Faction Recalling & Invis

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by Double Vision, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    100% sure that when factions was added when your attacked even if your not the agressor you can't recall or go in gates. It starts a 2 minute timer that negates you recalling or going in gates during that time. You get the message "wouldst thou flee during the heat of battle message. Not sure if this is the code it's what I found so far

    else if ( Server.Spells.SpellHelper.CheckCombat( m ) )
    m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1005564, "", 0x22 ); // Wouldst thou flee during the heat of battle??
    return false;

    Is suppose to be true I believe, unless that's for something else, I really haven't been able to go threw all the codes.

    This was added because people would get red lined and recall, med up heal and come back to fight. Also deters people from stealing the sig and just running in a moongate to get away which I been doing lately dodging 3 faction guys by using the moongate. So when you steal the sig and get attacked they have 2 minutes to kill you before you get to the gate.

    Also your not supose to be able to inivis with the sig on you which I have been also doing lately.
  2. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    "Carrying a sigil will prevent you from recalling, using player made gates (both the gate spell and moonstone gates), hiding, and teleporting. Additionally, other characters will not be able to cast invisibility on you."
    That is from the publish notes and oddly does not explicitly state that you cannot invis yourself. Perhaps because it is only temporary? I searched the release notes extensively for anything regarding Recalling (and then Invis) in Faction combat.

    There is no data to substantiate the claim that one was unable to Recall, even in Factions, simply from being attacked. Perhaps you're recollection is %100 because you always fight back, or the vast majority of opponents do/would?

    I don't think this would be the case because it would basically put every non-combatant Faction player at risk of getting slaughtered by combatant characters.
    Fighting is not the only facet of Factions. If you have more data than the snippet of code that is played when you try to Recall after joining combat, please share.
  3. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    Joining factions you take the risk no matter what it's how it ALWAYS has been there is no safety net because you wonder in town on a crafter and don't wanna die, you make the choice signing up in factions, I remember on osi when we wanted faction weapons made or something we had to go track and reveal the area then gate in our crafter and protect him so he didn't get killed while making the faction armor and weapons then gate him back out real quick, There was big risk taking a crafter in town in factions. I'll do further research into it but a few people in irc remember this , so you may have looked at one patch but there where alot of patch notes from renassiance up till AOS just like the most important patch not everyone missed about statloss that was public that this server has added in alot from.

    I know this won't get added in cause to many people complain about risk on this server, yet say they want risk which makes no sense but I almost postive this was the way it was in uo renassiance so I'll post again when I find evidence.
  4. Tater Salad

    Tater Salad Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Nov 15, 2012
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    I don't understand why people keep asking for data when clearly if "data" were the case then we would be throwing bola's, able to set the taxes on a town, have more then one bonded pet... Why even waste time finding "data"

    We might as well discuss valid ideas and suggestions. Maybe one day we can do this without the argument of I don't like you so your idea sucks, or I can't find data. How about, that's a good idea, or no that will adversely affect game play.

    As far as recalling inside a faction base, or while not the aggressor, I can off of the top of my head think of three exploits to this, and I am sure some other more creative people will think of more.

    a) Dexxer runs in to base with recall precast, waits to be attacked then hits back, recalls if low.. repeat until other person is dead.

    b) Cast EV's, let them target yourself, lure up to opposing faction, recall

    c) Thief greifing, run up not make it recall, run up not make it recall, instead of dying and waiting the 10 minute stat loss
  5. Mutombo

    Mutombo Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2012
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    If you are in factions you have by consent agreed to PvP. You should not be able to recall regardless whether you are the aggressor or not.

    As for invis.... I do not see why invis is not valid.

    Recalling while in factions though is absurd. Even if you are not the aggressor, if you are attacked you should NOT be able to recall. End of discussion.
  6. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    You're being pessimists saying 'I know this won't get added in'.

    In fact, I would not be upset if this were added in, I would just have to take more precaution and expand my game window to see your tags coming before you're in range to target me.

    I am sharing my opinion that I don't agree, and yet you will jump to the conclusion that I do so because of something against you or others. I specifically researched this and found nothing to support the claim. It is certainly a valid idea, but %100 sure should be backed up by data. That is all I was asking. Please show me where this was the case, ever. I have never seen an instance in UO (granted I didn't play Factions) where one could not Recall if they were attacked.

    I don't think it should be the case but I'm not going to 'rage' or quit over it if the staff decides to add something that simply did not exist.
  7. yaadood

    yaadood Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    Yes, when you sign up for factions you are taking the risk for "getting slaughtered by combatants". That's the first rule of factions, all other "facets" of factions orbit around this.

    I remember the heat of battle sysmessage. I believe it was during any fight, but I don't remember it being 2 minutes. I remember you could offscreen and hide for a very short time and recall pretty quickly after the battle started. It definitely 110% was part of OSI.

    It doesn't really matter about era accuracy code at this point, we as a shard have a pragmatic, picked and chosen feature system from several eras.
  8. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Cool, so now we're up to %110. Like I said, I would simply like to see some information to substantiate that this was ever the case.
    I'm not %110 opposed to it being implemented I'd just like to know if it ever was, in any era, ever.

    Two people's recollection does not equal fact. It doesn't need to be fact to be added, but it would definitely help your motion.
  9. yaadood

    yaadood Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    its more than two people. it's pretty common knowledge to remember the pain in the ass sysmessage that said "thou would not flee during the heat of battle" etc. it was the bain of my existence on a number of occasions pvp'ing on osi.
  10. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    Can't argue with a know it all, especially one who never played OSI just free servers.
  11. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    You are both certain it wasn't because you always attacked back? Not going to assume that was the case, but 'he said, she said' is not fact.

    As I've said, I think multiple times now, I wouldn't be upset if this were implemented but I have yet to see anything to suggest it was actually that way, ever, on OSI.
  12. Tater Salad

    Tater Salad Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Nov 15, 2012
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    I think we should get off of this show me data kick. It's not productive. If its something a lot of people remember, but can't find a link buried from 10 years ago it does not mean it should not be considered.

    Besides I can show you data that you could throw bolas. What does that prove?
  13. Vagingo

    Vagingo Member

    Sep 18, 2012
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    heat of battle was only for aggressors. i remember ppl prepping recall and running into faction fights then recalling just to annoy ppl. the recall spell should take longer for everyone though.
  14. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    It proves you're not making things up to suit your play style, for starters.

    All I've said is that I'd like to see data, or know if it was actually an existing mechanic. I don't believe it was. I'm not entirely opposed to it being the case, but I like information. Do you have any?

    Ideas are great, let's keep them coming. They won't be ignored because you can't back it up with data, I'm positive.

    I do not think it is fair to subject Faction Crafters to this rule, if it is ever implemented. Also, I won't be able to resurrect without risk, becuase you're not going to ask if I'm statted or not before attacking.
    This option would basically make it easier to res-kill or attack non-combative Faction players. Factions is not solely about PvP, or there would be no Faction Crafting.
  15. Tater Salad

    Tater Salad Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Nov 15, 2012
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    Explain non-combative faction char please.
  16. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Faction Crafters.
  17. Tater Salad

    Tater Salad Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Nov 15, 2012
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    You're going to face the same risk, crafter or not, if you decide to join the faction. As far as no risk of res killing I can loan you my trammel moonstone.
  18. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Because DV presented his case as a historical fact. That definitely calls for a request to prove it. If he had presented it instead as just 'a good idea', that would have been a different story.
  19. Vagingo

    Vagingo Member

    Sep 18, 2012
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    i dont see how this has anything to do with res killing since u wont have any regs or runes to recall with on a new res. i never understood why ppl got mad about res killing anyways. just res somewhere else. and i think his recall change only applies to factions so non faction ppl wouldnt get the heat of combat even if attacked by factions.
  20. Robbbb

    Robbbb Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    The reason I can see not to impliment this is that it will give anyone in a faction a 2 minute window to run up and attack you and then call their entire guild in to gank you. You have no way to escape and would, for the most part, always be doomed. Players like me that dont play in a guild would be completely out matched and that is unfair.

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