]
    Found in the 2014 Halloween event, in one of 7 hues.
    powwow drum average price: 10k
    Tomahawk War Axe[​IMG]
    Found in the 2014 Halloween event.
    tomahawk average price: 250k
    Easter Bunny Statue[​IMG]600 Holiday coins in 2014.
    easter bunny statue average price: 600k
    Fluffy Jr Statue[​IMG]750 holiday coins in 2014.
    fluffy jr statue average price: 750k
    Rabbit Pelt[​IMG]
    rabbit pelt average price: 400k
    Holiday Tree[​IMG]Available from 2013 Christmas event for 25 holiday coins.
    holiday tree average price: 75k
    Snow Pile[​IMG]Available from 2013 Christmas event for 5 holiday coins. The snow pile is [blessed]. It can only be thrown at other people carrying snow piles.
    snow pile average price: 20k
    Platinum Coins
    platinum average price: 6k
    Holiday Coins[​IMG]
    holiday coin average price: 5k
    Named and/or Colored Items
    This category consists of a bunch of random items dropped from events. Some are in available hues with custom names, others are in hues that are not otherwise available, and some are both unavailable hues and custom names.
    Cupid's Apron[​IMG]
    cupid apron average price: 5k
    Cupid's Shirt[​IMG]
    cupid shirt average price: 5k
    Cupid's Battle Mask[​IMG]
    cupids battle mask average price: 1M
    cupid arrow average price: 50k
    Grinch's Shirt[​IMG]
    grinch shirt average price: 50k
    Grinch's Hat[​IMG]
    grinch hat average price: 50k
    Santas Lists, Cupids Poems[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    cupid book average price: 50k
    santas naughty list average price: 200k
    santas nice list average price: 150k
    santas master plan average price: 500k

    Pilgrim's Shirt[​IMG]
    pilgrim shirt average price: 5k
    Pilgrim's Pants[​IMG]
    pilgrim pants average price: 5k
    Pilgrim's Apron[​IMG]
    pilgrim apron average price: 5k
    Skeletal Blood Knight's Cutlass[​IMG]Note: the item is called a Cutlass, but it is in fact a scimitar.
    skeletal blood knight cutlass average price: 200k
    The Blood Drinker[​IMG]The Blooddrinker was a rare drop from Balam during the 2013 Halloween events.
    the blood drinker average price: 400k
    the Corpsemaker[​IMG]The Corpsemaker was a rare drop from Balam during the 2014 Halloween events.
    the corpsemaker average price: 1.5M
    Runic Blade[​IMG] [​IMG]This item dropped in purple during the 2013 Christmas event and gray during the 2014 event.
    runic blade average price: 750k
    Christmas Scrolls[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    christmas scroll average price: 300k
    Revenant's Shield[​IMG]This item drops from a Revenant (boss monster).
    revenant shield average price: 500k
    Leprechaun Cloak[​IMG]
    leprechaun cloak average price: 20k
    Leprechaun Pants[​IMG]
    leprechaun pants average price: 20k
    Leprechaun's Hat[​IMG]
    leprechaun hat average price: 20k
    shamrock average price: 5k
    Shimmering Runes (beeswax)[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    shimmering rune average price: 400k
    Easter Eggs[​IMG]Easter Eggs are usually found at the Easter event on UOR. Aggressive easter bunnies will be found across Britannia and will drop easter eggs at random intervals, until killed or they run out. The eggs can be turned in for points which can be used to purchase Easter-themed rewards.
    easter eggs average price: 2k
    4th of JulyFireworks Wands[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Fireworks typically come from 4th of July and other holiday bags. They have unlimited charges. Activating the wand creates loud sounds and animations above the user.
    fireworks wand average price: 10k
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2016
  5. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    Sandals have long been a favored fashion accessory in UO. Price depends on rarity, hue, and source (holiday event, bug, pre-patch).
    Christmas Sandals[​IMG]
    Christmas sandals were made available during the 2013 Christmas event, and cost 500 holiday coins. Players got a randomly-chosen color from either one of two blue sandals, red sandals, or white sandals. Their hues are 8, 108, 33, 133, 1150, and 1154.
    holiday sandals average price: 2.5M to 5M
    Halloween Sandals[​IMG] [​IMG]
    Halloween Sandals came from the 2013 Halloween event, and were purchasable for 300 (hue 44), 400 (hue 144) or 500 (hue 244) coins.
    halloween sandals average price: 2M
    Leprechaun Sandals[​IMG]
    Leprechaun sandals were made available during the 2013 and 2014 St. Patrick's Day event. Each year offered different colors. They were found as loot on leprechauns. Their hues are 272, 273, 274, 573, 669, 670, 672, 673, 674.
    leprechaun sandals average price: 800k
    Bulk Order Deed Sandals[​IMG]
    Bulk order deed sandals are available as a reward for turning in certain bulk order deeds. Their hues are 1, 901, 902, 911, 916, 1156, 1175, and 1235. The hue 1 sandals ("true black") are the most valuable.
    bod sandals average price: 5k
    black sandals average price: 40k

    Anniversary Sandals[​IMG]
    Anniversary sandals were given out randomly during the first and second anniversary celebrations. Their hues are 71, 1271, and 1274 for First Anniversary, and 1159 and 1359 for Second Anniversary.
    anniversary sandals average price: 2.5M to 4M (second vs. first anniversary, respectively)
    first anniversary sandals average price: 2.5M
    second anniversary sandals average price: 4M

    Cupid's Sandals[​IMG]
    Cupid's sandals were made available as prizes for killing Cupid during the 2013 and 2014 Valentine's Day events. Their hues are 21, 22, 25, 26, 31, 233 333, and 433.
    cupid sandals average price: 800k
    Vendor Sandals
    Vendor Sandals are available from killing vendors. Some vendor sandals were dyed pre-patch and thus their hue and naming is relatively rare.
    vendor sandals average price: unknown

    Treasure Maps
    level one map average price: 500
    level two map average price: 1k
    level three map average price: 2.5k
    level four map average price: 5k
    level five map average price: 9k
    level six map average price: 18k

    Slayer Instruments[​IMG]
    Slayer instruments drop from monsters of the opposing creature type. Instrument type does not make a difference in function, except that standing harps tend to sell for less than other instruments as they are significantly heavier and leave less room in one's pack for gold.
    slayer instrument average price: please be more specific, i.e. "exorcism slayer"
    [​IMG] [​IMG]repond average price: 10k
    [​IMG] [​IMG]ogre thrashing average price: 1k
    [​IMG] [​IMG]orc slaying average price: 2k
    [​IMG] [​IMG]troll slaughter average price: 1k
    [​IMG] [​IMG]silver average price: 200
    [​IMG] [​IMG]elemental ban average price: 10k
    [​IMG] [​IMG]blood drinking average price: 8k
    [​IMG] [​IMG]earth shatter average price: 5k
    [​IMG] [​IMG]elemental health average price: 1k
    [​IMG] [​IMG]flame dousing average price: 500
    [​IMG] [​IMG]summer wind average price: 1k
    [​IMG] [​IMG]vacuum average price: 500
    [​IMG] [​IMG]water dissipation average price: 1k
    [​IMG] [​IMG]exorcism average price: 10k
    [​IMG] [​IMG]balron domination average price: 9k
    [​IMG] [​IMG]daemon dismissal average price: 8k
    [​IMG] [​IMG]gargoyles foe average price: 1k
    [​IMG] [​IMG]arachnid doom average price: 8k
    [​IMG] [​IMG]scorpions bane average price: 1k
    [​IMG] [​IMG]spiders death average price: 5k
    [​IMG] [​IMG]terathan average price: 2k
    [​IMG] [​IMG]reptilian death average price: 10k
    [​IMG] [​IMG]dragon slaying average price: 9k
    [​IMG] [​IMG]lizardman slaughter average price: 1k
    [​IMG] [​IMG]ophidian average price: 2k
    [​IMG] [​IMG]snakes bane average price: 1k
    Monster Statues
    Monster Statues drop as a rare drop from most boss monsters, and are occasionally options to be chosen for holiday rewards.
    [​IMG]beholder statue average price: 750k
    [​IMG]cave troll statue average price: 500k
    [​IMG]colossus statue average price: 800k
    [​IMG]dark one statue average price: 750k
    [​IMG]diseased blood elemental statue average price: 1M
    [​IMG]easter bunny statue average price: 500k
    [​IMG]efreet sultan statue average price: 1M
    [​IMG]elemental commander statue average price: 1.5M
    [​IMG]fluffy jr statue average price: 600k
    [​IMG]fluffy statue average price: 750k
    [​IMG]forest troll statue average price: 500k
    [​IMG]gamayun statue average price: 750k
    [​IMG]golem lord statue average price: 400k
    [​IMG]golem statue average price: 350k
    [​IMG]harrower statue average price: 1M
    [​IMG]holiday turkey statue average price: 600k
    [​IMG]jungle titan statue average price: 750k
    [​IMG]lord oaks statue average price: 3M
    [​IMG]mephitis statue average price: 1.5M
    [​IMG]mountain troll statue average price: 500k
    [​IMG]ogre mage statue average price: 750k
    [​IMG]ophidian queen statue average price: 1M
    [​IMG]rabbit of caerbannog statue average price: 750k
    [​IMG]skeletal horse average price: 3M
    [​IMG]terathan infiltrator statue average price: 1M
    [​IMG]true harrower statue average price: 800k
    [​IMG]wyvern monarch statue average price: 750k
    Fishing Items[​IMG]
    Shipwreck Items
    There are hundreds of each shipwreck item available on the shard, with more and more being found each day. Because of this, they do not sell for much. Pillows are dye-able, which makes them perhaps the most sought-after.
    shipwreck items average price: 200
    pillow average price: 500
    bone average price: 400
    staves average price: 200
    broken keg average price: 250
    painting average price: 400
    shell average price: 200

    Ancient Message-In-A-Bottle (AMIB)[​IMG]
    red amib average price: 60k
    blue amib average price: 65k
    purple amib average price: 90k
    green amib average price: 100k

    WandsWands are generally found in dungeon chests, and to a lesser extent on monsters.[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Item Identification wandsItem ID wands spawn with 30 to 200 charges.
    item id wand average price: 15gp per charge
    Greater Heal wandsGreater Heal wands spawn with 1 to 5 charges.
    greater heal wand average price: 400gp per charge
    Lightning wandsLightning wands spawn with 1 to 20 charges. The lightnig bolts are delivered as if the wand user has 60 Magery and 0 Evaluate Intelligence, so they do less damage than the typical lightning bolt cast by a developed mage character.
    lightning wand average price: 100gp per charge
    Fireball wandsFireball wands spawn with 1 to 20 charges. The fireballs are delivered as if the wand user has 60 Magery and 0 Evaluate Intelligence, so they do less damage than the typical fireball cast by a developed mage character. Since Fireballs do less damage than lightning bolts, these wands are inferior (but still considered useful) to lightning wands.
    fireball wand average price: 50gp per charge
    Mana Drain wandsMana drain wands spawn with 1 to 20 charges. They are typically used to take down the Magic Reflect shield of an enemy, since mana drain cast from these wands will essentially never do any harm to the user they reflect back upon.
    mana drain wand average price: 100gp per charge
    Heal, Clumsy, Weakness, Feeblemind, Harm, Magic Arrow wandsThese wands are generally not considered useful, either having superior functioning wands available or casting spells that cost merely 4 mana and are more effective when cast by a mage character themselves.
    heal wand average price: 10gp per charge or less
    Monster Drops
    Daemon Bone Armor
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] Daemon Bone armor is a 1/50 drop from efreets. It provides the same AR as exceptional plain leather bone armor, which is craftable by players on UOR. An interesting note about daemon bone armor is that it spawns with 255/255 durability.
    daemon bone armor average price: 3k per piece
    daemon bone suit average price: 15k

    Sheep Farming Permit
    Required for the assurance of safe and eco-friendly sheep farming on UOR. Please see a [cA] guild member to purchase.
    sheep permit average price: 10k
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2016
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  6. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    Each character is allowed one house. Since UOR allows three account and five characters per account, this means a theoretical maximum of 15 houses per player. Land hoarding seems like a constant issue in UO shards, so this guide should hopefully serve to help new players know what (if anything) they should pay for a house.

    Spots currently available for free
    The largest house you can probably place right now for free is a Tower on Grass. Note that there might only be one or two places on the entire map where this is possible, so it takes some patience and searching. But this generally means you should not pay a premium for such a house unless there are other elements of the house that increase its price.

    Premium Housing
    There are no longer any spots to be able to place a keep, large keep, castle, or fortress directly. So there are two routes you may pursue to obtain one. One is to buy smaller houses in an area, then drop them all and replace them with a larger house once you can. The other is simply to buy a keep, large keep, castle, or fortress directly from another player.

    It is impossible to go through all of the intricacies of house valuation, but a short list of things people tend to like are:
    - isolation: houses with fewer neighboring houses tend to sell for more
    - low spawn: houses with fewer aggressive spawning animals tend to sell for more
    - land surface: grass tends to sell for more than ice, which tends to sell for more than jungle, which tends to sell for more than swamp
    - useful land features: if there is a shrine or moongate nearby, or some other functional land feature, this increases the value of a house
    - visual land features: houses near unique map elements, or even water or mountains, will sell for more than houses without such things
    - secure courtyard: THERE IS NO SUCH THING. It is safest to assume that the courtyard of any house you buy is compromised.

    Most people are concerned with how much they should pay for a basic version of these large houses, without any major contributing elements.

    Keep or Large Keep: expect to pay about 50k over deed for swamp or ice, 100k to 200k over deed for something on grass.

    Castle or Fortress: expect to pay 500k over deed for swamp or ice, 1M over deed for grass.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Be sure to check the courtyard if you buy a castle to ensure a fortress could be placed there, if that is what you ultimately want. A great place to test is on the Test Center server. 95% of the time, a fortress will fit on a castle spot, but occasionally there will be a tree that sits in the side or rear area of a castle courtyard that would be lock a fortress from being placed.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2014
  7. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    Magic Weapons and Slayers
    Pricing of magic weapons and slayers does not always follow a set formula, but I will try to do that here for estimation purposes. Otherwise we'd have hundreds or thousands of combinations of properties we'd have to list and update prices for.

    Base Weapon Price
    100gp if top-tier: bow, crossbow, double axe
    75gp if high-tier: long spear, short spear, war fork, kryss, halberd, quarterstaff, katana, war hammer, war axe, large battle axe, two handed axe, battle axe, axe, executioner's axe.
    60gp if mid-tier: bardiche, maul, mace, war mace, hammer pick, scimitar, cutlass, long sword, broad sword, viking sword, heavy crossbow.
    25gp if low-tier: gnarled staff, black staff, dagger, pitchfork, cleaver, hatchet, pickaxe, butcher knife, skinning knife, club, shepherd's crook.
    Tactics Modifier
    no modifier: ignore this step
    +5 = 1.5x
    +10 = 2.0x
    +15 = 3.0x
    +20 = 4.0x
    +25 = 6.0x

    Damage Modifier
    no bonus: ignore this step
    Ruin = 1.5x
    Might = 2x
    Force = 5x
    Power = 10x
    Vanquishing = 30x
    *note: if weapon is Exceptional, move it up two spots in this list. So if weapon is "Exceptional Force", it would get the Vanquishing modifier. If it is plain Exceptional, it would get the Might modifier. If it is "Exceptional Might" it would get the Power modifier.
    Slayer Modifier
    no slayer: ignore this step
    Silver: 3x
    Repond: 22x
    Ogre Thrashing: 8x
    Elemental Ban: 25x
    Earth Shatter: 25x
    Exorcism: 15x
    Balron: 4x
    Daemon Dismissal: 18x
    Arachnid Doom: 10x
    Spider's Death: 7x

    How to use this:

    1) find the base weapon price
    2) multiply it by the Tactics Modifier
    3) multiply that by the Damage Modifier
    4) multiply that by the Slayer modifier
    Last edited: May 15, 2015
  8. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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  9. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    still reserving
  10. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    Last edited: Sep 23, 2014
  11. Wodan

    Wodan Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 3, 2013
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    Holy moly I never thought this was gonna be NEARLY as massive ...

    (that's what she said ... lol)
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2014
    Yukon Jack and Infantry like this.
  12. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    EDIT: hit me with what ya got. Suggestions on things to add, price suggestions, etc. I tried to do my best but had to get a bit formulaic with some of the rares, just looking at the quantity in existence on the shard and making rules from there.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2014
    Mes likes this.
  13. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
    Zyler likes this.
  14. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    bod sandals image clipped [​IMG]

    great guide so far, one of the few that would really help me
  15. Fisher of Men

    Fisher of Men Member

    Jun 21, 2014
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    Lol. Good luck to anybody trying to be a merchant (buy low/sell high) on this server from here on out. (Some people may term this ripoff artist...either way it's dead now.)

    I have one suggestion you might consider. I feel like on some things, particularly commodities, it may be better to show a range, rather than a hard average. The reason I say this is because I would hate for a new player to feel discouraged in at least asking for a little more cash for his hard work, especially if he has a lot of something.

    (ie: player Jeff farms 25k boards, offers them for sale at 3g each, and they sell instantly. player Jeff probably could have got 4g each out of them if he had just asked.)

    Also, I think the price for anything "in demand"...commodities...good magic items...can fluctuate dramatically based on how many eccentric billionaires attend an auction,

    Overall, I really, really like this.
  16. Markos

    Markos Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Are the prices on some of these rares your assumptions? or do you have previous sales records to validate these claims?
  17. ErikdeRed

    ErikdeRed Active Member

    Jan 11, 2014
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    Like always, well done Dalavar!
  18. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    Thanks for the feedback and suggestions so far.

    Mes, that image (and some others with imperfect black backgrounds) should be fixed shortly.

    Gideon I will update many things per your suggestion, and I also got some feedback from ReZon so I will combine where appropriate.

    Markos, it is a combination of what I see on vendors, what I've sold and bought for, what I have anecdotally heard and seen sold, and assumptions based on aesthetics and availability in the future (i.e. how many are there, how often do they spawn, etc.). If you have any specific feedback, I would love to hear it.

    Fisher of Men, I considered the range, but I think it adds inaccuracy and uncertainty. I will add a note at the top about ranges and supply and demand, it of course applies. If I am doing the average price correctly, it should be the one single most important number, but people should always use their best judgment and feel.
  19. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    Bookmarked -- if anyone should know what market rates are it's you.
    Cherie likes this.
  20. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Aug 25, 2012
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    Dalavar StatMage with another win

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